Anonymous ID: 15623b June 12, 2019, 10:15 p.m. No.6739428   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9480 >>9667



>Cause of hardening of the arteries—and potential treatment—identified



High blood sugar damages the interior of blood vessels. Ongoing doses of vitamin C taken over the day can repair that damage. If that's not available, the body will patch the damage with cholesterol plaques.


Part of vitamin D's function is to maintain bone density, but it's essential to get enough vitamin K2 as part of that, otherwise calcium gets deposited in tissues, potential sites for cancer, instead of getting shuttled into bone. Vitamin D is also critical to the immune system.


Using antibiotics long-term sounds pretty ignorant. What would that do to the body's microbiome? That might be useful short-term or pulsed / cycled if the body's beneficial bugs are supported, otherwise it's guaranteed to create more problems down the road.


An ongoing study of diet to reinstate knowledge that has been lost and learn new findings, like identifying health fats and oils, eating fermented foods, incorporating nutrient-dense foods, along with all that other healthy lifestyle stuff, it's a project with incredible payback.

Anonymous ID: 15623b June 12, 2019, 10:42 p.m. No.6739520   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9545


>…how the Earth is supposed to just stop and reverse direction….


A double star system, with the two in elliptical orbits around each other, with the second sun hauling its planets and their moons, latching onto and yanking the crust of the Earth as it swings past, which has happened multiple times, that's what I read and I'm sticking to it.