Nonsense. Nobody in their right mind would give these lunatics the ability to destroy the country the way they're doing voluntarily.
Muh, "we have it all." Muh "Patriots in control."
We're being lied to. A lifelong pro partial birth abortion billionaire serial adultering Manhattan Democrat suddenly said he was a pro life Reagan Republican who will put Israel first and all the boomers everywhere said “AMEM” and decided he was “God’s anointed” because Qushner posted some random half truths and promised "justice was coming" "boom, next week."
This whole thing has been an act. It's design is to placate the actual patriots until Trump gets re-elected, and then they (both sides) stage a massive false flag to derail the whole thing. Trump will "cave" on the pursuit of justice, because it will be portrayed as trivial in light of what the country is going through.
One can easily imagine a number of scenarios that would bring this about. "Iranian" terror cells. "Ebola" coming to our country through the suddenly transported hundreds of Congolese into our Southern border.
We've been played, and it's probably too late to do anything about it, so carrying with your fan fiction.