Anonymous ID: 6564a4 June 13, 2019, 2:49 a.m. No.6740105   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Interpreting Trump's tweet saying "BIDEN WOULD BE AMERICA'S DREAM CANDIDATE" (which he corrected to say "CHINA'S DREAM CANDIDATE):


Obviously every anon now knows these "errors" are not mistakes at all but are code and messages of importance. They may be intended to send a message to a specific person or faction, including us. In this case, I have a theory that the message was directed at Laura Ingraham herself.


Off the top, the tweets were addressed to @IngrahamAngle, and so I started by wondering if the “deliberate error” was a message directly to her.


Then I saw her show tonight and my jaw dropped when I heard her state at the end of her show:


"I think this is the brightest morning in America that we've had in this country in I don't know how long. I mean, [Trump] should walk into every room like he just hit the lotto. That's my view of it. Be optimistic and positive. Don't get stuck in these side issues that frankly don't matter to most people."


Right there, she stabs POTUS in the back, by summarily:


1) undermining the credit Trump clearly deserves for the "brightest morning in the country" (presumably referring to the great economy and other big wins) – which sure makes Laura sound an awful lot like Obama’s girl (as though Trump just inherited these wins through none of his own policies/actions);


2) Laura has the audacity to tell Trump how to campaign for himself, while his (true) poll numbers are obviously through the roof and he obviously knows how to win over the American people;


3) and, perhaps worst of all, she instructs POTUS to be more optimistic (he's nothing but optimistic) and to not GET STUCK IN THESE SIDE ISSUES THAT DON'T MATTER! Uh…which "side issues" would those be Laura. China's threat? The border? Human trafficking? The economy? Just what?!!! If Laura is trying to suggest that Trump's twitter battles are side-issues, well, again, she's playing naive (when I know she is not). Because we know (and so does Laura) that WE ARE AT WAR, and much of this war – at least what is visible to us – is being fought with words on Twitter and in speeches and EVERYTHING IS PART OF THE PLAN. Why undermine him if Laura is a patriot? He’s busy saving humanity!!!


So to me, smiling, blonde, plucky Laura and her pancake makeup just proved that she works for the Cabal. And the Cabal asked her to put a little shiv in POTUS's back and she obliged.


I'm increasingly convinced that ALL these Fox newscasters are Cabal actors, even though I think A FEW OF THEM have been offered deals to cover the news fairly and truthfully and give Trump the commendations he's due. The American people need that balance. After all, the rest of the Media continues to disparage and lie about him.


And I think Trump was maybe, MAYBE, sending Laura a message: “Remember the deal we made with you, because for years, you, Laura and all the other fake news flunkies at Fox have been engaged in criminal deception.” To stay out of jail, a few of these flunkies were given a chance, so there is at least SOME voice of truth in support of Trump in the MSM. But they have to play fair and live up to their side of the bargain. That means not capitulating to the Cabal's deceptive talking points any longer. With the proviso that the flunkies get the full safety for themselves and their families, thanks to the Secret Service That's what I think. It's a theory, but I think it might be right.


Define PROTECTION (noun)'


  1. the act of protecting or the state of being protected; preservation from injury or harm.

5. (Informal) …payment to the police…or other authorities for overlooking criminal activity.


If I'm wrong in my theory? Well, Laura still deserves a reprimand for playing a game this way. The fate of the world is at stake.


Watch the MP4 clip I've attached to hear it for yourself.