Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:11 p.m. No.6742974   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3135

Kellyanne Conway on Political Attack: “If You’re Trying to Silence Me Through the Hatch Act, It’s Not Going to Work”


The US Office of Special Counsel announced in a report given to President Trump on Thursday that his counselor Kellyanne Conway has repeatedly violated the Hatch Act and recommended her removal from federal service by speaking negatively about Democrat politicians.


The Hatch Act bars federal employees from engaging in political activity.


In November this same US Office of Special Counsel found that six Trump staffers violated the Hatch Act for tweeting “MAGA.”


This came after the far left group, Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics, filed a complaint in August against members of the Trump Administration, including deputy press secretary Raj Shah.


It is obvious we have a two-tiered justice system in this country; one for the Deep State and Democrats and one for Trump and his associates and supporters.


Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton said this is an abusive reading of the law. Meanwhile, Obama gang who used their offices, the FBI and DOJ to help Hillary Clinton attack Trump remain uninvestigated.


Kellyanne Conway told reporters in May, “If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work. Let me know when the jail sentence starts.”


ABC News reported:


A federal watchdog agency recommended on Thursday that White House senior adviser Kellyanne Conway be “removed from service” citing repeated violations on a law that bans federal employees from political activity.


The Office of Special Counsel, an independent federal agency that investigates wrongdoing by government employees, found that Conway “violated the Hatch Act on numerous occasions by disparaging Democratic presidential candidates while speaking in her official capacity during television interviews and on social media.” The report released Thursday cites comments Conway made during the Alabama Senate special election in December 2017, which the office found violated the Hatch Act in another report released last year…


…In an interview on May 29, Conway reportedly downplayed the law, according to Thursday’s OSC press release, saying she wouldn’t stop making political statements.


“If you’re trying to silence me through the Hatch Act, it’s not going to work,” and “Let me know when the jail sentence starts,” she said, according to the OSC press release.


A spokesman for the office said it’s the first time the office has recommended the removal of a White House official. In the report, sent to President Donald Trump on Thursday, the office said that Conway has not faced consequences for her repeated violations of ethics rules on government employees.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:12 p.m. No.6742990   🗄️.is 🔗kun

UK Signs DOJ Request To Extradite Assange; Lengthy Legal Battle To Ensue


Early on Thursday UK home secretary Sajid Javid revealed that he has signed a US extradition request for Julian Assange, putting the WikiLeaks founder a step closer to facing prosecution for espionage and hacking on American soil, where he's almost assured life in prison or worse after the US justice department filed 17 new charges against him following the initial May count of conspiring with Chelsea Manning (totaling 18 counts).


But first a lengthy legal battle will likely ensue while he's held at London's maximum security Belmarsh prison on skipping bail. The extradition order, which was expected, is the first step in the process. The home secretary told BBC Radio 4’s Today on Thursday:


He’s rightly behind bars. There’s an extradition request from the US that is before the courts tomorrow but yesterday I signed the extradition order and certified it and that will be going in front of the courts tomorrow.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:14 p.m. No.6743006   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3022 >>3136 >>3235 >>3384 >>3501 >>3561 >>3648

US Senate upholds arms sales to Bahrain, Qatar



WASHINGTON ― The U.S. Senate on Thursday rejected Sen. Rand Paul’s measures to block sales of munitions to Bahrain and Boeing AH–64E Apache helicopters to Qatar.


The vote on Bahrain was 43-56 and Qatar 42-57, after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-Ky., and Senate Armed Services Committee Chairman Jim Inhofe, R-Okla., announced their opposition Thursday. The White House earlier this week threatened to veto the measures.


Paul, a Kentucky libertarian who rails against military interventionism, repeated accusations that Bahrain and Qatar support terrorists and argued their repressive authoritarian governments clash with America’s pro-Democratic values. He argued ahead of the vote that the U.S. only maintains these allies as a misguided means to check Iran.


“Dumping more weapons into the Middle East won’t get us any closer to peace,” Paul said. “A ‘yes’ vote today is a vote for sanity. A ‘yes’ vote is a vote to quit sending arms to people who abuse human rights.”



Paul’s attempt comes as lawmakers are voicing frustration both over the president’s invocation of an emergency to sell arms to Saudi Arabia and the Saudi-led military coalition fighting in Yemen ― a coalition that includes Bahrain.


Paul largely railed against Saudi Arabia in his floor remarks.


“What are they doing with all the weapons we give them? They’re bombing civilians in Yemen,” he said. “They have been using our bombs and up until recently they were refueling their bombers with our planes. We’ve got no business in the war in Yemen. Congress never voted on it. It is unauthorized, it is unconstitutional and we have no business aiding the Saudis in this massacre.”


The Senate also rejected Paul’s attempt to block an arms sale to Bahrain late last year.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:16 p.m. No.6743017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3090

Convenient “Tanker Attacks” as US Seeks War with Iran



“…it would be far more preferable if the United States could cite an Iranian provocation as justification for the airstrikes before launching them. Clearly, the more outrageous, the more deadly, and the more unprovoked the Iranian action, the better off the United States would be. Of course, it would be very difficult for the United States to goad Iran into such a provocation without the rest of the world recognizing this game, which would then undermine it.


– Brookings Institution, “Which Path to Persia?” 2009


For the second time since the United States unilaterally withdrew from the so-called Iran Nuclear Deal, Western reports of “suspected attacks” on oil tankers near the Strait of Hormuz have attempted to implicate Iran.


The London Guardian in an article titled, “Two oil tankers struck in suspected attacks in Gulf of Oman,” would claim:


Two oil tankers have been hit in suspected attacks in the Gulf of Oman and the crews evacuated, a month after a similar incident in which four tankers in the region were struck.


The article also claimed:


Gulf tensions have been close to boiling point for weeks as the US puts “maximum economic pressure” on Tehran in an attempt to force it to reopen talks about the 2015 nuclear deal, which the US pulled out of last year.


Iran has repeatedly said it has no knowledge of the incidents and did not instruct any surrogate forces to attack Gulf shipping, or Saudi oil installations.


The Guardian would admit that “investigations” into the previous alleged attacks in May carried out by the UAE found “sophisticated mines” were used, but fell short of implicating Iran as a culprit.


The article would note US National Security Advisor John Bolton would – without evidence – claim that Iran “was almost certainly involved.”


All Too Convenient


This news of “attacked” oil tankers near the Stait of Hormuz blamed by the US on Iran – comes all too conveniently on the heels of additional steps taken by Washington to pressure Iran’s economy and further undermine the Iranian government.


The US just recently ended waivers for nations buying Iranian oil. Nations including Japan, South Korea, Turkey, China, and India will now face US sanctions if they continue importing Iranian oil.


Coincidentally, one of ships “attacked” this week was carrying “Japan-related cargo,” the Guardian would report.


Also convenient was the US’ recent designation of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) just ahead of this series of provocations attributed to Iran.


AP in a May 2019 article titled, “President Trump Warns Iran Over ‘Sabotaged’ Oil Tankers in Gulf,” would claim:


Four oil tankers anchored in the Mideast were damaged by what Gulf officials described as sabotage, though satellite images obtained by The Associated Press on Tuesday showed no major visible damage to the vessels.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:18 p.m. No.6743037   🗄️.is 🔗kun

None Dare Call It An Invasion


Illegal aliens have allegedly been filmed popping out of manholes at busy intersections in El Paso, over 550 migrants from Africa have been caught in one week and released throughout the country without being screened for Ebola and over half a million illegal aliens are expected to be freed into the US this year – but don't dare call it an invasion!


Much more

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:20 p.m. No.6743046   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3136 >>3200 >>3235 >>3384 >>3501 >>3561 >>3648

Millions in Dark Money Flows to Pro-Abortion Groups


Arabella Advisors establishes 'pop-up' liberal groups and acts as a pass-through for donors


A dark-money network of liberal groups and initiatives has pushed millions in funding to organizations that advocate for abortions.


Arabella Advisors establishes groups under trade, or fictitious, names, and acts as their "fiscal sponsor," which allows the groups to avoid filing public returns to the Internal Revenue Service. The network also acts as a "pass-through" entity for left-wing donors, who do not have to mark their money as going to the exact group that they are funding, but rather can make out the contributions to the particular arm at Arabella where the group is located.


One such group managed at Arabella, Lady Parts Justice, falls under its Sixteen Thirty Fund arm, which hosts 501(c)4 "social welfare" entities. Eric Kessler, a former Bill Clinton appointee and member of the Clinton Global Initiative, founded Arabella and acts as president of the Sixteen Thirty Fund.


Lady Parts Justice bills itself as "the first not safe for work, rapid response reproductive rights messaging hub that uses comedy, culture and digital media to sound the alarm about the terrifying erosion of access to reproductive rights." The group, which shares controversial content on its website, routinely posts messages of support for abortion on social media and came out in opposition to efforts to ban third-trimester abortions.


Lizz Winstead, the co-creator of the Daily Show, leads the group and announced in late May that Lady Parts Justice and its sister Lady Parts Justice League, which falls under another arm at Arabella, would be changing their names to the "Abortion Access Force" and the "Abortion Access Front." The group stated on their website that their old names made them sound like "radical anti-trans, exclusionary creeps" and wanted the names to be more inclusive for all genders. "Let's be clear: not all ladies have uteruses," the group wrote. "And not everyone with a uterus identifies as a woman. Full stop."


The Sixteen Thirty Fund has disbursed at least $779,000 in grants to groups that advocate for abortion between 2014 to 2017. This money also went to outside groups including a $100,000 to the National Institute for Reproductive Health, which works to "change state and local electoral and policy landscapes" in order to "galvanize" public support for abortion, and $485,000 to the Center for American Progress, which advocates for "reproductive rights."


Abortion on Our Own Terms is a trade name registered to Arabella's New Venture Fund arm, which houses 501(c)3 nonprofit groups, according to records filed to D.C.'s Consumer and Regulatory Department.


Abortion on Our Own Terms advocates for wide accessibility to the "abortion pill," which allows women to self-manage an abortion in their homes. "There are many reasons one might prefer to end their own pregnancy at home. It may feel more natural, like having a miscarriage," the group states on its website. The group envisions a future where "abortion pills [are] available openly" and can be "picked up at your local drug store or ordered online."


All* Above All, another group at the Sixteen Thirty Fund, works to "build support for lifting the bans that deny abortion coverage" and support restoring public insurance coverage so that women "can get an affordable, safe abortion care when she needs it."

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:25 p.m. No.6743100   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3119



For the past 18 years, the United States has been battling to establish global hegemony. The project’s failings, some ignominious, expose its brittle foundations and flawed design. Yet, there is an odd silence as the audacious enterprise risks coming to grief on nearly every front. Americans who, for the most part, had no idea what they were getting into remain oblivious both to what has befallen the country and the consequences. The two phenomena are intimately related.


The British Empire, it is said – albeit incorrectly, was built in a fit of absentmindedness. America’s bid for world mastery has been marked by self-delusion and willful ignorance. How this misadventure came to pass needs to be delineated before memory dissolves in the mists of history – especially since the past has become so unpredictable. A preliminary effort to do so was made in an earlier commentary on the NEO-CONS & friends. Let us continue by enumerating what is distinctive about this singular affair of historic consequence.


First, there is the sheer magnitude. American military forces are now engaging ‘the enemy’ from the jungles of interior Honduras to the barren plains of Somalia, from the sands of Mali’s Saharan frontier to the Hindu Kush, from remote ‘black sites’ where the baddest bad guys remain incarcerated to CIA operations in Iran’s Baluchistan, from bases in Britain to bases in Patagonia (yes), from the hovels of the Congo to the dusty hamlets of Helmand province; from Kiev to Rio to Caracas to Tripoli. The scope of the battlefield equals that of World War II.


Second, ‘the enemy’ bears many names – the list grows almost weekly. It began with al-Qaeda holding pride of place in the immediate wake of 9/11. Soon, Afghanistan and other violent jihadist groups were added. With the Iraq invasion and occupation, accompanied by designation of the ‘Axis of Evil,” the genie’s lamp was lit. For the first years of the Global War on Terror, many of the threatening agents were mysterious and identification elusive. We heard of ‘international criminal organizations, Islamo-fascism, narco-states, rogue states, WMD precursor proliferation, transnational terrorism – of course; and then the more academic euphemisms: cyber-terrorism, the new world disorder, etc. As the list grew, the ‘enemy’ started to show the symptoms of multiple personality disorder. In the Middle East, where so many of these ‘enemies’ reside and whose perceived menace grows as we deploy troops in every accessible backyard, their personalities merge, separate, wax and wane. (Iraq: enemy/ depenable stooge, suspect, dependent, ally, suspect). With an enemy at once elusive and omni-present, danger is eternal and victory indefinable. Only total control of the external environment could kill the former and secure the latter. That means America must mobilize all its powers and deploy them globally, i. e. hegemony.


Third, over time, the sense of danger becomes generalized and systemic. Fear turns to dread – it becomes free floating. That means it is fungible, easily shifted from one reference point to another. We now ally with al-Qaeda in Syria, ship it arms and threaten anyone who dares to uproot it; yet, the dread holds constant as it is displaced onto Russia, China, North Korea, Iran as well as the Islamic State. In this convoluted psychological process, the objective truth of the real world is overwhelmed by the subjective virtual truths that shape our perception of reality.



Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:28 p.m. No.6743119   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3549



Trump’s narcissism is perfectly suited to unilateralism since narcissists’ obsession is to have complete freedom to act unconstrained as the impulse moves them.2 The malignant narcissist in particular craves that freedom so as to impose himself on others at will and to hurt them as he wishes.


This is a Hobbesian world. An all-against-all environment where the strongest will rule – and has a right to rule. Threat and coercion are the standard instruments used to get one’s way. In practice, there is some inhibition about direct use of military force where and when it can lead to all-out war. Why? Big wars are not predictable; they can lose you votes; and – in this case – they demand the intestinal fortitude that Trump totally lacks. After all, his experience of combat is limited to the grey-zone real estate market and municipal corruption in NYC. The disposition arising from the last two often is mistaken for ‘isolationism.’


An essential feature of this behavior pattern is that it is not formed or guided in accordance with some carefully conceived, thought-through strategic design. There is none. The closest approximation is the Wolfowitz Plan whose ideas gained remarkable currency by seeping into the minds of the policy community by osmosis rather than by deliberation. There, it has filled an intellectual void. If there were such a comprehensive strategy – clearly articulated, Trump himself would be incapable of understanding it or following the script. The same can be said for Kushner, for Pompeo, for Chairman of the Joint Chiefs-of-Staff Joseph Dunford, and their senior associates. The uniformed military do not yearn for wars. What they want are three things: expanding bureaucratic empires and budgets; getting as close as they can to the mirage of “full spectrum military dominance’ in every region of the globe; and avoiding embarrassing failures. This last is accomplished by throwing dollars and lives into lost causes like Afghanistan along with a sophisticated propaganda apparatus that uses the managed media and pliable politicos to pass on fictional versions of what is happening in Yemen, in Saudi Arabia, in Syria, in Iraq, and in the Russian borderlands.


Hence, the coverage and analysis of Trump’s doings internationally are distorted by the erroneous assumption that his acts form a rational pattern. That they are the resultant of some logical thought process. That is false. Trump is mentally deranged. We discuss that fact of life all the time – except when it comes to foreign policy. So, analysis of his meeting last week with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe is treated like that of any other American president with the head of a major government. Trump’s counterparts do not; they are acutely aware that they are dealing with somebody who is unhinged– somebody who could have a temper tantrum that seriously harms them, himself and bystanders. Abe prepared for his first encounter with Trump by forming a panel of six psychiatrists whose insight and advice he sought on how to deal with this madman. Likely, so have Xi and Putin. This aspect of Trump’s tête-à-têtes with foreign leaders should figure in every report of these meetings.


Indeed, the most significant theme of journalistic coverage should be how a given foreign leader is using what psychological strategy to bring Trump more or less into line with what he wants to get across – even if it be just warding off some disaster or other. Otherwise, they fall into the trap that has ensnared American commentators/analysts: trying to figure out what Trump’s scattershot ejaculations – verbal and electronic – are meant to convey. That futile exercise is like seeking the recondite theological message hidden in ‘scat’ singing. Also, they might employ their talents to illuminate the psychological stratagems used by Bibi Netanyahu, Mohammed bin-Zayed of the UAE, and Mohammed bin-Salman to put a ring through the loudmouth bully’s nose to turn him into a docile water buffalo.3



Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:32 p.m. No.6743156   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3178 >>3192 >>3196 >>3224 >>3235 >>3384 >>3501 >>3561 >>3648

Arizona teacher accused of having sex with 13-year-old student, asking friend to stand watch, pleads guilty


A former Arizona teacher who was accused of having sex with a 13-year-old student while another student kept lookout pleaded guilty.

Brittany Zamora, 28, was arrested in March 2018 after the student confessed to his parents that he was having sexual relations with the teacher after they began monitoring his phone with an app.


Formerly a sixth-grade teacher at Las Brisas Academy in Goodyear, Zamora initially pleaded not guilty to charges to a host of charges before changing her plea on Monday, court records indicate.

The married teacher and her student allegedly engaged in sex acts multiple times in the woman's car and in her classroom, including one time they reportedly asked another male student, a friend of the boy's, to keep watch.

The friend told police that while he stood guard, "they were just doing it. … It was very uncomfortable," the Arizona Republic reported.

The second student refused to stand watch the next day when he was asked again to do so. The alleged victim confided in his friend that he and Zamora had sex again.

"It's, like, weird how a 27-year-old can, like, love a 13-year-old and do stuff," the friend said. "It's just crazy. She's not a good person."

The second student told police that Zamora never attempted to assault him, but she did ask him if he was circumcised and showed him photos on her phone when he didn’t understand what she meant.

The 13-year-old student's parents have said the married 28-year-old is a "monster" who should "spend the rest of her life in prison."

"He was taken advantage of," the boy’s stepmom told AZFamily. "She was just using him for her own grotesque benefits."

Zamora is scheduled to be sentenced on July 12, according to court records.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:33 p.m. No.6743168   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Huawei Demands Verizon Pay $1 Billion For Using 230 Patents


Huawei has hit upon a new strategy for fighting back against the US: leveraging its massive suite of technology patents to try and force American competitors to fork over billions of dollars. And its first target is Verizon, one of its biggest American competitors in the race to become a global leader in 5G.


As Reuters reports, Huawei has told Verizon that it should pay licensing fees amounting to more than $1 billion for the more than 230 patents held by the Chinese telecoms giant.


The plan has been percolating since before the White House blacklisted Huawei: Verizon should pay to "solve the patent licensing issue," a Huawei intellectual property licensing executive reportedly wrote in February.


The patents cover networking equipment for more than 20 of Verizon's vendors, and those vendors would, in theory, indemnify Verizon. Some of these firms have been approached directly by Verizon. They range from core networking equipment and wireline infrastructure to IoT technology, according to sources cited by WSJ.


For nearly a year now, Washington has been lobbying its allies to block Huawei equipment from being used in their 5G networks. That feud intensified in December, when Canadian authorities arrested Huawei's CFO, Meng Wanzhou, at the behest of the DoJ. The DoJ is now seeking to extradite the Huawei executive over allegations she lied to banks about Huawei's relationship with certain affiliates in order to help the company circumvent American sanctions on Iran. Washington's biggest complaint to its allies is that Huawei is bound by Chinese law to help state intelligence spy on foreign governments and civilians, if asked. Beijing and Huawei have denied this, but evidence of 'back doors' in Huawei equipment has been uncovered in the US and in Europe.


Verizon and the other companies have reportedly notified the US government about Huawei's demands, which they suspect are motivated by the ongoing feud between Huawei and Washington.


A spokesman for Verizon declined to comment to Reuters, claiming it's a sensitive legal matter. Though he did say that the issue is "bigger than just Verizon."


"These issues are larger than just Verizon. Given the broader geopolitical context, any issue involving Huawei has implications for our entire industry and also raise national and international concerns."


Of course, given Chinese companies' well-documented history of stealing American technology either via forced technology transfers in exchange for access to the Chinese market, or straight-up corporate espionage, the irony in Huawei's demands is more than a little ironic.


It's likely that Huawei and Beijing understand the hypocrisy in Huawei's demands. It's even more likely that they don't care, since, once the 90-day reprieve from the White House black list ends, Huawei's business is going to be in serious jeopardy.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:35 p.m. No.6743185   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3551

Teachers at school built on ‘toxic site’ have the same rare cancer


Four teachers at a Scottish school built on a toxic landfill site have developed the same rare form of cancer.

Four teachers at a Scottish school built on a toxic landfill site have developed the same rare form of cancer.

All the staff members were diagnosed with bladder cancer.

Three of them worked in the same corridor at Buchanan High School in Coatbridge, where pupils and staff were told not to drink the tap water after it turned blue.

Meanwhile, a mother is demanding to know whether her autistic son’s sudden blindness is linked to contamination at the site of the Lanarkshire school after he was found to have high levels of arsenic.

Buchanan High is a non-­denominational school for 96 pupils with additional ­support needs and shares a campus with St Ambrose High, which has 1,200 pupils.

North Lanarkshire Council says both schools are safe and there is no evidence to suggest a link with any ­illness. The school was opened in 2012 on a former ­landfill site used by Gartsherrie Ironworks for industrial waste, including chemicals and hazardous substances such as ­arsenic, nickel and lead.

It is understood lawyers for at least one of the teachers diagnosed with cancer has written to the council warning of legal action over the alleged link between “unknown contaminants” and their illness.

Professor Andrew Watterson, of Stirling University’s Occupational and Environmental Health Research Group, who has led studies for the United Nations, said: “The reported ill-health cases do merit serious investigation and it is understandable that staff, pupils and others who work on the site are anxious.

“More information must be made available and the process should be ­transparent to address all their concerns and either confirm or allay them as soon as possible. On the three bladder cancer cases, this seems like a big cluster very close together in the building for a very small population of teachers. Establishing if a cluster is causal or random is, however, notoriously difficult.”

North Lanarkshire Council said: “The safety of pupils and staff is the council’s primary concern. While it is regrettable that any pupil or member of staff suffers from a serious illness, there is no credible evidence to suggest that any such illness has been caused by environmental factors associated with the school site or copper previously being present in the drinking water supply.”

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:38 p.m. No.6743211   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3235 >>3384 >>3501 >>3561 >>3644 >>3648

Inexpensive Treatments Recover Dying Hospital Patients


Hospital patients dying of organ failure from serious infections are walking out of the jaws of death time after time thanks to courageous individuals who refused to accept the status quo failing treatments. Instead, thinking outside the box to what will become a revolution in disease care management. More about that after a few statistics to show what a big deal this really is.


Severe sepsis, resulting from infection, has become a national epidemic. It’s the most expensive condition treated in US hospitals. It is among the leading causes of hospital deaths, striking more than a million Americans every year from which 15-30% die.


Sepsis carried an annual cost of $24 billion in 2013 and is on the rise at $3.4 billion over the last two years, partially a result of antibiotic resistance.


At highest risk for sepsis deaths are infants, children and the elderly; and those who recover are at higher risk of future infections.


Thankfully, we are shifting into a new standard of care for infectious disease management, albeit not without resistance. The present system focuses on destroying the invading bacteria (antibiotics) and viruses (antivirals), while the new approach focuses on strengthening resistance to such infections. This is done by supporting the immune system through supplying increased amounts of nutrient substances normally present in the body and needed to facilitate the biochemical processes that destroy invading organisms.


So, what is this highlighted “out of the box” treatment? Well get ready… drum roll please… plain-old Vitamin C!


But WAIT, we are NOT simply talking about eating some oranges or lemons. Dying patients on life support are not eating and their Vitamin C content wouldn’t even come close to the amounts needed. Rescuing such patients requires massive doses of intravenous Vitamin C in the range of 25,000 to 100,000 milligrams per 24 hours and it can be miraculous as we see for New Zealand dairy farmer Alan Smith who was dying from H1N1 Swine flu.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:46 p.m. No.6743288   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3384 >>3501 >>3561 >>3648

Bipartisan Senate Group Seeks to End Corporate Anonymity for Drug, Sex Trafficking


WASHINGTON—Drug cartels, sex traffickers, and terrorists benefit because more personal information must be provided to obtain a library card than to create a company in America, and a bipartisan group of senators is determined to do something about the situation.


To that end, senators Mark Warner (D-Va.), Tom Cotton (R-Ark.), Doug Jones (D-Ala.) and Mike Rounds (R-S.D.) have introduced the “Improving Laundering Laws and Increasing Comprehensive Information Tracking of Criminal Activity in Shell Holdings Act” (ILLICIT CASH).


The draft bill “would, for the first time, require shell companies – often used as fronts for criminal activity—to disclose their true owners to the U.S. Department of Treasury,” the senators said in a joint statement announcing the measure.


“Human traffickers, terrorist groups, arms dealers, transnational criminal organizations, kleptocrats, drug cartels, and rogue regimes have all used U.S.-registered shell companies to hide their identities and facilitate illicit activities,” the senators said.


“Meanwhile, U.S. intelligence and law enforcement agencies find it increasingly difficult to investigate these illicit financial networks without access to information about the beneficial ownership of corporate entities involved,” they said.


Their bill would update the federal government’s current anti-money laundering (AML) and combatting financing of terrorism (CFT) regulations “by giving treasury and law enforcement the tools they need to fight criminal networks,” the senators said.


The ILLICIT CASH bill stemmed in part from the “Panama Papers,” a cache of 11.5 million secret documents from a law firm in the central American country made public in 2016 by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists.


The documents covered more than 200,000 off-shore entities that were implicated in a dizzying variety of serious crimes, including illegal drugs, sex trafficking, terrorism financing, bribery of public officials, tax evasion and international arms dealing.


According to a report cited by the senators from the Global Financial Integrity Library Card Project, “a person needs to provide far more personal information to a state to obtain a library card than to create a company.


“To obtain a library card in any state in the U.S., the applicant must be the person who will ultimately be controlling/using the card, and a significant amount of identifying information must be provided by the person to the state in order to obtain the library card.”


But to form a company anywhere in the U.S., the report said, “it is not necessary to identify or provide any information about the person(s) who will be ultimately be controlling the company.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:48 p.m. No.6743299   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3384 >>3501 >>3561 >>3648

Twitter deletes thousands of accounts tied to Iran, seeks to end false info campaigns


In the latest purge of information, the company said it believes 4,779 accounts were associated or backed by Iran.


Twitter Inc on Thursday said it removed thousands of accounts linked to coordinated, state-backed activities it believes were from the Iranian government and archived them to its public database launched last year.


In the latest purge of information, the company said it believes 4,779 accounts were associated or backed by Iran.

The micro-blogging site also said it had removed and archived four accounts affiliated with the St. Petersburg-based Internet Research Agency, a Russian "troll farm" that has been indicted by U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller for attempts to interfere with the 2016 presidential election.


It also removed and archived 130 accounts tied to the Catalan independence movement in Spain, and 33 accounts engaged in manipulative behavior related to Venezuela.


Twitter first released the archive of data associated with known state-backed information operations last October to provide more transparency of information and to stem manipulation on its platform.


"Thousands of researchers from across the globe have downloaded datasets, which contain more than 30 million Tweets and over 1 terabyte of media, using our archive to conduct their own investigations and to share their insights and independent analysis with the world," Twitter said in a blog post


Shutting down any truth getting out during the coming invasion and slaughter!

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:53 p.m. No.6743342   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3358 >>3384 >>3501 >>3561 >>3648

EXCLUSIVE: Full Text of Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan's Interview


Before heading to Kyrgyzstan for the SCO summit, Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan met Sputnik for an exclusive interview — his first to a Russian media outlet since taking office. He explained what he expects from his meeting with President Putin, and commented on relations with India, US sanctions against Iran and the situation in Afghanistan.


Sputnik: Do you plan to have talks with the Russian leadership in the near future? Do you yourself plan any visits to Russia?


Imran Khan: I would love to visit Russia. I have — a long time ago — only been once. And, yes, I hope to meet the Russian leadership in this conference in Bishkek, the SCO meeting this coming week. So I hope to meet President Putin.


Sputnik: What are your expectations from this meeting?


Imran Khan: I think this will just be an informal meeting on the sides of the SCO conference. I already met him briefly during my visit to China, where there was conference by Chinese President Xi. So I met him, but this time I hope to have an informal chat with him. I already met the prime minister of Russia in China on my first visit.


Sputnik: The Russian military has announced recently that Russian troops will hold military exercises with Pakistani forces later this year. How do you assess military cooperation with Russia? Are there any plans to further strengthen cooperation between our armed forces?


Imran Khan: Yes. We have developed cooperation with Russia between our defence forces. There has always been meeting. I think our defence personnel have already met. And so, yes, we hope to deepen our contacts.


Most of the 50s, 60s, 70s were spent in the Cold War region, where India was close to the Soviet Union, and Pakistan was close to the United States. We were in different camps. Now things have changed. India is also friendly with the United States, and Pakistan is also friendly with the US. So we no longer have the Cold War situation. It is refreshing that we have developed our contacts with Russia, and they are developing all the time.


Sputnik: Your country has been long importing US-made weapons, even became of the largest arms buyer, but now Russian arms seem to be getting a lot of attention in the region. Is Islamabad planning to purchase Russian weapons as well? Are you considering the purchase of the S-400 air defence systems?


Imran Khan: As I’ve said, once the Cold War was over. Previously Pakistan was tied to the US, and, as we all know, India was tied to the Soviet Union. And no longer is that situation there. First, we hope that our tension with India decreases, so we do not have to buy arms because we want to spend money on human development. But, yes, we are looking for arms from Russia, and I know our military is already in touch with the Russian military.


Sputnik: Has there been any progress on the Iran-Pakistan pipeline project? Are you planning to completely suspend the project due to the US sanctions?


Imran Khan: You see, at the moment there has not been much progress, and that is because of the sanctions put on Iran by the United States.


Cont. in link

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 12:57 p.m. No.6743372   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Gays Acknowledge They are Sick


(left, corporations celebrate gay pride month)


When government, corporations and media speak with one voice, and stigmatize dissent as "bigotry", you know Fascism (or Communism) has arrived. When they promote behavior that even homosexuals acknowledge is sick, something very sinister is afoot.


Quote from Mae West's autobiography, "Goodness Had Nothing to do with It" (1959): "In many ways homosexuality is a danger to the entire social system of Western civilization. Certainly a nation should be made aware of its presence – without moral mottoes – and its effects on children recruited to it in their innocence. I had no objection to it as a cult of jaded inverts… involved only with themselves. It was its secret, anti-social aspects I wanted to bring into the sun. As a private pressure group it could, and has, infected whole nations."


The Illuminati want this information to disappear down the Memory Hole. I will not oblige.

Anonymous ID: 03997e June 13, 2019, 1:23 p.m. No.6743571   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>3648

Manchin eyes Senate exit


Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) is eyeing a possible exit from the Senate, and his decision could be a significant factor in which party controls the majority in 2021.


In moments of frustration, the centrist senator has gone so far as to tell colleagues he may leave the upper chamber before the end of this Congress, or after the 2020 elections.


Senate Democratic Leader Charles Schumer (N.Y.) keeps a close watch on Manchin, and the senators have a good working relationship. While Schumer recognizes that his West Virginia colleague can get exasperated by dysfunction in the Senate, he believes Manchin is content and engaged in his job.


But Manchin says he’s deeply irritated with the lack of bipartisan cooperation on Capitol Hill, where passing bills has largely become an afterthought in the 116th Congress.


Manchin noted supporters in West Virginia are pressing him to run for governor next year, and he’s considering it.


“I have people back home that want me to come back and run for governor. We’re looking at all the different plays. I want to make sure whatever time I have left in public service is productive,” he told The Hill.


Asked if he’s happy with how productive he is in the Senate, Manchin replied, “Not at all.”


“I haven’t been happy since I’ve been here. I’ve always thought there was more we can do. It’s the greatest body in the world, so much good could be done,” he said of the legislative stalemate.


Manchin, 71, compiled a successful record as governor from 2005 to 2010. He was reelected to a second term in 2008 but left before finishing his term after winning election to the Senate seat long held by the late Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W.Va.).


Manchin often talks about his fondness for his time as governor. He doesn’t think his current Senate job is nearly as fulfilling. The Senate has spent most of 2019 churning through President Trump’s judicial and executive branch nominees, rarely voting on bills that have a chance to become law.


Schumer has accused Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) of turning the Senate into a “legislative graveyard,” while Republicans bash Schumer for delaying nominees that some Democrats eventually support when they finally come up for a vote.