Anonymous ID: aba043 June 13, 2019, 6:39 a.m. No.6740760   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0771 >>0844 >>1088 >>1147

I'm kvetching agains about these silly but yet nefarious

"Trump is behind everything"

"Trump and Kerry [Heinz] are working together - their names come from the same area in Germany"

Same Schtick but from different angles.

Same as "Rosenstein and Mueller are secretly blackmailed and working for Trump" BS that went on for at least a year, and which "Q research" became associated with in the minds of people who follow this board via "Paytriots" and other surrogate "analysts"

I keep on truly Debunking this merde but it keeps surfacing in Notables

The Cabal are crooks; Consciously. They know what they are doing. They loudly blame POTUS DJT and this board for whatever evil they do. So when we say "There's a plan" they say "There's a plan" - but with the opposite spin.

No. POTUS and CAbal are on different sides.

Good vs. Evil.

No one noticed the evil before because there was no Mirror, no Reflection, up to it; it was monolithic.

That's why they imagine for the first time "struggle with evil" now, when for all of our lifetimes, it was there, just laying low.

That's why you could say "The Beast is surfacing"


anon theory on guilty celebs redpilling fan base

Back to June 12, 2019 • Back to thread #8611



11 hours ago • View on 8chan

This ^^BS has really got to end

"Theory: We know from a while back that certain people are being given a "tour" of Gitmo. McCabe got his a good while back and was said not to enjoy it.


The narrative pushed by Q and, by extension, us has been that there will be a storm. On one day, there will be mass arrests of top figures in the US and around the world. Everyone on <theirteam would know this.


Imagine if Bill Maher, the notorious pedo and generally bad person got black bagged one day. He found himself in gitmo and was told that all of his buddies were there with him. sound, video, news items etc could easily be fabricated to "prove" this to him.


What's the first thing the little weasel does?


Offer to squeal.


We accept."


You need to know why this ^^^^ is so nefarious

It's another version of "Bad guys = Good guy"

It leads people to believe POTUS DJT is BLACKMAILING people to change their opinion - by sending them to GITMO


That is just nuts. It plays right into the Leftist insane "Trump Delusion Syndrome" wherein POTUS is some kind of strong-arm Dictator.


That was why "Q team" came right out and stated the "Mueller is a white hat [coerced by POTUS and military team, so the story goes]" is "disinfo"!


I dislike it; and it keeps showing in Notables and I keep refuting it to no avail. Will other anons try to grasp why it is wrong and spread the word.


The Trump deranged hated and delusion, despair, angst, anger is worked up to a point that these people are not only really suffering and really a danger to others, but they very honestly may be committing suicide over all this, in real life.

Do not feed into their deranged fantasies. It's dangerous for them and for us. With these crazy fantasies we become a target too - which we already are - But then, their slur on us - that we are insane, starts to hold water; If we start to believe the same sort of BS they do, but just with an inversion-spin.


See linked image: Where Trump Hatred Mania exactly takes a susceptible maniac TRUMP arranged it all

They pretended to attack him because it was a ploy; part of Trump's plot. They are all working for Trump, under duress from the insane dictator.


To destroy a fantasy like that, you don't feed it with more BS that confirms their insanity


Please don't feed into these insane fantasies by claiming Movie Stars are being tortured at GITMO to bring them around to the Trump POV.


Aren't anons supposed to be smarter than average

How does the BS about the "TRUMP's PLOT" keep getting into Notables?


Anonymous ID: aba043 June 13, 2019, 6:54 a.m. No.6740844   🗄️.is 🔗kun



See what I mean.

Immediately confirmed by Shill


See what I mean?

Shills hate this, but I'm hitting the soft spot.

They immediately jump out of the woodwork when I post this ~

Think: Why is it so important for the gang to muddy the water?

They are betting on continuing to convince people that "POTUS is the same as the Cabal"

"It's one giant plot by POTUS"

For people who are absorbed in the study of "Q drops" it's hard to imagine that hundreds of thousands of people live and breath with 100% faith in the Cabal Propaganda.

So when new events occur, even if it makes no sense to do so, they will fit it into the "Trump did it" Template which they carry within their minds -mental world view. By them, there is no chance they are wrong. And they are terrified and angry.

Anonymous ID: aba043 June 13, 2019, 7:46 a.m. No.6741147   🗄️.is 🔗kun


"That's why they imagine for the first time "struggle with evil" now, when for all of our lifetimes, it was there, just laying low.


That's why you could say "The Beast is surfacing""


"How do you catch a very dangerous animal?"



Anonymous ID: aba043 June 13, 2019, 8:05 a.m. No.6741283   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1392


Untrue that there are "no drops" as you try to pretend.

All the drops are resonating; right where they are. They've not gone anywhere, but just become more meaningful as time passes and as different events emerge in the here and now.

>>6741109 Shill reaction shows exactly where they are going with the Propaganda; and already have.

We are not going to have Military Rule, We are re-instating the Bill of Rights and Constitution as it should have been. Re-instating our Constitutional Republic Country.

That was the point of refusing the "Z" strategy.

Shills are pushing the "Dictator" "Military strong arm" Propaganda because what they do is Mirror.