total and absolute bullshit…
yes… it is all innuendo lead by cryptic messages .. people being people are naturally gullible and easily lead.
everything unknown seems great
skeptic anon
filter every single person that questions the all mighty q - sounds shilly to me.
many different types of censorship… the best one is called noise - it's about creating noise - loads and loads of noise which disseminating false information which can easily be disproved around truthful information which renders the truth null and void…
do you see any noise here… i see only noise
2 Timothy 3:13
But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
it's not a game… damn.. i thought i was playing a game.
for a mite there i thought you said bath salts - i was thinking hey - i don't smell that bad do i..