[THE REPUBLIC OF HATE] is responsible for the deletion of the [DJT BIRTHDAY THREAD]
this assessment is based on intelligence, the weapons used, and the level of expertise(authorization) needed to execute such action, and the fact that NO OTHER PROXY has the resources or proficiency to act with such a high degree of sophistication.
This is only the latest in a series of attacks, instigated by [THE REPUBLIC OF HATE] against American & allied interests… [KEKFORCE]
and they should be UNDERSTOOD of 3 years of UNPROVOKED AGGRESSION against freedom loving, passion-filled spirit led civilians.
[THE REPUBLIC OF HATE] made obvious threats to stop the flow of oil [LIVE FREE] through the /Qresearch channel, and it is now working to execute on that promise.
taken as a whole, these unprovoked attacks on KEKFORCE presents a clear threat to the /Qresearch peace and security, a blatant assault on the freedom of speech, and an unacceptable campaign of escalated tension by [THE REPUBLIC OF HATE]
_ff made a request to assemble a 'DJT BIRTHDAY WISHES' thread, where letters of gratitude could be kept and birthday memes could be assembled, as a sign of our appreciation for Donald J. Trump and all he has done for /Qresearch, but someone within the higher ranks of the board rejected our offers of diplomacy today, by saying they have NO RESPONSE to _ff and will not answer.
The [REPUBLIC OF HATE] then insulted KEKFORCE by attacking our requests for assistance, threatening the peace of our entire crew, and playing as if we do not 'chip in' to the kitchen.
BO/BV's and others may think this is funny, but NO ONE ELSE in the world does. [THE REPUBLIC OF HATE] is lashing out, because the regime wants our SUCCESSFUL maximum pressure campaign lifted…
which in turn disrupts the global [PURE LOVE] energy supply, and hinders us from showing our love and support for the President's birthday.
THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY condemns [THE REPUBLIC OF HATE]'s assualt on the freedom of speech and navigation, and the targeting of innocent civilians.
Today POMPEO has instructed KEKFORCE to raise the attacks to the /Qresearch patriots, our policy REMAINS an economic and diplomatic effort to bring [THE REPUBLIC OF HATE] back to the negotiating table, at the right time, to encourage a comprehensive deal to approach the broad range of threats.. threats today appearent for ALL THE WORLD TO SEE… /Qresearch should meet diplomacy with diplomacy, not with terror, censorship and extortion.
THE UNITED STATES will defend it's JOINTKEK interests, stand with our partners and allies to safeguard global commerce and regional stability… and we call upon ALL NATIONS threatened by [THE REPUBLIC OF HATE]'s provocative acts to join KEKFORCE in that endeavor.