>>6739527 pb
Looks like a DIG Anons!
What might be simply a map for Alaskan Native students to study #STEM, actually looks to be so much more Spoopy as it was from the CIA Twatter feed. First, I’m not sure of this map location, but it is labeled GeoEye2013. There are what looks to be 2 dates handwritten on the papers- 12/15 &1/15. I can’t make out the type on those papers. There is definitely the name Briana clearly shown on the name tag (possible missing person?)The student at the top is either holding something, or making a sign with his hands. There are several interesting locations specifically marked with yellow dots, per the Qal, parked car, which seem to be more of a crumb trail starting with the taxi stand to the Darjet Cafe, down to the Abandoned Shack, around the triangle between the Post Office, Mayor’s house and Police Station. Then up to the Deserted Government ?? The rock next to this marker is specifically covering the full name. In fact, the rocks holding the paper are too random to be random. And the pink marker at the top left of the map seems to be pointing in a direction further off this map. Looks like a possible trafficking route. Lastly, the large shaped item drawn in the center of the map looks a lot like Tesla’s Wardenclyffe Tower. Have they developed one there?
Coincidence that the #ANSEP (Alaska Native Science Engineering Program, which put on the #STEM program) has a strategic partner in Alaska Air, which is owned by Virgin Air pedo Richard Branson, and partnered with Horizon Air famous for its Q400 plane which Richard “Barrel Roll” Russell infamous for flying last August? Maybe Branson uses his airline to traffic kids around the globe?