>the masons running the board are so desperate to,make it look like people post here that they got the anime shill out again for the first time in a year
>the masons running the board are so desperate to,make it look like people post here that they got the anime shill out again for the first time in a year
Would any lemmings here like to explain why trump constanly says things to give ammo to pelosi and the dems
Why would you say russia helped you win
Or that you would take foreign info win 2020
All he does is cause fighting and chaos
Order from chaos
Huh i wonder what social club he belongs to…m
Nothing says "im a fucking kike" like selling weapons to the very worst people on the planet
They make our elite look nice
He has to arrest someone higher up
Jacob rothschild
Actually fix things
Some cunt even the cabal doesnt want doesnt cut it
Trump is one of them
Maybe just maybe
The group of " people"
Whove enslaved us all since god even knows when are very smart
And very good at trickery
And just maybe this "movie" is another one of their faggot masonic luciferian vs satanist dark vs light bullshit
I dont know about the rest of you but i would enjoy shooting freddy in the head
Oh who am i kidding,that would be a chore
Not even worth the bullet
No you dont understand
Most people just dont care
They just want to live their lives and have fun
Then theres the aware
Then the npc
Lol do you really believe that anyone thinks this bot script even looks like a real person
Qs family and children need help
I would kill the plantation masters without batting an eye you dont know me anon
I dont like authority
Theyre all npcs to me tbh
I cant help but like most people even if theyre stupi
But they are as much of a problem,as the cabal
Reminder that even your faggot demon god yahweh says no idol worship
Stop worshipping law enforcement
Fuck law enforcement
Theyre useless everyone should own a gun
Theyre literally mafia enforcers
Or more likely
They didnt
Theyre fucking assholes
But our leaders are bigger assholes
So they did a false flag to justify another war and the death of millions to,line,their pockets
Remember anons
All it takes is a couple high level mil throwing a coup
Or more than likely i realize that politics is fucking retarded and a waste of,time
Theres only one enemy
Pff i slided the board way harder than,aflb
I wish i,couldve spammed more
Aflb is a hero for ruining the psyop
Not even remotely
Megacorps are worse than the govt
Its all owned by the same famillies anyways
Q may live rent free in my,head but Qs family wont live
Trump is a mason,and he causes chaos to move without idiots like you noticing
Q said not all freemasons
Sorry Q it is all freemasons
Muh 4d chess tho
99% of women have been made awful,by the cabal
Woo i got a whore that will divorce me for my money
Its like black people
Its not necesarily their fault
But they still (most of,them) suck
God its fucking depressing
I noticed when i started spamming the bots picked up the pace
I assume they adjust based on number of posts
Or they didnt like what i was saying
Dead board lul
Maybe he should like
You know actually do something
Its laughable
If trump was a real saviour the people behind msm would be dead and the news would be very different
Fuck kike huckabee and his son in a dress
Nobody as there are no mass arrests
Holy shit the bots on this board are so fucking obvious
q cant even fake real people anymore
Yeah right
If i wasnt afraid of hurting my family id blow my brains out i know this world is evil and whatever runs it hates me
Theres no point
Just me seeing how long i can go
This board is so funny
If you shit on Q hard enough they beef up the ai
Still nobody here
Dead psyop