Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 9:10 p.m. No.6739113   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9257 >>9269 >>9342 >>9659

John Durham seeks interviews with two CIA officers over Russia investigation origins


The Justice Department intends to interview two CIA officers for its review of the origins of the Russia investigation. U.S. Attorney John Durham's team wants to talk to at least one senior counterintelligence official and a senior analyst who examined Russia's role in meddling in the 2016 election, according to the New York Times. Although formal requests have not yet been submitted, CIA Director Gina Haspel informed senior officials that her agency will cooperate, but will work to ensure that sources, methods, and intelligence provided by allies would be protected.


Attorney General William Barr tasked Durham, a U.S. attorney from Connecticut, with leading the inquiry focused on the origins of the counterintelligence investigation into President Trump's campaign, which the FBI began in the summer of 2016. American officials say Barr is interested in understanding how the CIA coordinated with the FBI and how the agency came to its conclusion that Russian President Vladimir Putin gave the order to sow discord in the election to help Trump and undermine his Democratic opponent Hillary Clinton.


The review is not a criminal inquiry, but should Durham find criminal activity he can take prosecutorial action. Top CIA officials are said to be anxious over the federal prosecutor's efforts. The Justice Department's examination of the early stages of the counterintelligence investigation into Trump's campaign has been cheered by Republicans and criticized by Democrats. After Trump granted Barr sweeping powers to declassify secret information and instructed a handful of agencies to cooperate with his investigation, House Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff panned the effort as a "disturbing" scheme to politicize intelligence. A DOJ letter written to House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jerry Nadler, D-N.Y., outlining the scope of its investigation said the review is "broad in scope and multifaceted" and includes a look at actions both by the U.S. government and by foreigners.


DOJ Letter Durham Review June 10 2019

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 9:22 p.m. No.6739187   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9221 >>9342 >>9720 >>9759 >>9778 >>9787

US death rates from suicide, alcohol, and drug overdose skyrocket to all-time high


A new study confirms that deaths from drugs, alcohol, and/or suicide have reached record numbers. According to the 2019 Scorecard on State Health System Performance, a study released by the Commonwealth Fund on Wednesday, the opioid epidemic and drug-related deaths continue to rise throughout the United States at alarming rates. West Virginia and Ohio notably out-pace the rest of the country.


With the highest rate of drug overdose deaths (57.8 per 100,000 residents) and the sharpest overdose mortality growth in recent history (10.5 deaths per 100,000 in 2005 to 57.8 in 2017 — a five-fold increase), West Virginia is by far the state hit the hardest by this crisis. "The rate of growth in drug overdose deaths in West Virginia is absolutely mind-boggling," said David Radley, a senior scientist for the Commonwealth Fund, to NBC News. Nine other states, plus the District of Colombia, have seen at least a three-fold increase in overdose mortality since 2005. Nationally, the rate of death from drug overdose more than doubled between 2005 and 2017. A 10% increase between 2016 and 2017 is also among the highest that the nation has ever seen within such a time frame.


The "Public Health Emergency" of the opioid crisis is not the only aspect to what the report calls "complex socioeconomic and behavioral health problems across the nation." Suicide rates have risen 30% since 2005. Between 2016 and 2017, they rose more sharply than at any one point in recent history. With a growth rate that doubled from 2% to 4% in recent years, deaths attributed to alcohol have also increased rapidly. Commonwealth Fund broke down these three categories into a state-by-state graph accessible to the public.


The Common Wealth Fund 2019 Scorecard on State Health System Performance


See this guys twitter name:

Rob Moore Pay Less

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 9:34 p.m. No.6739235   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9238 >>9342 >>9720 >>9759 >>9778 >>9787

Duncan Hunter’s wife to change plea in corruption case


Rep. Duncan Hunter’s wife is changing her not guilty plea in a corruption case alleging she and her husband misused campaign donations. Margaret Hunter’s attorney declined to discuss whether the change in plea means she is cooperating with prosecutors, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. She is scheduled to appear in court Thursday morning.


The California Republican congressman and his wife were indicted in August on 60 criminal accounts. They allegedly misused $250,000 in campaign donations on personal expenses, including private school tuition for their children, a trip to Italy, golf outings, and expensive meals.


“Throughout the relevant period, the Hunters spent substantially more than they earned,” the indictment said. “They overdrew their bank account more than 1,100 times in a seven-year period, resulting in approximately $37,761 in ‘overdraft’ and ‘insufficient funds’ bank fees.” The congressman blamed his wife for the alleged misspending, saying that she was in charge of the finances. Hunter was reelected in November even as he faced criminal charges, though he has been stripped of his committee assignments. His trial has been scheduled for September.

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 9:45 p.m. No.6739292   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9431 >>9720 >>9759 >>9778 >>9787

Prosecutors indicate they’re building national security case against Chinese Mar-a-Lago intruder


The prosecutors in the case against a Chinese woman accused of trespassing at President Trump’s Florida resort indicated they are building a national security case against her. A federal counterintelligence prosecutor requested to file “classified information” under seal Tuesday, indicating that authorities have evidence Yujing Zhang was more than a tourist visiting Mar-a-Lago, the Miami Herald reported. Assistant U.S. Attorney Michael Sherwin asked U.S. District Judge Roy Altman to seal evidence in the case under Section 4 of the Classified Information Procedures Act, which would allow the government to present evidence to a judge without disclosing it to the defendant in order to protect national security.


Her case is part of an FBI investigation into whether the Chinese are spying on Trump. The investigation originally centered on Li “Cindy” Yang, a South Florida business owner and Republican donor who has promoted events at Mar-a-Lago to Chinese business executives wanting access to Trump and his family, but expanded after Zhang’s arrest. Altman ruled Tuesday that Zhang, 33, can represent herself in court after she was found to be competent after she requested to fire her public defenders and be her own lawyer. Zhang pleaded not guilty to trespassing March 30 at the president’s Florida resort and lying to Secret Service agents about why she was at Mar-a-Lago. A judge denied her bail, saying she poses an “extreme risk of flight” if she is released from custody.


At the time of her arrest, she was carrying two Chinese passports, four cellphones, a laptop, and a device containing malware. In a search of her hotel room, prosecutors found a device that could detect hidden cameras and more than $7,500 in cash. She told security at a checkpoint that she was there to swim. Resort employees believed she was related to a member of the club and allowed her access to the property. But when she was approached by a receptionist, she said she was there for “a United Nations Chinese American Association event later in the evening,” according to the criminal complaint, but the receptionist said there was no such event. Assistant U.S. Attorney Rolando Garcia said in April there was “no allegation” that Zhang was involved in “any espionage.” No charges have been brought against Zhang under the Espionage Act.


note: Anyone think this could be a connection to Huawei?

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 10:06 p.m. No.6739386   🗄️.is 🔗kun

David Bossie exile from Trumpworld not expected to be permanent


President Trump's campaign all but called David Bossie a fraudster in a rare public rebuke. But after weeks out of the spotlight, the informal presidential adviser is said to be on track to return to Trump’s good graces. Trump erupted last month after a report that a Bossie-led group raised millions but spent little on political activity. Some donors said the group's presidential emblems and Pennsylvania Avenue address made them think they were giving to Trump’s campaign. Allies of Bossie, who served as a Trump deputy campaign manager in 2016, contend his reputation was besmirched by rivals vying for influence, an argument they made in response to a stinging press release from Trump’s 2020 campaign.


One former White House official said they heard last week from an “important” source that “matters have been patched up.” Other sources said they were unaware of whether Trump and Bossie reconciled but said they expect it to happen. “They will be fine, but don’t get carried away here,” a senior White House official said, casting doubt on whether Bossie and Trump already returned to good terms.


Trump's break with Bossie, the longtime leader of Citizens United, came after a report from the Campaign Legal Center that the Bossie-led Presidential Coalition group raised $18.5 million in 2017 and 2018 but spent just $425,000 on political activities. The little-known group spent much of its money on fundraising, along with a six-figure salary for Bossie. Additional funds went toward copies of Bossie's book Trump's Enemies, which he co-authored with former Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski. In a scathing statement, Trump’s 2020 campaign called for "the appropriate authorities" to investigate, saying: "There is no excuse for any group, including ones run by people who claim to be part of our ‘coalition,’ to suggest they directly support President Trump’s re-election or any other candidates, when in fact their actions show they are interested in filling their own pockets with money from innocent Americans’ paychecks, and sadly, retirements." “The president was livid when he learned about what David Bossie’s group was doing," a source close to the Trump campaign told the Washington Examiner last month. "He thought it was unconscionable to trick people into thinking they were donating to the Trump campaign when they were not."


A Bossie ally offered a different perspective, which could allow for Bossie’s return to Trump’s orbit, as is often seen with fired former aides, with the possible exception of Steve Bannon, the former White House strategist who accused Trump’s son Donald Trump Jr. of treason. “I don’t think there's any ill will at all on the president's part,” said the Bossie ally. “I don’t think there is any ill will whatsoever. I think the president recognizes all the work that Dave and his group have done over time, and continue to do.” The ally said Bossie’s group spent money during Supreme Court confirmation battles for Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh, and that Bossie has a long personal history with Trump.


“Dave has been one of the closest friends to both Mr. Trump, candidate Trump and President Trump that he has in Washington, D.C. And the president knows that and respects Dave Bossie and all the work he has done to get him elected and support his agenda,” he said. “Long before he ran for office, Donald Trump was calling Dave Bossie, asking for his opinion and advice.” The ally blamed the blowup on people "who don't want to see [Trump] continue talking to those individuals who have his best interests in mind" and who "want to isolate individuals who he has relied on and seeks advice and counsel from." One person familiar with the dynamics of Trump’s relationships with former advisers said they suspect the harsh rebuke may give the relationship a longer pause, but that “almost assuredly [a reconciliation] happens in the long term.” Spokespeople for the White House and Trump’s reelection campaign did not immediately respond to requests for comment. The IRS declined to comment on a potential investigation into the tax exempt 527 organization, saying it was prohibited by law from commenting on specific tax filers, and Fox News did not respond to an inquiry about Bossie’s absence from previously routine network appearances. Bossie did not respond to numerous requests for comment.

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 10:47 p.m. No.6739534   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Steven G. Rothmeier So this is quite interesting hmm


Airline executive's former castle in Eagan is now a family home

A secluded fairy-tale castle in Eagan begins a new chapter as a family home – turret, courtyard, carriage house and all.

Some pic's of interest here.

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 11:14 p.m. No.6739632   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9643

Obama White House Deleted Online Speeches About The Immigration Crisis Hours Before Trump Entered Office: Report

The Obama administration deleted hundreds of speeches and statements on the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) website just hours before President Donald Trump officially entered office, according to research released Tuesday. A collection of 190 transcripts of speeches on ICE’s website was deleted on Jan. 18 and late in the evening on Jan. 19, 2017, according to research conducted by the Sunlight Foundation, a nonpartisan organization that advocates for government transparency. Statements made by high-ranking ICE officials regarding controversial immigration topics such as sanctuary cities, E-Verify, treatment of detainees, and other issues were included in the reported deletions. “With a couple of clicks of a mouse, access to a federal government web resource containing 12 years of primary source materials on ICE’s history was lost,” the Sunlight Foundation wrote, noting that archived speeches dating back from 2004 were among those deleted.


Speeches from former acting ICE Director Thomas Homan, a public supporter of Trump’s immigration policies, were among those prominently included in the deletion list. A February 2016 speech delivered to the Senate Judiciary Committee by Homan was among those removed. Then the executive associate director of Enforcement and Removal Operations, Homan spoke about the “Unaccompanied Minor Crisis,” telling lawmakers how the agency and the Obama White House were working to manage the surge of young illegal children reaching the southern border en masse. In another example, a May 2016 transcript of Homan explaining why sanctuary jurisdictions put “the public at risk” was deleted, according to the Foundation. Other, less controversial, speeches were also included on the chopping block.


It is not yet clear why the Obama White House reportedly deleted these specific transcripts, and ICE did not respond to a request for comment from The Daily Caller News Foundation. While the Sunlight Foundation stated that outgoing administrations make routine changes to their websites, they also noted that some edits may be for “historical or political” purposes. “It is not inconceivable that an outgoing Democratic administration might want to avoid preserving these public stances for future scrutiny,” the Foundation wrote. “The removal of the ICE speeches collection represents the loss of a primary source history of the early days of ICE, dating back to its creation during the George W. Bush administration in 2003.”


Appendix 190 Removed Docs

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 12, 2019, 11:50 p.m. No.6739721   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9738 >>9749 >>9778 >>9782 >>9787

PATRIOTS Trump Pulled The Biggest ‘Top Gun’ Moment The White House Has Ever Seen


President Donald Trump had a full-on “Maverick” at the White House on Wednesday. Just before a joint press conference with Poland’s President Andrzej Duda, an F-35 Marine Corps fighter jet — the U.S. military’s most advanced aircraft — conducted the first flyover of the White House in more than 100 years. The aircraft also hovered above the White House, which is a skill unique to the Marine version of the fighter jet. Amber Athey, the Daily Caller’s White House correspondent, was on hand to witness the historic moment.

Anonymous ID: ff3af5 June 13, 2019, 12:04 a.m. No.6739763   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Questions Raised About Conviction of Conservative Texas Ex-Congressman


Painting imprisoned former Rep. Steve Stockman of Texas, an outspoken critic of then-President Barack Obama, as a victim of a complex, politically motivated runaway prosecution, defenders of the Republican ex-lawmaker are urging a federal appeals court to reconsider Stockman’s fraud-related convictions that garnered a 10-year prison sentence. Supporters say Stockman is being punished for his zealous pursuit of Obama-era wrongdoings, and in particular, for going after former Internal Revenue Service nonprofit division official Lois Lerner for targeting conservative nonprofits. “It was a totally political attack,” said Art Harman, who was Stockman’s legislative director during his recent term in Congress. “The prosecution was initiated two weeks after he introduced a resolution calling for the arrest of Lois Lerner,” Harman told The Epoch Times in an interview. “Unfortunately, [former Attorney General Jeff] Sessions did not review and dismiss politically motivated prosecutions after President Trump was inaugurated,” he said. “There were three grand juries that found nothing on him, but they kept spending taxpayer dollars to get him on something,” he said, comparing Stockman’s plight to that of embattled Trump confidant Roger Stone and now-imprisoned campaign manager Paul Manafort, who was convicted of crimes unrelated to the Trump campaign. In an interview, Stockman’s wife, Patti Stockman, told The Epoch Times her husband presented “a clear political target” for the Obama administration, describing the prosecutorial process as “a definite railroad job.” “They were spying on him,” she said. “I call it an investigative proctoscopy of his whole life.”