Anonymous ID: c23386 June 13, 2019, 7:44 a.m. No.6741138   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1164 >>1166 >>1198

Boomer Fueled Personal Development


by John LaRosa, on January 17, 2018


Self help industry.jpegAmerican consumers will pay lots of money for self-improvement products and services. This is especially true at this time of the year. Each January, we set resolutions to lose weight, improve our relationships, make more money, mange stress better, become a better salesman, increase productivity, read faster, etc.


The U.S. self-improvement market was worth $9.9 billion in 2016. It is forecast to post 5.6% average yearly gains from 2016 to 2022, when the market should be worth $13.2 billion.


This “industry,” which I have followed at Marketdata since 1994, has many sub-segments to deliver this knowledge to us: infomercials, holistic institutes, self-help books & audiobooks, motivational speakers, websites, apps, public seminars, personal coaching, weight loss programs, and training organizations.

How the self improvement industry is changing


The industry has been supported traditionally by Baby Boomers, who relied upon experts and gurus that are household names: Tony Robbins, Jim Rohn, Marianne Williamson, Wayne Dyer, Stephen Covey, Deepak Chopra, Oprah Winfrey, Zig Ziglar, Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Louise Hay, and Brian Tracy, to name a few. (Note: Wayne Dyer, Stephen Covey, Zig Ziglar, Louise Hay, and Jim Rohn are deceased.)


However, the demographic is changing. Baby Boomers are aging, and these older gurus are dying or retiring. A new generation of self-improvement experts will have to emerge to take their place. And technology is shifting how these gurus distribute their advice to consumers — increasingly via the internet, podcasts, online courses and “academies,” telesummits, MP3 downloads, apps, websites, masterminds, phone coaching, and webinars.


“Old school” methods such as in-person 3-day seminars, week-long retreats, and infomercials carry much higher overhead costs and are harder to scale up. The multi-city, one-day free, or low-cost seminars held in a 10,000-person auditorium, with 5-7 speakers from sports, politics, the military, and business have all but disappeared.

Top 5 trends in the self-help industry

  1. Shifting demographics.


Traditionally, the Baby Boomers have been the main consumers of self-improvement. They still are an important group, but the tide is shifting. Millennials now are the largest population group and represent the future for this market, but there are few experts now catering to them.

  1. The Internet is playing a larger role.


More content (such as MP3 downloads, e-books, webinars, online courses, “academies,” “universities,” and masterminds, etc.) is being delivered online, and self-help apps are starting to take off.

  1. Personal coaching is growing strongly.


This is the 2nd fastest-growing industry worldwide. The latest ICF and PriceWaterhouseCoopers’ global coaching study found that the U.S. coaching market was worth $955 million in 2015. Marketdata expects this to rise to $1.02 billion in 2016. The “average” U.S. coach makes $62,000/year. Nearly all motivational speakers offer coaching services now. However, the field is loosely regulated and incompetence is a common complaint. Just about anyone can call themselves a life coach.

  1. Convenience and cost are key.


It’s harder to get consumers to take a flight to a seminar or retreat, get three days off from work, and pay the registration fee and hotel stay. This costs thousands. Consumers today want 24/7 access to personal development programs, at home, with no travel. Especially Millennials, who generally have limited budgets. That’s why the internet has become the preferred distribution method. It’s also good for gurus, who can reach more people more cost-effectively and more profitably.

  1. Accountability will be more important.


The personal development field has had a rocky past. Many personal coaches are not qualified. Suze Orman’s financial advice has been criticized, Robert Kiyosaki filed for bankruptcy for one of his companies. People died at James Ray’s sweat lodge programs. The Ubiquitous infomercial pitchman Kevin Trudeau is in jail. His widely seen infomercials promoting his books were filled with unsubstantiated health, diet, and financial remedies that earned him a fortune.


Consumers are jaded and are questioning guru credentials more often. Future gurus will be held to a higher standard, and must produce real, measurable results and practical skills. Much of the past self-help marketing created unrealistic expectations. And, self-help may be most useful for people who don’t actually need self-help.

Anonymous ID: c23386 June 13, 2019, 7:54 a.m. No.6741198   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Event No. 1 occurred in October 1952, when a book appeared called The Power Of Positive Thinking. Written by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale and translated into 15 languages, it remained on the New York Times best-seller list for 186 weeks and sold 5 million copies. Donald was only 6 years old at the time and didn’t read the book until much later, but it quickly became important in the large Queens household in which he grew up, and it would play a critical role in his future. His parents, Fred and Mary, felt an immediate affinity for Peale’s teachings. On Sundays, they drove into Manhattan to worship at Marble Collegiate Church, where Peale was the head pastor. Donald and both his sisters were married there, and funeral services for both Fred and Mary took place in the main sanctuary.


“I still remember [Peale’s] sermons,” Trump told the Iowa Family Leadership Summit in July. “You could listen to him all day long. And when you left the church, you were disappointed it was over. He was the greatest guy.” A month later, in the same news conference at which Trump tossed out Univision anchor Jorge Ramos, he again referred to Peale as his pastor and said he was “one of the greatest speakers” he’d ever seen.


Known as “God’s salesman,” Peale merged worldliness and godliness to produce an easy-to-follow theology that preached self-confidence as a life philosophy. Critics called him a con man, described his church as a cult, and said his simple-minded approach shut off genuine thinking or insight. But Peale’s outlook, promoted through his radio shows, newspaper columns and articles, and through Guideposts, his monthly digest of inspirational messages, fit perfectly into the Trump family culture of never hesitating to bend the rules, doing whatever it took to win, and never, ever giving up.