Why do the elite need donated organs? … Or do they?
10+ years ago Dr. Oz was on oprah talking about regrowing hearts, kidneys and a curious statement with YOUR vs OUR:
"Right now, of course, we have a limited life span because your parts are breaking down," he says. "But imagine a time in the future when, once those parts start breaking down, you can just plug a new one right in."
And, in the article, CAN not WILL BE ABLE TO: "For instance, if you need a bladder transplant, Dr. Oz says doctors can build a replacement bladder using your cells in as little as eight weeks."
Q has said the cabalists are decades ahead of us, meaning they can already regenerate body organs and more?
Given the above "facts" (if they indeed are), this begs the question: What are the cabalists really doing with "organ donors" bodies?