Anonymous ID: 93db83 June 13, 2019, 9:20 a.m. No.6741766   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1778 >>1793

Excerpt taken from a book any serious researcher here sould have on their shelf: From The Temple To The Talmud.


"We are saving israel for last. Very specific reason"


I would point out two things here:


  1. The 'Q Document' being a early version of Talmud

  2. The blatant similarity between Q anon and the well known term "JQ" or Jewish Question

  3. The fact that every single thing we research here has connections to israel/jews/zionism. Epstein, Silverstein, Feinstein, Alefantis, Rothschilds, Bilderburg etc… this list could fill an entire post with jewish names.





"Philo, the most industrious and devout Jew of his race, recognizing the true

nature of all sacred writings, treats the Pentateuch as allegorized and

symbolical. … The Pentateuch was written on papyrus by a scribe's pen from

the ancient hieroglyphics, which were carved in stone. It is known that the

Pentateuch arose out of the older primitive documents by means of a

supplementary one. The real Hebrew Bible was a secret volume, unknown to

the masses, and is far more ancient than the Septuagint ." Valentia Straiton.


The Septuagint, of course, is the Koine Greek version of the Hebrew

texts, translated between the third and first centuries BC. It is still considered

to be a useful rendering of the known and extant Hebrew scriptures of the

day, including some books not included in the later Old Testament and

Apocrypha. However, it seems that more than this was involved in preserving

the secret traditions and lore, some of which were later taken into the Talmud

and Kabala. As did Rudolf Bultmann about the Christian gospels, both Miss


Page 16



Straiton and I postulate that a "Q", a quelle, a source, a foundation document

in common, must have existed. This "secret supplementary volume" as she

describes it would have included both the oral and the already-written

traditions, with commentary. Among other things, this preserved the original

polytheistic Egyptian pagan legends and lore. We could call this a Proto-

Talmud from eons ago, compiled by the Hebrew-Habiru Priests, Levites and

Scribes, intended only for the inner circle of Elders, adepts and properly

initiated "chosen ones".


To claim, as do the three Semitic religions, that the mostly astrologically

based mythos found in the Judeo-Christian Bible (and the later Koran) is a

factual account is not a seriously sustainable position. At its very best, the

Bible (indeed, any religious writing) should first and foremost be seen as

theology, not history. What is more, to create and locate a nation-state based

on myths and misrepresentations is a fallacy and a flaw. Many books and

articles have been, could be, should be, and will be written on all these

matters, but what you have here sufficiently presents a reasonable and honest

alternative explanation of the Bible legends and lore. You can take it from

here. Search the Internet. Use your library. There are mountains of

material. To bring this to a close, now you know just about as much as

anyone else does concerning the rather murky, mystical, mysterious and

elusive ancient Hebrew religious beliefs and practices. As a matter of fact,

you probably know more.



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Stay woke anons. MOS is here for a reason

Anonymous ID: 93db83 June 13, 2019, 9:24 a.m. No.6741793   🗄️.is 🔗kun


pardon the self nomination but




why only copy and past news articles??? remember how bakers were in 2018?? even early 2019?? my how things have changed

Anonymous ID: 93db83 June 13, 2019, 9:42 a.m. No.6741914   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1921


take a good look anons

this is how mossad plays both sides. they see something they don't want in notables or discussed, so he RUSHES in and in just over two minutes replies with this threat to our President, making it the first reply to my post (which is Pro Q, Pro Trump and Anti-Mossad)


I sincerely hope you are being watched for what you typed you long nosed fuck.

Anonymous ID: 93db83 June 13, 2019, 9:48 a.m. No.6741950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>1958


only a jew would think to torture the grandchildren those he disagrees with

you threaten our POTUS at your own peril, dumbfuck

There is no lie you jewish retards wont tell. Nothing is too low for you Canaanite moloch worshiping people known for throwing their own infants into flames.