Just like how it was taboo as fuck to give any kind of prescription medicine to anyone under the age of 18, and now it is common practice and accepted like it was always ok! They are so good at subversion. The slow methodical process of brainwashing a whole generation. They will burn for this.
all i did was laugh at your assertion assange is dead. You're the one sperging out like a shill.
You're so unhinged you are accusing a true anon of being bot operators. Reconcile. I'm not your enemy.
Speaking of hatch act, Q told us to do a FOIA and it would show congressional dems trying to get Q on hatch act violation. How come we haven't done this yet?
>Promotes violence.
>Says he is on the right side of history.
Turns out your just an attention whore shill trying to get people to stop researching and having productive conversation. A special kind of noose will be invented just for your type.
If misguided anon then no worries. Carry on with what you perceive to be the good fight. We all think for ourselves and have a right to an opinion. Good day sir.
No it's a seperate government agency.