Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 6:20 a.m. No.6740655   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Putin dismisses 2 police generals over journalist Golunov case


Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed orders to dismiss two police generals, Andrey Puchkov and Yury Devyatkin, over the case of journalist Ivan Golunov, the Kremlin press service said on Thursday.


Interior Minister Vladimir Kolokoltsev earlier asked the president to sack them, and Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov said the petition “will be looked into in a timely fashion.”


Major-General Andrey Puchkov was the chief of Moscow’s Western Administrative District police force, which opened a criminal case against the investigative reporter. Major-General Yury Devyatkin headed the Drug Control Directorate of the Moscow police.


All charges against Golunov were dropped, and he was released from house arrest on June 11.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 6:26 a.m. No.6740683   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0730


WikiLeaks files detail CIA 'UMBRAGE' project, which would allow spies to pin attacks on other countries


The CIA had a special programme allowing it to trick people into thinking they had been hacked by other countries, according to WikiLeaks.


The agency was cataloguing the hacking methods of outside cyber attackers, including those from Russia, according to files published by the organisation. Once it had them catalogued, it could use them to break into other countries or people's computers or phones – making it look like a different country had done so.


WikiLeaks made specific reference to the Russian Federation. Tensions between the US and Russia have escalated in recent months, in particular since American intelligence agencies blamed the hack of Democratic emails – credited with swaying the election of Donald Trump – on the country.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 6:29 a.m. No.6740700   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0702

Papadopoulos Taunts Obama’s Crooked FBI: ‘The Secret Transcripts of My Meeting with Alexander Downer Are Ready to Come Out’


Former Trump campaign foreign policy advisor George Papadopoulos taunted Obama’s crooked FBI and Intel agencies on Wednesday evening and said the secret transcripts of his meeting with Australian diplomat Alexander Downer are ready to come out.


Papadopoulos admitted there are transcripts of his Spring 2016 London meeting with Alexander Downer because the Australian diplomat was most likely wearing a wire or recording their conversation.


“The transcripts of my meeting with Downer are ready to come out. America is ready,” Papadopoulos said while taunting James Clapper for his involvement.


Keep an eye on Clapper’s recent trips to New Zealand and Australia. He’s trying to cover his tracks along with those two governments which were willfully interfering in our democratic process! The transcripts of my meeting with Downer are ready to come out. America is ready.


— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) June 13, 2019

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 6:32 a.m. No.6740709   🗄️.is 🔗kun

BREAKING: Fascist Twitter Locks Out Project Veritas After O’Keefe Exposes Pinterest’s Censorship of Pro-Life Sites


Fascist Twitter temporarily suspended Project Veritas after James O’Keefe exposed Pinterest’s anti-Christian, anti-conservative bias.


Project Veritas interviewed a tech insider who blew the whistle on how Pinterest listed top pro-life sites as “porn” and censored Bible verses.


The insider, who wished to remain anonymous, described in detail how Pinterest blocks Christian terms and Bible verses by not allowing the terms to trend, blocking them from notifications and the auto-complete feature.


Pinterest also blacklisted pro-life group by classifying them as “porn” which ultimately blocked their URL from being pinned.


Ben Shapiro was labeled a white supremacist and his commentary was also censored in “zero tolerance moment.”


The Fascists at Twitter didn’t like their Fascist friends over at Pinterest being exposed by O’Keefe so they temporarily suspended Project Veritas’ account.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 6:46 a.m. No.6740795   🗄️.is 🔗kun








>The action of making something obscure, unclear, or unintelligible.


>This is known as obfuscation.


"I would not be fooled by the old myth that reporting is about objectivity. Deciding what is news is the most subjective of acts and it is probably the most important thing that we do."

~ Carl Bernstein

(1944-) American investigative journalist, author, Washington Post reporter for Watergate scandal


You mean like the MSM constantly telling half truths such as leaving out half of what Trump says and 30 second sound bites that lie to us constantly


CNN Caught Faking War Footage AGAIN, This Time in Syria


OR are you talking about them lying to us about spying on us constantly


Your Samsung SmartTV Is Spying on You, Basically


You may be loving your new Internet-connected television and its convenient voice-command feature—but did you know it’s recording everything you say and sending it to a third party?

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 6:52 a.m. No.6740825   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gun owners stockpile ammo before new California background check law begins


California ammo buyers are making a run on gun shops ahead of a new state law, which on July 1 will require buyers of bullets to show identification and undergo a background check to screen out felons and people with illegal firearms.


In a state with the toughest gun laws in the nation, Gov. Gavin Newsom and some other leaders see restricting ammunition sales as a necessary next step in reducing gun tragedies.


Newsom included restrictions on bullets in Proposition 63, his statewide initiative that was approved by voters in 2016 and that helped raise his profile for his run for governor.


“From San Bernardino to Ventura to Poway, too many Californians have already died from gun violence,” Newsom said last week. “I championed Prop. 63 because it is beyond time that we take common sense actions such as these to keep deadly ammo out of the wrong hands and protect our communities.”


The new law closes a loophole in existing rules aimed at reducing illegal weapons, supporters say, while some gun owners say it goes too far in infringing on the rights of law-abiding citizens.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 6:57 a.m. No.6740857   🗄️.is 🔗kun


But what a fool believes, he sees

No wise man has the power to reason away

What seems to be

Is always better than nothing

Than nothing at all…kek

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:01 a.m. No.6740873   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Syrian Army strikes Turkish military post in northwestern Hama


BEIRUT, LEBANON (11:00 A.M.) – The Turkish military has come under attack this morning after the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) fired several artillery shells towards their observation post in northwestern Hama.


According to a local report, the Syrian Arab Army fired several artillery shells towards the town of Sheir Magher, which is where the Turkish observation post is located in northwestern Hama.


The Turkish Ministry of Defense has now confirmed the attack. They did not report any casualties as a result of this latest attack by the Syrian Arab Army.


A source from the Syrian military said that the Turkish Armed Forces have not responded to the shelling, as it was a mistaken attack on the observation post in Sheir Magher.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:07 a.m. No.6740916   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0923


>I think we need to be less angry, less hateful. More loving and accepting.


What's this WE shit kemosabe.. What happened to let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:11 a.m. No.6740936   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Italy, UK’s MI-6 aid the Durham probe of Brennan, Mifsud’s Trump Spygate


WASHINGTON, DC: As US Attorney John Durham launches a widespread probe into the origins of the Russia Hoax, foreign intelligence agencies implicated in the scandal are cooperating with the investigation. The government of Italy has fired the heads of two Intel agencies over the Brennan-Mifsud spying allegations.


As well as 4 of their top associates.


PM @GiuseppeConteIT has suddenly requested resignations from 6 deputy directors of Italian intelligence agencies: DIS, AISI and AISE.


Partito Democratico replies: “it’s a regime”, but in Rome, everybody knows its’ all about SpyGate and Trump sabotage.


— Giulio Occhionero (@g_occhionero) May 16, 2019


British spy Christopher Steele is also talking to Durham’s investigators.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:15 a.m. No.6740963   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0971 >>0984 >>0985 >>0997 >>1010 >>1034 >>1158 >>1326


Two CIA Agents Arrested by Minutemen while Crossing Mexican Border with 1300 Pounds of Cocaine


El Paso | A group of Minutemen watching the Mexican Border for illegal migrants and drug traffickers, have proceeded to the citizen arrest of two men in an SUV, carrying 1300 pounds of cocaine.


The volunteers were completely astonished when the two arrestees pulled out CIA ID cards and explained they were actually carrying the drug as part of their duties and that the cargo belonged to the Central Intelligence Agency.


The incident took place last night, in the Chihuahuan desert, near the Texan city of El Paso.


A group of seven Minutemen saw a large black SUV drive rapidly across the border. They chased the vehicle in their own trucks and achieved to immobilize it after a chase of more than 15 miles.


The vigilantes arrested the two men on board and called the border patrol, who proceeded to search the vehicle. They discovered dozens of packages of cocaine, totaling an incredible 618.4 kilograms (1363 pounds).


The two men claim to be CIA operatives based in Mexico and explained that the drug was actually part of an operation of the agency.


They presented identity cards that seem to validate their claim, but the CIA spokesperson, Dean Boyd, has officially denied any link between the organization and the two men.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:18 a.m. No.6740982   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1171

Bills To Require Breathalyzers In Cars, Mandatory Mental Health Assessments


Progressive liberal Democrat Rep. Kathleen Rice (D-NY) introduced two bills that have serious Constitutional implications. Her bills will encourage law enforcement into a police-state mentality that will be impossible to undo. ⁃ TN Editor


If you thought the TAPS Act was bad, wait until you read this.


Our politicians are hard at work introducing bills that promise to turn America into a mirror image of China.


Rep. Kathleen Rice’s H.R. 3374 bill, otherwise known as the End Drunk Driving Act, would put breathalyzers and ignition interlock devices in every new car.


According to the LI Herald, Rice wants to force auto manufacturers to put breathalyzers and ignition interlock devices in new cars by 2029.


“The End Drunk Driving Act would mandate that, within 10 years, all cars sold nationwide come equipped with technology that would detect a driver’s blood alcohol content and prevent the vehicle from moving if it is above the legal limit.”


With close to 280 million cars in the U.S. and over 226 million drivers licenses, nearly every American would be affected by this and other bills.


If Rice’s bill is passed it would effectively turn 226 million people into suspects.

SEC. 3. Advanced Technology To End Drunk Driving:

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:23 a.m. No.6741003   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1013 >>1052 >>1070 >>1335 >>1386

6G Will Combine AI With Real-Time Speeds Of 1 Terabyte/Sec.


If 5G is just a stepping stone to 6G, then hold on to your seat. AI plus instantaneous connections will enable ad-hoc networks of things and people to achieve unheard-of outcomes. ⁃ TN Editor


Mobile-phone technology has changed the way humans understand and interact with the world and with each other. It’s hard to think of a technology that has more strongly shaped 21st-century living.


The latest technology—the fifth generation of mobile standards, or 5G—is currently being deployed in select locations around the world. And that raises an obvious question. What factors will drive the development of the sixth generation of mobile technology? How will 6G differ from 5G, and what kinds of interactions and activity will it allow that won’t be possible with 5G?


Today, we get an answer of sorts, thanks to the work of Razvan-Andrei Stoica and Giuseppe Abreu at Jacobs University Bremen in Germany. These guys have mapped out the limitations of 5G and the factors they think will drive the development of 6G. Their conclusion is that artificial intelligence will be the main driver of mobile technology and that 6G will be the enabling force behind an entirely new generation of applications for machine intelligence.


First some background. By any criteria, 5G is a significant advance on the previous 4G standards. The first 5G networks already offer download speeds of up to 600 megabits per second and have the potential to get significantly faster. By contrast, 4G generally operates at up to 28 Mbits/s—and most mobile-phone users will have experienced that rate grinding to zero from time to time, for reasons that aren’t always clear.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6741020   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Your a FKing naive idiot


The CIA, the drug dealers, and the tragedy of Gary Webb

In 1996, journalist Gary Webb began looking into links between Nicaragua's drug-running Contra rebels and the CIA. As a recent film shows, what he found killed him


Gary Webb knew his story would cause a stir. The newspaper report he'd written suggested that a US-backed rebel army in Latin America was supplying the drugs responsible for blighting some of Los Angeles's poorest neighbourhoods – and, crucially, that the CIA must have known about it.


Dark Alliance was a series written by California-based reporter Webb and published in the San Jose Mercury News in 1996. In it, he claimed the Contra rebels in Nicaragua were shipping cocaine into the US. which was then flooding Compton and South-Central Los Angeles in the mid-Eighties after being turned into crack – a relatively new and highly addictive substance sold in 'rocks' that could be smoked. Webb also said the CIA was aware that proceeds from the sales of those drugs were being funnelled back to help fund the Contras.


Dark Alliance has been called one of the most explosive and controversial exposés in American journalism, and was the first investigative story to "go viral". Webb didn't anticipate some of this, but he wasn't prepared for the level of uproar it would cause in LA’s black communities, incredulous that their own government could in some way be responsible for the crack epidemic plaguing their homes; that it would force the US government on the PR defensive; that the mainstream press, scooped by a tiny upstart, would attack Webb rather than try to dig deeper into the scandal they uncovered; or that the fallout would eventually lead to Webb taking his own life.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:35 a.m. No.6741067   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1106 >>1211


>Do you notable tards even research shit?


Goood Question DO YOU ever do any research or just stalk bullshit .. I have friends that served over there ,, you can't bullshit me


How Opium is Keeping US in Afghanistan: CIA’s Shady History of Drug Trafficking


January 3, 2014


Even though present-day Afghanistan flies under the news radar, it remains to be the longest military quagmire in US history. Aside from troops still occupying the country, thousands of private contractors are on the ground that the Pentagon can’t even account for. Considering how Obama’s foreign policy strategy has been to replace ground troops with drone strikes, the administration’s logic behind continuing the occupation remains unclear.


War has always been about resources and control. Alongside the supposed surprise discovery of Afghanistan’s $1 trillion wealth of untapped minerals, the Taliban had successfully eradicated the opium crop in the Golden Crescent before the US invasion. Now, more than 90% of the world’s heroin comes from the war torn country.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:41 a.m. No.6741107   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1135

US sending up to 2,000 more troops to Poland in a move likely to anger Russia


President Donald Trump said Wednesday that as many as 2,000 additional troops would be sent to Poland, deepening the U.S. military presence near Russia’s border after Polish President Andrzej Duda made an unusually public effort to woo Trump.


The move likely will intensify complaints from Moscow that by adding troops, along with a missile-defense site the Pentagon is building in Poland, the U.S. and NATO are taking a more aggressive posture in Central Europe. Poland joined NATO in 1999.


Trump told reporters while meeting with Duda in the Oval Office that the details were still being worked out.


But the decision highlights the benefits of Warsaw’s aggressive courting of Trump, who said the troops were likely to be moved from Germany, a NATO ally and home to roughly 33,000 U.S. troops. Trump has long criticized Germany for not spending enough on defense.


The U.S. is “talking about 2,000 troops, taking them from Germany or moving them from another location,” Trump said.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:43 a.m. No.6741129   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1144 >>1163 >>1217 >>1245


Green Beret Who Beat Up Afghan Officer for Raping Boy Can Stay in Army


A decorated United States Army sergeant who hit an American-backed Afghan commander for raping a boy will be allowed to remain in the military, a spokesman said Friday.


Sgt. First Class Charles Martland, a member of the Special Forces, had helped to beat up the Afghan militia commander, Abdul Rahman, in 2011 after he abducted a boy and kept him chained to his bed as a sex slave. Sergeant Martland later told Army officials that he and a Special Forces captain, Dan Quinn, “felt that morally we could no longer stand by” and allow the Afghan local police “to commit atrocities.”


After the episode, Captain Quinn was relieved of his command; he withdrew from Afghanistan and later left the military. But Sergeant Martland was put under an Army-wide review program that trims the number of its noncommissioned officers when their military records show performance or conduct that is “inconsistent” with standards.

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.6741203   🗄️.is 🔗kun


LOOK WHAT THEY DONE TO OUR WORLD , MA .Look what they done to my Brain Ma


How many language can you sing it in kek


Look What They've Done To My Song, Ma

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 7:59 a.m. No.6741234   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1266 >>1335 >>1386

Is Goldman Sachs’ New CEO, David Solomon, on a Sinking Ship?


Goldman Sachs persons partnered with Bain Capital persons to rip off Mattel, Marc Dreier, Fingerhut, Tom Petters and eToys victims for an excess of $5 billion dollars, as shown in over two years of this author’s research (here, here, here and here.)


Whistleblower Laser Haas (who has been threatened by the FBI) has been seeking justice for two decades against Goldman Sachs’ partnership with Bain Capital. That unholy union ripped off eToys when Laser was the Delaware Bankruptcy Court appointed executive of the company.


This was done through court-approved eToys Creditors Committee counsel Paul Roy Traub and Barry Gold who pretended to not know each other while working to rob Laser Haas, the court-appointed CEO of eToys, and its investors blind.


The fact of the matter is, Laser Haas has alleged (substantially and extensively to this reporter) that Goldman Sachs’ partnership with Bain Capital includes unjust enrichment of billions of dollars in fraud, at least during both firms’ early years via their lawyers’ illegitimate dealings by MNAT, Paul Traub, and Sullivan and Cromwell.


During my reporting, the Goldman Sachs debacle known as the Malaysia 1MDB scandal has driven Sachs’ stock price from a high of $239 (projected to go to $280 or more), to a low of $158, and Sachs’ new CEO, David Solomon, inherited the 1MDB and other frauds – can of worms.


Compounding the pressure on Sachs stock price is the fact that Goldman Sachs Asian executive, Tim Leissner, pled guilty, for his duplicity in the Malaysia $6 billion dollar ripoff!

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 8:07 a.m. No.6741290   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1301

Afghan who worked at an asylum-seeker integration charity arrested in Sweden rape case


A total of seven Afghan migrants and a single Swedish citizen have been arrested in two police operations in connection to cases of rape, with one of the suspects working for a migrant integration charity.


The first series of arrests were made during the middle of last month, and were followed by the arrests of a number of additional suspects in June. Those who were arrested were all between 20 and 26 years-old, with most of them living in Östersund, Sweden, according to a report by the online newspaper Nyheter Idag.


The sexual assaults are thought to have happened between the first and second weeks of May, although police have refrained from sharing all of the case’s details with the press.


However, that has stopped certain details regarding the suspects from coming to light.


Apparently, one of the men who was arrested has previously been convicted of assault twice – once in 2014, and again in 2015 – while another man is said to have been employed at an asylum seeker integration charity by the name of Hej främling or Hi Stranger, which subsequently fire him upon hearing about the arrest.


The charity – in a recently released statement – had this to say about the arrest of their former worker: “We have zero tolerance with regard to crime, so we are serious about this.” The charity describes itself as an organization which seeks to integrate new arrivals by bringing Swedes and asylum seekers together to take part in different outdoor and sporting activities.


The head of the charity organization, Maria Svensson Wiklander, mentioned that they were aware that the former employee had previously been convicted of a crime prior to this most recent arrest, but insisted, “Everyone is worth the chance. It is also something we assume in our business, that one should have a second chance to get out of crime and abuse.”

Anonymous ID: 0c7e58 June 13, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.6741350   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1371


Leaving to go fishing soon.. not to worry Anons aren't going any where and Trump could have a rally tomorrow and get 50 thousand people to show up.. no matter the weather …. The Awakening is Alive and Well


Summer in the City ~ The Lovin' Spoonful(Lyric)