One does not have to be a q supporter to be an enemy of evil.
You may really be just an anon who is tired of false promises. Q is a fucking psyop. S/he is (((them))).
Q points to certain people as evil while offering no fucking sauce at all. We do not let anons get away with that. Why do many let q?
What actual evidence is there against the Queen?
I said this yesterday and I'll say it again, q is no better than a so called psychic. Takes cues and creates a story the other wants to hear.
I feel sorry for those who continue to believe.
And you just might be an idiot. We will eventually find out who is whom.
I for one do not fall into the incredibly illogical habit of calling all (fill in the blank) evil or good.
But, you know, you're free to be easily manipulated. I choose not to be a sheep.
Proof that you are an idiot. Compltely lack the ability to descern.
I did not say that.
No, I did not. Leave it to an idiot to come to a retarded conclusion. The key word is discernment.
You would put people to death without real conclusive evidence. That is what makes you and people like you dangerous.