Anonymous ID: 2d995d June 12, 2019, 8:14 p.m. No.6738718   🗄️.is 🔗kun

On the subject of the Jewish meeting with Democrats…

Who was at the Bilderberg meeting?

Trump Jr.'s leaked testimony revealed that he did not, in fact tell President Trump about the meeting.

However, remember that President Trump stated that his son called "A New York real estate developer… Great man… Loves his country…" Who was that man, if not DJT… And what is his country?

Anonymous ID: 2d995d June 12, 2019, 8:41 p.m. No.6738934   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8968 >>9107


This game isn't hard to see through, anon.

Mueller was put in charge of the Special Counsel. The Special Counsel was empaneled by bad actors. Mueller was the zoo keeper.

Kushner was the insurance on the Trump campaign. There was an effort against Cruz, as well. Here is the trick… They never THOUGHT she would lose. They KNEW she would lose. The plan was always to use whoever ran against Hillary as the catalyst for a war with Russia.

See my prior post. Kushner brought on Manafort, who brought on Page. Kushner set up numerous meetings and was also the one who ultimately hired no-name Papa-D and sent him off to play with Australians.


Why? Kushner married Ivanka for a business deal.

Ivanka is networked to Deripaska

It's relatively loose, but it could be used to use sanctions to freeze or seize assets. The logical way to avoid this would be to have her assets transfered to Jared. Or - the assets could simply be bought at the federal auction. Perhaps Soros has a debt forgiveness plan.


The plot is more straight-forward than it appeared. It was believed that classification could be used to redact key reports regarding Carter Page, Paul Manafort, Flynn, etc. These people were all at one time or another tapped as FBI or CIA sources and their activities well known to intelligence operatives. The redactions to protect sources and methods could be used to paint the image that Trump was a Russian agent or otherwise compromised by the Russians.


This is also key to part of Q's disinfo. Q had the deep state believing he was a psy-op against us and President Trump. It's so dark where these people work that the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing. It became clear, however, with Mueller's report that the plan they trusted in had gone awry.


Or, perhaps they truly did believe Hillary was going to win and they were going to spring the Russia hoax to try and support a war that way. I would say they are absolutely fucking retarded if that was their plan - but… You know…

Anonymous ID: 2d995d June 12, 2019, 8:54 p.m. No.6739010   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Seeing as I have been calling this game in step with how it is proceeding and not really been surprised by any development…

Sure, I believe myself.


If you did a bit of researching, you'd see straight through this entire thing. Like I said, it's not hard. You all just get distracted by emotions. The writing is on the wall.


"Mueller a bad man!"


No. Mueller has been there the whole time, documenting each time the deep state took more power out of the box than they were supposed to. That was his job as part of this 30 year long operation (actually a bit longer - and one could argue it is a war that has been going since Lilith and Adam - but that's just one perspective and interpretation).


If Mueller was a bad man, he would have accused the President of Obstruction. He, instead, told the democrats to read the report and decide for themselves.

What's under the redactions? Congress can find out - and must - if it wishes to enact its power responsibly.


Learn to play the game.