Anonymous ID: c9193d New Redpilling Method June 22, 2019, 3:04 p.m. No.6818495   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8765


Just capped from >>6818319 (off-bread)


How to RedPill Your Wife


>>Note: adjust each of these steps to fit your family, but don't skip the steps.


Step 1: Never even mention things like 9/11, Moon, child sacrifice, etc. That will cause cognitive dissonance and shut down all progress until a lengthy reset period.


Step 2: Shallow end of the pool


>>Patriots exist, knew something, and were targeted.


Gently establish a belief that JFK knew something. Start with his speech and assassination. Show how JFK Jr was looking into it when he was also eliminated.


>>Some will stop at almost nothing to get and keep power. Ends justify the means.


Kavanaugh hearings and aftermath will prove to a reasonable person that Democrats will do anything.


HRC is corrupt. Not a hard sale.


>>Global power players behind the scenes sometimes do things in the background to advance their own interests.


Step 3: Establish that you are not a concernfag. This creates CRITICAL credibility later on. ALWAYS DOWNPLAY AS IF YOU AREN'T THAT CONCERNED






• Think there is value in simply being aware of current events


• Just enjoy the political theatre of observing the players and understanding the power struggles. Show interest, curiosity, and verbally express skepticism EVEN WHEN YOU AREN'T SKEPTICAL.


• Are an "armchair political enthusiast". Just like watching sports. You watch the players and the moves, and are fascinated to see the game of geopolitical chess playing out.


Step 4: Groups exist that push agendas


Bohemian Grove, modern versions of the centuries old "gentlemen's club'. DOWNPLAY. "These are just some private groups of people with common interests, who seek over time to network and lobby for their causes. They just prefer to do it privately." There have always been mostly good people, and a few bad apples trying to get what they want. Organized crime. MENTION NOTHING OCCULT. Just mafia types trying to score some wins. Much later she'll realize some of those groups have darker purposes.


>>Establish the POSSIBILITY that there are good groups too.


"Hey honey, do you think it's possibly that good people could use the same strategies to coordinate and make good things happen?"


>> Establish there is a group of Patriots who


are just trying to roll back a few things that are not good for America.




• shut down the child trafficking (use evidence of progress)


• stop illegal immigration because of what has happened to other countries that failed to stop it. (use evidence of progress)


• pick a conservative cause that your spouse agrees with and show how "well a lot of things might be f'd up, but at least it's cool something is finally being done about [insert pet cause here]". when your spouse agrees "at least that's cool", then you are making real progress




Once the above has been established you have a foundation for very gentle red-pilling. Shallow end of the pool ONLY. The following are good examples. Adjust and add your own.

Anonymous ID: c9193d June 22, 2019, 3:52 p.m. No.6818765   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Another anon vehemently disagrees:


Another anon replies: Every person is different. The only way to wake people is to find that chink in their Theological/World View ARMOR, and then to patiently exploit it. After awakening thousands of people, the experience and method is different each time.'

>>6818743 (off bread)