I actually do
Its 10 max
All the bots are easily identifiable
They were fucking up earlier and youing,random,posts due to lack of posters
Fucking lol
I actually do
Its 10 max
All the bots are easily identifiable
They were fucking up earlier and youing,random,posts due to lack of posters
Fucking lol
>being stupid enough to download a Q drop app that records everything,on,your phone without even having google do it
Aka a honeypot
If this country ever becomes free
Everyone behind Q has to die slowly
I wonder how many people Q drove insane with tech
Everyone with a brain left after all the lies
And not only no results
But trumps people making,it worse
They will never come back here
Anyone that angry is comped
Anyone pro israel is comped
Its a good marker
And by pro israel i dont mean
"I dont want israel to be nuked" im talking about israel first
Duh thats because youre evil and control reality
Do you enjoy playing chess against a three year old while only giving him,one piece
Cuz thats basically what youre doing coward
>I wrote about the whole Steiner/Hitler thing a while back on this forum. It's too deep to go into here. Please don't take the Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft as accurate, but there is a real story here.
>Steiner's prediction of an incarnation of "Ahriman" or the Satan of the Bible, a totally different personality from Lucifer, happening round about now, is clearly unfolding, if you know what's going on. Ahriman is the lord of materialism, fake news, artificial intelligence, a "spider web" that covers the Earth, Steiner predicted all of this.
>I'm not prepared to argue with anyone, I'm just here to give a perspective, but this is the score. 5G really is the platform of the Antichrist, some of us are fighting for all we're worth. I've been fighting cellphone towers for over 20 years. I'm a real tinfoil hat case. So, really, save your attacks for a more worthwhile cause, nothing is going to have any impact here. I regularly trawl all the anti-Steiner sites, Waldorf Watch, for the best quotes.
>Make no mistake, there are total assholes running Waldorf schools, as I said before, and cultists who use anthroposophy. There are lots of Jesuit infiltrators as well, one of them documented how many of the Steiner books are really written by Jesuits, and muddy the water. This is just the way it goes, look at this board, for a good example.
I cant exactly prove it to you
But i can genuinely tell you that there is a entity that is very old
That is exactly what you described that subtly influnces human behavior
Its terrifying when you notice
What do i do if the cabal gave me the autism and i cant enjoy anything
Do i get a do over if theres only 1 life?
How come the free will of the most evil seems to trump literally everyone else
>implying we should care when iraq and afghanistan mercenaries for the deep state get injured fighting to murder natives
I still care cuz most of them are just stupid and well meaning and think theyre fighting for freedom
But they are not heros
Only victims
The ww2 soldiers were both even tho the war was fake
Same with vietnam
You know why? Because they were drafted
And dont give me that muh i got shot at warrior crap
Im sure war is terrifying and you have to be tough to go thru it
But its not an excuse to sign up to basically commit war crimes
Prove it
Plus why would there even be a hell
Even the shit the cabal does doesnt deserve eternal toture
Just a couple eons until they learn their lesson
Hey operator your bot fucked up
Ive accepted that im basically dead once it goes up
Should i kill myself or kill my family too
I dont want to leave them here to be subjected to whats coming
But theyre all blue pill faggots
Well if youre a real person
You should realize that you are most likely talking to ai
Most of the people like that left long ago
That is a very well done bot script
Run by a moron
Nah if i come back to this shithole im killing all of you
Gimme my wings back faggot
Idk it depends how long theyve been doing,this
Youd think theyd learn after 2 million yeara of torture right?
Pfff im a literal video game addict and i dont even give a shit
Mkay ill just be a hedonist until that gets boring then kill myself
Or someone else
Not a innocent tho