Anonymous ID: 08f05b March 15, 2018, 11:09 a.m. No.674812   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4830 >>4866 >>5187



A secret unit of British spies trained Kiwis how to be "cyber magicians," using sex, misinformation and psychologicaltactics to control the internet.

Documents leaked by journalist Glen Greenwald, through US whistleblower Edward Snowden, show Government Communications Security Bureau agents were briefed by counterparts from the ultra-secret Joint Threat Research lntelligence Group.

Slide show presentations from a top secret "Five Eyes" 2012 intelligence conference reveal tactics including setting "honey traps" and dirty tricks cyber operations. As

well being successful in Afghanistan and lran, the undercover ploys were used on

"hackivists" (online political activists) and private companies.

Prime Minister John Key yesterday refused to confirm or deny if the tactics were used

by the GCSB. He stressed the foreign spy agency, which has been found to have

illegally spied on Kiwis for a decade, must act within the law.


The Government is braced for further revelations on the Five Eyes network from the

Snowden archive. But Key was nonchalant. "l don't know what Snowden has …

They are of no great consequence, I don't think."

Many of the tactics involved personal attacks, discrediting targets online by using sex,

writing false blogs and contacting friends and colleagues. Leaked and negative

information posted online and disrupting business links was designed to ruin the

reputation of private companies.

The hacktivist collective Anonymous was targeted with cyber attacks. The

presentation also detailed how agents could get another country to "believe a secret"

by placing information on a compromised computer or making it visible on networks

under surveillance.

Greenwald, writing for The lntercept website, said the agencies were "attempting to

control, infiltrate, manipulate and warp online discourse, and in doing So are

compromising the integrity of the internet itself."

He called the tactics "extremist" and "dangerous", pointing out they did not only

target hostile nations or spy agencies, terrorists or nation security threats, but also

"people suspected (but not charged or convicted) of ordinary crimes or … those who

use online protest activity for political ends."

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Labour said the Government had to ask questions to ascertain if the GCSB used the


"lt goes beyond surveillance. Some of it sounds barely legal," associate intelligence

spokesman Grant Robertson said.

"!t sounds extreme. lf they are using it, it is another blow to the public's confidence in

our intelligence agencies."

Feeding information to a company's rivals was a "bizarre" way for security agencies

to behave. "John Key does need to find out if this is what our agencies were involved


It is the second set of leaks that shows GCSB agents were swapping tips with their

Five Eyes counterparts. Last year Fairfax Media revealed a secret memo from an

April2008 intelligence conference at Britain's GCHQ.

It showed intelligence agencies from New Zealand, United States, Australia, Ganada

and Britain canvassed if they could pool medica!, religious or legal information

harvested during the bulk-collection of metadata. Canadian spies raised concerns.


JTRIG, a unit of the British signals intelligence agency GCHQ, focused on cyber

forensics, espionage and covert operations. Its purpose was "using online

techniques to make something happen in the real or cyber world", including

"information ops (influence or disruption)". Tactics, which follow the "4 Ds: deny,

disrupt, degrade and deceive, included:

  • Honey traps: A "great option" and "very successfulwhen it works"

  • A JTRIG tool called ambassadors reception. It involved sending a virus which would

delete emails, encrypt files, make the screen shake, deny service or stop logins

  • Methods to "stop someone communicating" by bombarding their phone with text

messages and calls - in some cases every 10 seconds, deleting their online

presence and blocking up their fax machines Changing a profile photo on socia! networking sites "can take paranoia to a whole

new level"

  • "false flag operations" - posting material online that is falsely attributed to a target

  • psychological manipulation, using "leaders, trust, obedience and compliance", to'

influence online discourse and sow discord


*The CIA hacking tools I also found on WikiLeaks Vault 7 called RAIN MAKER (Make it rain?) There's WAY more than I initially found last night!

Anonymous ID: 08f05b March 15, 2018, 11:28 a.m. No.674982   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Still con't from last night on NZ PM KEY & GCSB, SO MUCH MORE in tghe 218 pg. Pdf




Prime Minister John Key and Chinese President Xi Jinping have today set an ambitious neW goal for two-

way trade of $30 billion by 2020.In a meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing today they also

agreed to modernise the current Free Trade Agreement between the two counties.


"We have great confidence that the coming years will see

trade between us increase at a very fast pace." This was the Prime Minister's second

meeting with President Xi in China in the last 12 months and their third formal

meeting over the same period. The consistency of high level contact reflects the very

strong state of the New Zealand-China relationship. There has been a doubling in the

value of two-way goods trade with China since 2008, and a trebling in exports, There

has been a doubling in the number of visitor arrivals from China and new airline links.

"To support what we see as the ever increasing importance of the China market and

its growth potential, we intend to invest heavily in resourcing the region appropriately",

says Mr Key. The new resources will include an increase in personnelworking on the

China retationship, inctuding;

  • MFAT will establish seven new positions to further the political and economic

relationship. They will also engage a Public Affairs Manager and Advisor, both in


  • The Ministry of Primary lndustries (MP!) will add nine positions

PM Key: 'We are atso in the final stages of approving a further boost involving other

government agencies, some of which is subject to the Budget process. I will have

more to say about this closer to the Budget. These additions reflect the widespread

commitment within New Zealand's public sector to the New Zealand-China

relationship. Our new goal of reaching $30 billion in two way trade by 2020 must be

supported by people and resources. I am committed to making this happen."

ln the meeting with President Xi Mr Key also said New Zealand was investing in

future growth in the relationship by building a new Chancery. The current Chancery

has served us well since 1973, but it is now time for it to reflect the status and

importance of New Zealand's relationship with China. The increased New Zealand

footprint in Beijing will mean that the Government will support a greater range of New

Zealand activities in China, including in education, science and research and the

primary industries".

Prime Minister Key and President Xi atso discussed new initiatives for increased

cooperation in agriculture and food safety, including scholarships.

Prime Minister Key emphasised to President Xi New Zealand's commitment to

providing safe, high quality food to China. "The outcomes of the Government lnquiry

into the Whey Protein Contamination lncident have confirmed the New Zealand food

safety system is of international best standard," says Mr Key. Prime Minister Key and

President Xi also discussed key priorities and challenges in the regionat and

international environment.


The Prime Minister's office is demanding a Chinese immigration agency remove a

picture of John Key from its website, which appears to show he endorses the

organisation. The China-based agency's website said it had been working in New

Zealand immigration for 10 years and claimed to have helped with 20,000

applications. lt prominently featured a large picture of Mr Key, his signature, and the

words "recornmended to you with sincerity by John Key". Several other images of Mr

Key with Chinese officials were on the site. The agency said it had a "fast

government channel to reach New Zealand directly" and a strategic partnership with

the New Zealand Government. 'We promise you can to get your visa 100 per cent for

certain," the website says. "We are the only authorised immigration agency in China

that works only on New Zealand applications."

But New Zealand officials said the claims on the website were false. A spokeswoman

for Mr Key said he was not aware of the use of his picture. "lt is a completely

unacceptable use of the Prime Minister's image and we will be writing to the website

hosts insisting they remove this content." The website's administrators, based in

Shenzhen, did not respond to questions about the use of Mr Key's picture. Officials

did not know how long it had been on the site. lt is understood that it's not the first

Anonymous ID: 08f05b March 15, 2018, 11:46 a.m. No.675187   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Baker, could you please put this in bread? I also posted last night on PM Key & 5 eyes, GCSB, & illegal spying! There's SO much MORE I need to elaborate on that ties SO many crumbs together!

Thank You!!


Sauce: https://