Anonymous ID: 712395 June 13, 2019, 12:34 p.m. No.6743182   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Why is everyone upset about POTUS statement stating he would accept information damaging to a political opponent?


Has he announced his reelection campaign?

Is he a candidate?

Who has announced?

The truth is

If and when he announces

They ALL become opponents.


Any answer other than YES would have been a lie.

If someone were to offer info on creepy uncle joe tomorrow

Could he LEGALLY accept it?

The question was a trap.

Designed to generate air time in order to be used against him during impeachment.

> these people are stupid

Think Trump Card

> we have the servers

> how do you introduce evidence LEGALLY?

What if said evidence implicated the FBI?

Would he still be expected to contact them?

What might generate enough attention to draw in EVERYONE'S attention?

> the world is watching

How could someone possibly bypass all the censors and algorithms to deliver the TRUTH to the world?

> MSM wil be forced to cover it.

Once the proceedings begin

How long might one wait before exposing EVERYTHING?

Can't be day 1

Not enough eyes.

10 days might do it.

How would you draw even more eyes when so many eyes are fixated on a device?

> net shutdown


My fellow faggots

Is your Trump Card.

(((they))) should have gone quietly into the night.

Proceed with caution.

> there will come a day

His name is……..