I would have no conscience putting a bullet into abusers. The time is now.
Anti-Lynching Legislation Renewed
Senate Unanimously Passes Bill Making Lynching a Federal Crime
I think my swans have had their cygnets..I gotta go see…I may be back. Peace and LOVE; God Bless Patriots
It was just an announcement, I should have pics in the morning HOPEFULLY it wasn't swan fuckery lol. They mess with me all the time, but I WILL DROP baby swan photos when it happens…thanks anon. I appreciate your interest. stay tuned (last yrs cygnets to hold you over)
DUMBS cannot protect you from GOD
better than the 1/1024th American Indian claim
who needs fuckng television when you have INTERNET lololol
MAKE IT WORK FOR YOU instead of you, working for it
yeh, that queer came up in my @youtube…NOT
I already did my research and I doubt this goof could add anything
bobble head and strings attached
let's ask PapaD when this is all said and done…honey POT anyone?
ok, that's just scary as shit! My eldest son is being brain opped and I haven't seen him in ten fucking years. If he comes to me a she, I may have to kill it
Are you stupid? Transgen is EVIL. And EVIL will be perished
Shows how DEEP this goes, how long it took for those who had something to say to come forth…they waited until they BELIEVED there wasn't any recourse; there was no saving asses anymore…imagine thatQ