That second image looks a heck of a lot like a bizarre flight path planefags found earlier in the year and which everyone assumed to be representing Arlington Cemetery.
And the concernfags are just too blind to this (intentionally?).
Anons know that if something looks bad for POTUS, it is usually a ploy to expose the traitorous scum.
>4-6%=3.94 not 3.76
We must have studied different mathematics.
4 X 0.06 = 0.24
4 - 0.24 = 3.76
>But their worship of Trump won't let them see the obvious … I'm paid to be here and real anons are not.
FIFY dickwad
>"Nervous" Nancy Pelosi had 6 drinks of (water?) in 7.5 minutes during her presser today
Plants need water
>She's been flipped.
That much was obvious with her Bill and Ben photo shoot with Schumer.