Anonymous ID: c28e6a June 12, 2019, 10:56 p.m. No.6739577   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9613


>Well the normal youtube comes out of the Adam and eve book and the supplement.

Are you talking about the Thomas Chan book?

Sounds like you been watching too much of Ben Davidson, lately…

Not sure why, but that dude has had a hard on for some incredibly sketchy theories, from some less-than-credible sources.


I read the entire Adam and Eve document. And researched a lot of the backstory. Think I have an idea of who the author is based on the credentials that were provided. The guy was smart, but when you see how connected he was to various "authorities", it really makes me question if this was not just made up as propaganda, then later released by a certain [agency], who has a tendency to mislead the public. Also, you have to look at some of the other things that were going on at the time, like the legal battles about what to teach kids in school, evolution (based off uniformitarianism) or creationism (based more off catastrophism). However Biblefags screwed things up for the kids by trying to cling to LITERAL interpretations of the Bible, instead of approaching it from a moar scientific perspective. It really could've been controlled opposition in order to hide truth, IMHO, but I wasn't there, so it's hard to say.


Pole shift theory is BS. I'm sorry to break the news to you. It's the next in line after Y2K and the Mayan Apocalypse along with every other hyped up piece of propaganda they force down our throats. First, ask yourself what causes Earth's magnetic field. Then take some time to learn about the physics involved with the Electromagnetic Force. Next, go listen to what [mainstream] "scientists" have to say. You'll laugh at everyone of them, like I do.


Personally, Ben's push for the "micronova" is what made me stop listening to him, altogether. For one, I tried watching that Doug Vogt douche-bag that he kept recommending and I couldn't even make it through one video. That dude is so an ex-C_A agent of some kind. Look at his other videos about hyper-dimensional bull-shit. You don't even have to watch any. Just read the titles and you know right away that guy is misinfo-fag all the way. Shame on Ben for being so stupid to fall for that… Unless, Ben is in on it. Who knows?


One thing I do know, is that most of the data they are reading that led to the assumption of a pole-shift is being poorly misinterpreted. Along with a shit ton of other BS theories that forced us into "learning", like Big Bang and shit like that.

Anonymous ID: c28e6a June 12, 2019, 11:49 p.m. No.6739715   🗄️.is đź”—kun


>Magnetic reversal can be found all over this mans globe. Just drag a magnetometer across the pacific and watch this pattern show up.


I completely understand that. which is why I asked what would cause the magnetic field to reverse.


>I have read physics all my life so yes I read and factor in.


Okay, so you understand that it would take an electrical current to create the magnetic field in the first place? Right!? Like I said. The "scientists" are misinterpreting this BIGLY!!!


>I come from a different place when it comes to Faith than you it seems.


You don't know where I'm from. . . I've studied quite a bit of a number of things…


I do this the Good/bad battle has been going on since the beginning and happens around us and we battle within ourselves.


Including scriptures. So, don't act like you know where I'm coming from… You save that preaching for the preacher.


>You would have to understand we had outside help with Y2K

You mean like aliems!? I think you lost me here…


Okay, so I'm going to explain it like this. There are several "anomalies" that are being completely misunderstood. For starters, when you look at the overall data about these "pole shifts" you don't see a re-occurring thing. You get a frequency. Stop for a second, and think about how alternating current (like that AC outlets in all your walls). The same thing happens with ordinary lightning or pretty much any other electrical discharge between two bodies.


Furthermore, there are several localized "anomalies" where the magnetic field will point in other directions, not just south. So, there does appear to be some variance. Especially when considering there are places where the magnetic field shows EIGHT times the strength as what we observe today. So, something probably happened…


The point is. They do have data. But before they read the data, they've already had several misconceptions already inserted into their overall "beliefs", and often what they see is something that took place MILLIONS of years ago. They've never once considered how a GIANT pulse of electricity flowing through the Earth in the past, may have affected what we see today. . .


Technically, if you want to go back and check your scriptures, then you'll see a number of references to these types of events. Only, if you understand what was going with the solar system at the time, then you will know that they are not likely to re-occur anytime soon… This was mostly planetary drama. A story of "creation". That humans had collectively witnessed all around the globe…


We still should not take these times of peace for granted. Which is why i initially spoke up about the bogus pole shift theory. Because you literally have a large portion of the more brilliant minds on the planet possibly wasting some of the best resources available to these fields of study on something that has little to no benefit for mankind. There are still plenty of things we'll have to watch out for in space, so it is very important for us to understand them. Or at least not be so ignorant that we force children into false concepts that may potentially hinder the progression of our civilization as a whole to the point where when we will need to do something about an incoming planetary body we can understand the best way to survive, rather than resorting back to killing babies as sacrifices to "the gods"… Just sayin'

Anonymous ID: c28e6a June 13, 2019, 12:19 a.m. No.6739811   🗄️.is đź”—kun   >>9819


>What all of this means is that the whole solar system is precessing in accordance with a binary orbit

Coincidentally, Earth lies in between the Jupiter and the Sun…