Clinton was just in Kosovo… Czech company…. Hmm….
My illuminati girlfriend is now looking down her nose at me because I failed to take up the Slavic languages diligently and am like a toddler staring at a newspaper….
Clinton was just in Kosovo… Czech company…. Hmm….
My illuminati girlfriend is now looking down her nose at me because I failed to take up the Slavic languages diligently and am like a toddler staring at a newspaper….
The hell kind of shill routine is this?
"Let's pretend like we're pedos swapping images or lurking."
If P is related to Properity, then it would likely mean…..
She worked in a hotel…
Peter Munk… Barrick Gold
Hang on…. Lot of old digs pre-Q coming to mind. Unfortunately, Munk is dead, so he can't be killed. But his estate was a massive part of the yacht club…
Clinton, Munk, McCain, etc. It is what it is as an Infowars article - but they are generally able to get events correct. Filter the poison from the well.
Can't find a quick link between Properity and Peter Munk, but sling a dead cat and I am sure it will hit something Munk owned over there.
Granted - I am rushing out on a bit of a limb with this. However, Eastern Europe is a nexus of weird shit with these billionaires, and Bosnia/Kosovo were basically a real-estate grab because Milosevic didn't want to play ball with them.
Well… Ain't this a whose-who of fuckery….
I've noted it in the past.
I may be a bad student but I have an excellent memory.
I'll just have to take up Serbian like I said I would. I can't be completely incompetent when I am traveling for that book I wanted to write, now can I?
Anyway - I'm thinking our assumptions about Q's outlining of P are flawed. I am not quite sure in what way, but I keep feeling like we are doing what so many did with the "dates" of Hillary/Huma indictments and not only assumed those to be dates, but also jumped to assume the arrest dates would be that same time.
We are seeing what we want to see rather than the "puzzle" or "code" as it is spelled out.
Now that is interesting…. 6/14, as well.
A lot possibly going on in that drop. My brain is feeling lazy, though.
I like how the Earth is supposed to just stop and reverse direction. We would need new physics to explain that. Well… After we picked ourselves up off the ground and figured out what in the actual fuck just happened.
Not that a bunker would save you if that was the case or if the crust got melted to slag, again. The crust is basically a razor thin film of oxide on the outside of a massive, molten ball of nuclear fission flying through space.
Actually… The fission part is kind of curious…. But I digress.
No, satan does not run. Satan deceives and sells you the armor of god. Think about that one for a minute.
As to the topic - some of us will be getting more vivid dreams as time goes on, it would seem. I don't know the full extent of techniques as possessed by various governments, but for those of us running the advance party and oversight of things, our … Briefing, of sorts, will be coming through.
Symbiosis takes many forms. Ugly Hood.
The thing is that experiences can only be understood within one's own perception. You can't understand what you have no concept of or proxy for.
But I digress. It will be a while before the religion shills are under the blade and we can have an honest conversation about the nature of souls and existence. God wins… Right? Question… When your god is satan in the first place - what does that mean for the prophecy?
It's a full time job tracking you down and purging you from the stars, you know. God loves the Space Marines.
That's radically overestimating the strength of tidal forces, and would only be the case if the star was much larger (or more dense) and its orbit passed between the Earth and Sol.
While I am a supporter of the idea the Sun has a binary companion - all estimates of its orbit place it around 24,000 years and to be the cause of the shear-edge in the Kuiper Belt. Some kind of body 3x the mass of Jupiter with an orbital period of 24,000 years.
Unless we are talking about some kind of rogue star traveling at near the speed of light, or something (a terrifying prospect), that is going to blow a hole through the system. But that is pretty much game over no matter how you look at it.
Agreed. I think many of us are playing with puzzle pieces meant for near the end of the show and trying to wedge them into the opening scene.
We're a bad audience, kek.
The problem is that while people may know evil when they see it, good is a much more difficult thing to understand. Basic animal instincts tell us evil is things we would not like having done to us. Most generally. There are times we invalidate this - training, for example is when we do things we often do not find comfortable as animals but need to go through to obtain a desired result.
Good is more complicated, however. Basic animal instincts are not a very stable ground. Sex may feel good - but pleasure of the moment can be very destructive to the things and people we value.
This is why we have the concept of law and morality. These are actions we have decided need to be punished to ward off the decision to engage in them, or disapproved of. These are rules put in place because simple animal instincts can lead us astray. Things that make us feel good - like revenge - are not what good people do. They realize that those instincts, while cathartic, are destructive and injust.
On what basis do we form law? Experience? Trial and error? Adjustment and evaluation? Divine decree?
If our laws are to be decided by a higher entity, then how are we to actually define between good and evil - other than the arbitration of … What?
A book? Scripture? How do you prove that scripture to be more good than another? How do you prove one institution to be more just or divine than the other when the whole argument devolves into hearsay of "my god is bigger than your god?"
At what point does that argument become an embodiment of evil - or does the enforcement of divine will become blatantly evil?
Video related.
As for the rest of my statement, it was in relation to the thread of replies. Suffice to say that what I am is more… Expanded… Than what many are used to understanding. It relates to Space Force, however. They know we exist - if they are not part of my corps in the first place.
Yamanus - the god of the church in Ugly Hood.
It's an interesting Korean manhuwa. You should check it out.
Whether you believe me or not is rather irrelevant. Nothing stops what is coming. The question that is most relevant to you is "what is God?"
Or, perhaps a better question… "Does the almighty particularly care if you worship it, or not?"
If you merely seek eternal companionship, then there are no shortage of demons looking to fill that void.
Satan groups you into subservient cucks who will create entire institutions that become dedicated to the ritual abuse of children and society as a whole.
Your "men of god" who TEACH YOUR DOGMA are out there selling open borders, sending cash to phony charities using it to run human trafficking, and are out there shaming society for resisting the onset of LGBT corruption.
You may not believe in evil, but you certainly serve under and enable it.
If you had it right the first time, you wouldn't need a return of the Messiah.
The bad people may think they own the entire system… But who writes the code? Does Soros go out there and protest for his own agendas? There are good people everywhere, looking for the opportunity to do good in the world.
When opportunity presents itself, the bad actors will procedurally routed. It is only by a slim factor of intimidation they hold power.
Video related. The U.S. was the fortress built to destroy the cabal. If you can read symbolism, you will understand who is in full revolt against the cabal.
It all relates to the precession of the sunrise on the equinox through the Zodiac constellations. Conventional theories claim this is caused by a "wobble" in the axis, but this does not hold up to scrutiny as lunar eclipse predictions map out perfectly without any accounting for "wobble." They would fail, otherwise - predictions from over a hundred years ago, for example, would be off. They are not.
There are also problems with sidereal time and other fun stuff that basically say it's impossible for precession to be caused by wobble. Nothing inside of our solar system precesses, either - so there is that.
What all of this means is that the whole solar system is precessing in accordance with a binary orbit.
Sounds like a contract with a demon, to me. "Give me your heart, your mind, your soul, and body… And gain power."
I would never ask people who follow me to abandon their own faculties. I would consider it disgusting if they were to do so, and a complete betrayal of everything I taught them. Mindless lumps of flesh, squeezed into a Kamui, are powerless garbage.
I told you all to learn to read symbols.