See (or rather hear) what the Koreans do with Coke.
Why post a movie still with a bullshit caption claiming it's a real cooked human?
>ok what movie is it from
I wish I could remember, anon.
I know only because I fell for this when I first saw it posted here a year or so ago, but some kind anon did link to the movie and show me up for the naive anon that I was.
Maybe another kind anon can chime in.
Damn shame we can't Tineye the archives here.
Speaking of which, I cropped the BS off and did a search, but couldn't be arsed going through all the results.
>ok what movie is it from I was not aware it looks very real nice special fx
OK, I did my own digging on this, which is onlty fair seeing as I am the one who called you out.
Have a look at this jootube clip from 2:05 and take it from there.
It is Tarantino, from a movie call Grindhouse. It must be said, however, that that particular image is not in the movie, but was obviously taken on set.