Anonymous ID: dbb98e June 12, 2019, 7:35 p.m. No.6738378   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Hungarian Govt: “Families are more important than economic growth”


More based awesomeness from Hungary.

Amid its launch of a new budget aimed at supporting families and halting its demographic decline, the Hungarian government told Breitbart that it believes thriving families are more important to its society than economic growth.


This week, Hungary’s government – led by Prime Minister Viktor Orbán and his ruling Fidesz party – introduced new measures which beginning in 2020 will fund the new Family Protection Action Plan. The plan is expected to increase funding for families by 695 million euros, making for a total of nearly 4.1 billion euros in subsidies for Hungarian families.


The new budget comes a few months after Prime Minister Orbán first announced that Hungary would be seeking to implement drastic changes that could see women with at least four children excused from having to pay taxes on their income for the rest of their lives.


While speaking with Breitbart London, a government official indicated that there was an unmistakable distinction between Hungary’s approach to population decline and that of its Western European partners, who often choose to important people – usually from developing countries – instead. The government spokesman said, “Europe is at a crossroads. Western Europe seeks to address the problem of demography with simple solutions which only offer short-term success, but convey catastrophic consequences in the long run.”


The Fidesz party spokesman continued, saying, “Hungary has a long-term approach and opts for the more difficult path, as a result of which, however, Europe could become an economically strong, rejuvenated continent. Either we encourage births by placing the interests of families in the focus of politics, or we encourage ever further flows of migration.”


The Hungarian government’s high ratio of family funding to its GDP reflects that it has prioritized the family over economic growth merely for the sake of economic growth.


“Our goal is to halt Hungary’s demographic decline using family support measures,” the spokesperson said, adding, “What we need is not numbers, but Hungarian children: we’re not seeking to sustain an economic system, but Hungary, the Hungarian nation and Hungarian history; we want to encourage the continuation of our families for several generations.”


The spokesman also mentioned how Hungary was looking to persuade other countries in Europe on the upsides to having stronger family policies in place.


“So the hostility to the childbirth incentives program stems from the fact that those who want to solve Europe’s demographic problems through migration abhor family policy. The converse is also true: we who want to solve the problems of Europe and our own country through family policy abhor migration, he explained.


Italy – with its national populist Interior Minister and de-facto leader Matteo Salvini – is one Western European country which has looked to emulate the Hungarian family policy. Salvini has clearly stated that he strongly supports pro-family policies, and he isn’t just talking about it. His party, the League, has proposed legislation that would give free tracts of rural land to Italian families with at least three children to assist in repopulating rural regions, the Italian newspaper La Stampa reported.


Hungary’s policies to increase family spending contrasts starkly with countries like Germany who have taken in excessive numbers of migrants. In 2018, German expenditure on asylum seekers reached 23 billion euros – a record level!!!

Anonymous ID: dbb98e June 12, 2019, 7:40 p.m. No.6738422   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8470 >>8629 >>8798 >>8958 >>8998 >>9008

Notables/News Moooooooooooooooooo!!


Conspiracy Nut Rachel MadCow Picked as Moderator for Candidates Debate!!


MSNBC host and conspiracy theorist Rachel Maddow will moderate the first Democratic primary debate along with NBC anchors Jose Diaz-Balart, Savannah Guthrie, Lester Holt, and Chuck Todd.


Maddow is the only one out of those who host an opinion-based TV show, which caused some people to raise eyebrows. It does not help that Maddow has dived into numerous conspiracy theories since President Donald Trump took office.


From The Daily Caller:


Jeff McCall, a media studies professor at DePauw University, told The Daily Caller:


I think the voting public would be better served if hosts of opinion shows were kept out of moderating campaign debates. That’s not to say that an opinion host such as Maddow couldn’t generate helpful questions, but the appearance is that an advocate is helping to referee the contest. Certainly, reporters also have their own values and perspectives, but the public normally expects reporters to come at any news event with some degree of objectivity. That is not the case for an opinion show host such as Maddow. NBC is, of course, trying to give their highest rated MSNBC host a promotional platform on this debate stage. I understand that, but it is unnecessary. Maddow already has a high profile among Democrat voters.


He also noted that Maddow’s selection is not unprecedented. During the GOP primary debates in 2015 and 2016, they had multiple “opinion-based panelists” including Hugh Hewitt and Mary Katherine Ham, adding that, “Their roles were rather limited, but they did participate on the panel. That was not a good idea either.”


She has obsessed over the supposed link between Trump and Russia, along with his taxes.


After the release of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report, Mike LaChance asked in a blog why people do not treat Maddow like other crazy conspiracy theorists like Alex Jones. Social media platforms had no problem erasing Jones and his conspiracy website, but Maddow still has a voice across all of them.


Even left-leaning Slate noticed and published a piece by Willa Paskin titled “Rachel Maddow’s Conspiracy Brain.” Paskin wrote after she watched Maddow’s show on the Mueller report (emphasis mine):


I’ll admit that I haven’t watched Maddow regularly for the past few years. Turning on her show this week was like discovering a Facebook friend is on the verge of a nervous breakdown. She looks the same as she did, she even sounds the same, but 15 minutes into a conspiratorial rant with no sense of proportion or, honestly, responsibility, you realize that something has gone wildly wrong: She wants to believe the instantly impeachable truth is out there more than she wants the truth, as gnarly and corrupt as it is. It’s easy to understand why this might appeal to the 4 million or so Trump-sick viewers who regularly watch Maddow’s program, but her audience is being served an alt-reality just as surely as Hannity’s is. If her audience of susceptible ostriches and amateur detectives, people who bury themselves in conspiratorial details hoping to unearth the one clue that will beam us out of this reality, is not as malignant as Fox’s audience of the hateful, aggrieved, and ignorant, in this one regard at least, what’s happening between MSNBC and Fox is not a contest: More than one cable news host can disserve their audience at a time.


Maybe the others can reel her in. The Washington Examiner‘s Philip Klein defended Maddow as he pointed out that when she moderated a debate between Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders, “she asked pointed questions of both candidates.”


However, she came under fire after she hugged each candidate. Maddow said she would embrace GOP candidates as well if she ever moderated a debate with them since she is a hugger.


I have doubts Maddow will act as she did in 2016 since it seems like Trump broke her like he has with others who suffer from Trump Derangement Syndrome.


How are your viewing numbers doing Rachel? Mooooo!

Anonymous ID: dbb98e June 12, 2019, 7:44 p.m. No.6738452   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Awesome WWII Marine Raider shares his stories with Marines from 1st Marine Raider Battalion


Story by Pfc. Melissa Ugalde

Marine Corps Installations West - Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton

It was humid and hot inside the courtyard of The Chateau at Harveston, so 92-year old veteran Charles J. Kundert sat in the shade and watched as the color guard from 1st Marine Raider Support Battalion presented the colors.

Kundert was visited by members of 1st Marine Raider Battalion on June 11, 2019 to honor his service as a Marine Raider during World War II.


“Mr. Kundert embodies Spiritus Invictus, meeting one of the original raiders of World War II was both an inspiration and truly an honor,” said a Marine Raider present at the event who asked to remain anonymous due to security concerns.

In preparation for the visit, Kundert laid out a display of all of his World War II memorabilia, including notebooks where he wrote his experiences every day during the war. He explained each one in detail to the 10 Marines present.


At the start of World War II, Kundert was still in high school finishing his senior year.


“We quickly realized that we were very vulnerable. On the west coast we had nothing. It didn’t look very good,” said Kundert.


A Temecula, California resident, Kundert enlisted in the United States Marine Corps in 1942 at only 17 years old.


“I went to boot camp in San Diego, infantry training at Camp Elliot and on July 1, 1943 I set sail for the South Pacific.”

While going through infantry training, Kundert volunteered to become a part of the newly founded Marine Raiders. The Marine Raiders were established during World War II to conduct raids behind enemy lines in light amphibious craft. They are often considered to be the first United States “special forces” of the war.


Kundert served honorably in World War II with 3rd Marine Raider Battalion. He reminisced on major events of World War II he was a part of.


“Bougainville was nasty, dirty, wet. It rained all the time and we were living in a swamp which makes it very uncomfortable. “


Alison Jordan, his daughter, and Anaya, his great-granddaughter watched along proudly as he talked passionately about his time to fellow Marines.


“He was very excited about this meeting,” Jordan said. “When he ended his enlistment they disbanded, The Raiders were no more. I think that always bothered him a little bit. When they brought The Raiders back he was excited about that. He was very excited to be able to share his stories and the memorabilia with the new Raiders. He was really looking forward to this.”


In 1944, the Marine Raiders was disbanded. Men who previously served in Raider units went on to serve with distinction from 1944 to 1945. In 2006, the activation of United States Marine Corps Forces Special Operations Command (MARSOC) paid homage to the Marine Raiders by incorporating the Marine Raiders famous knife, the Marine Raider Stiletto, in their detachment’s insignia.


In 2014, MARSOC announced that all units within MARSOC would undergo a name change. This changed Marine Special Operations Battalion to Marine Raider Battalion. Thus reviving the Marine Raider legacy.


“Meeting any military member of the greatest generation is an experience in itself, meeting a Raider hits just a little bit harder knowing he’s one of us,” said another Marine Raider present at the event who asked to remain anonymous due to security concerns.


Kundert waited over 30 years before he began reaching out to those who served alongside him and telling his stories.


“Not until probably 30 or 40 years later did he reconnect with them. He closed that chapter and moved on. It wasn’t until much later that he started being interested again,” said Jordan.


Now, Kundert is extremely proud of his service. His photo hangs on a wall in the lobby of his retirement home alongside all the veterans who reside there with him.


“There’s only one branch,” Kundert said. “United States Marine Corps.”


Thank you for your service Charlesanon

Anonymous ID: dbb98e June 12, 2019, 7:49 p.m. No.6738495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8553





GLENN RESEARCH CENTER, Ohio — NASA Administrator Jim Bridenstine paid a visit to the agency’s Glenn Research Center on Monday, June 10. During his visit Bridenstine noted how the agency’s latest lunar initiative – could make history with the first woman walking on the Moon.


The visit was part of a trip to Cleveland, Ohio, at the invitation of Senator Rob Portman, who asked Bridenstine to speak at a meeting of the Greater Cleveland Partnership.


Bridenstine met with numerous scientists, engineers, and other employees of the center who are working on various aspects of NASA’s effort to return humans to the moon. Under President Trump’s Space Policy Directive 1, the recently named Artemis program has been tasked with the goal of returning humans to the Moon by 2024.


Bridenstine then spoke to the media from the center’s Simulated Lunar Operations (SLOPE) lab, where rover designs, rover tire designs, and lunar regolith excavating equipment are tested.


“Glenn provides a lot of the capabilities and a lot of the technologies necessary to utilize the resources on the surface of the Moon,” Bridenstine said.


One of those capabilities is the Kilopower reactor, a small fission reactor developed at Glenn that is designed to deliver up to 10 kilowatts of power to a lunar or martian installation for as long as 15 years.


Glenn also is developing the power and propulsion element for the Lunar Gateway, a small orbiting station around the Moon that will serve as a waypoint for missions to and from the lunar surface. The Gateway will use solar electric propulsion, a capability that Glenn has also been a leader in developing.


“This president has said, under Space Policy Directive 1, we are going back to the Moon,” Bridenstine said. “He’s also said we are doing it differently than we’ve ever done it before. This time when we go to the Moon, we’re going to stay. We’re going to have robots and landers and rovers and humans, having access to any part of the Moon anytime they want. It is also true that we are going to learn how to live and work on another world, and we’re going to take those capabilities and those technologies and we’re going to do a mission to Mars.”


Bridenstine emphasized that these future missions to the Moon will be done sustainably, with the aid of commercial partners and international partners, and that utilizing the resources of the moon would be paramount. All of these efforts, he said, would be preparation for a mission to Mars.


“The Moon is not the destination,” he said. “Mars is the destination. It is the horizon goal. The Moon is a waypoint. At the moon we will learn to live and work on another world, on our way to Mars.”


Although Mars is the destination, Bridenstine explained that the upcoming effort to return to the moon will have some special moments and accomplishments in store.


“When we go to the moon this time, we’re going under a different name,” he said. “Apollo had a twin sister, named Artemis, and she was the goddess of the Moon. This time when we go to the moon, we’re going with a very diverse and a very highly qualified astronaut corps that ultimately will enable us to land not just the next man on the moon, but the first woman on the Moon.”


Bridenstine was asked if he knew who this next man and first woman on the Moon might be.


“We will go through a very arduous process to make sure we get the right people,” he said. “It’s also true that the next man and the first woman on the surface on the Moon are already in the astronaut corps. It’s not going to be somebody who comes along today and joins. It’s going to be somebody very well experienced and has all the tools necessary to make it successful.”


Well if a girl gets to go to the moon anons will be cheering too I am sure!

Anonymous ID: dbb98e June 12, 2019, 7:53 p.m. No.6738521   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8580 >>8653 >>8834 >>8850 >>8858



Study Finds Nearly 400 Medical Devices, Procedures And Practices That Are Ineffective!!


We like to view modern medicine as based on rigorous science, and while it certainly beats the various dangerous alternatives out there, sometimes physicians still end up adopting practices based on little evidence.


When a medical treatment, device or procedure is no better than previous or lesser alternatives, it's deemed a 'medical reversal'. These discredited practices are a major barrier to better and cheaper healthcare, but actually identifying them is surprisingly difficult and rarely done.


A recent study, designed to create a more comprehensive list, has unearthed nearly 400 established treatments, devices and procedures that fit this bill.


"We hope our broad results may serve as a starting point for researchers, policy makers and payers who wish to have a list of practices that likely offer no net benefit to use in future work," says hematologist-oncologist Vinay Prasad from Oregon Health & Science University (OHSU), who helped coin the term 'medical reversal'.


The findings are based on more than 15 years of randomised controlled trials, a type of research that aims to reduce bias when testing new treatments. Across 3,000 articles in three leading medical journals from the UK and the US, the authors found 396 reversals.


While these were found in every medical discipline, cardiovascular disease was by far the most commonly represented category, at 20 percent; it was followed by preventative medicine and critical care.


Taken together, it appears that medication was the most common reversal at 33 percent; procedures came in second at 20 percent, and vitamins and supplements came in third at 13 percent.


This line-up is unsurprising given the history of medical reversals that we do know about. In the late 20th century, for instance, sudden cardiac death was deemed a "world wide public health problem". Most cases were thought to arise from an irregular heart rhythm, and so a new generation of antiarrhythmic drugs were developed.


"Cardiologists began using these medications in widespread fashion," Prasad and another colleague explain in a 2011 paper.


"In the late 1980s, the Cardiac Antiarrhythmic Suppression Trial (CAST) was conducted to assess the safety of what was then commonplace. Interestingly, recruitment for the trial was hindered by physicians who refused to let patients undergo randomisation with a 50 percent chance of not receiving these medications."


In the end, however, the randomised trial found that the medication was even more deadly than a placebo.


"Once an ineffective practice is established, it may be difficult to convince practitioners to abandon its use," explains Prasad.


"By aiming to test novel treatments rigorously before they become widespread, we can reduce the number of reversals in practice and prevent unnecessary harm to patients."


While not all of these medical reversals are deadly, they are all, by definition, useless expenses. Past research in the US has predicted that in the Medicare population from 2008 to 2009, these services cost between $1.9 and $8.5 billion.


"In countries like the US, where there was a 20 [percent] increase in spending between 2013 and 2015, and drug prices alone surpassed the increase in aggregate health care spending, the identification and disuse of costly and ineffective (or possibly harmful) medications and practices are especially important," the authors write.


They point to Avastin as an example. This was a metastatic breast cancer medication, approved by the FDA in 2008; it cost each patient US$88,000 per year. The FDA removed its approval for the drug in 2011 after studies showed it did not increase survival.


This is exactly why Prasad and others are calling on the FDA and other similar agencies to not only raise the bar for future practices, but also to actively seek out independent, governmental and non-conflicted clinical research.


"The majority of reversal studies we found were funded by such sources (63.9 percent), with a minority funded solely by the industry (9.1 percent)," the authors write.


"Conversely, industry funded research represented between 35–49 percent of trials registered on during years 2006 through 2014."


The cost of doing nothing is not simply financial, either. If randomised independent trials are not conducted rigorously and these medical reversals continue to claim lives and cost absurd amounts of money, public trust in the medical system is bound to disintegrate.


Quack! Quack!

Anonymous ID: dbb98e June 12, 2019, 7:58 p.m. No.6738575   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8629 >>8798 >>8958 >>8998 >>9008

News/Notes Space




Bigelow Space Operations has paid deposits and reservation fees to SpaceX to take private astronauts to the International Space Station (ISS). The company says it will charge $52 million per seat for missions of one or possibly two months.


In a statement posted to Twitter, hotel billionaire Robert Bigelow said flights will begin after SpaceX’s commercial crew space transportation system is certified by NASA. Bigelow is President of Bigelow Aerospace and Bigelow Space Operations (BSO), as well as Budget Suites of America.


Bigelow asserts that BSO paid SpaceX “substantial sums as deposits and reservation fees” in September 2018 to secure “up to four” flights to ISS, each of which could carry as many as four people. The missions could last “one to possibly two months on the ISS.”


That statement is somewhat at odds with what NASA announced on Friday. ISS Deputy Program Director Robyn Gatens said the missions would last no longer than 30 days.


Bigelow said BSO would “digest” all the information NASA released on Friday to ensure the missions will be “responsibly performed.”


The price is $52 million per person.


NASA said it will charge $35,000 per person per night to use its resources on the ISS such as food, life support, and communications. That does not include the cost of transportation to and from ISS and any required training. Bigelow’s price presumably includes all of that.


Bigelow said in his statement that flights will begin “once the SpaceX rocket and capsule are certified by NASA to fly people to the ISS.”


SpaceX is developing one of two commercial crew space transportation systems under a public-private partnership with NASA. Its Crew Dragon spacecraft will be launched by SpaceX Falcon 9 rockets. It successfully completed the first of two test flights to the ISS in March. No one was aboard that mission, but it docked with ISS and the ISS crew conducted operations with it over 5 days before it returned to Earth and splashed down in the Atlantic Ocean off the coast of Florida.


In April, however, an “anomaly” occurred during preparations for an In-Flight Abort test that destroyed that very same Crew Dragon capsule. SpaceX and NASA continue to investigate what went wrong. SpaceX must complete the abort test and a crewed test flight to the ISS as part of the certification process. Dates for those tests are pending.


Boeing is building the other commercial crew system, Starliner. It has not conducted any of its required test flights yet, but NASA remains optimistic that at least one of the two systems will be operational by next year.


Bigelow Aerospace is better known in the space business for its expandable space modules. It has been working with NASA for many years on that effort and a small prototype, BEAM, is attached to the ISS right now. The company plans to build much larger modules for use in space or on the Moon.