Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 3:43 p.m. No.6744559   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4572 >>4609


The clairvoyant "spiritual scientist" Rudolf Steiner had many visionary experiences of episodes in the life of Jesus. He describes some of them in a lecture series called The Fifth Gospel. This Gospel is the indelible Akashik record of the actual events, and Steiner said it would start becoming accessible to us into the 21st century, people would behold these events in their own inner vision. The second coming of Christ is in the etheric, not in the physical, this is how it can appear to many people at once. Please don't be fooled by John Podesta's art holograms in the sky (remember, he's the big UFO discloser).


Akaiane here is clearly in tune with this spiritual trend. Her use of colour is very much in line with Steiner's theories on art. She blends the colours into each other, with oils as well as pastels. Steiner says if you start looking for lines to draw, clear boundaries, you'll always find more detail, things get fuzzy. He says "There is no such thing as drawing" – you can't capture an image with stark lines.


The book cover picture is Steiner's famous sculpture of Christ as the Universal Representative of Man, which stands at Dornach in Switzerland. I'm putting it with the Akiane picture just out of interest.

Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 3:57 p.m. No.6744650   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4670 >>4679 >>4690 >>4691


Rudolf Steiner is one of the most misunderstood thinkers, but get one thing straight: he was a true follower of Christ, the path of the Grail. That narrow path which few people find. As for gibberish, go read his lectures on globalization, World Economy – the most clear exposition you'll ever see of economics. He foresaw all the evils of globalization long before anyone else did, and worked out the cures for these problems. Very clear and consistent and very precise and German. So, your comments are not unexpected, but completely off the mark.

Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 4:19 p.m. No.6744787   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4791 >>4817 >>4833 >>4848


I wrote about the whole Steiner/Hitler thing a while back on this forum. It's too deep to go into here. Please don't take the Spear of Destiny by Trevor Ravenscroft as accurate, but there is a real story here.


Steiner's prediction of an incarnation of "Ahriman" or the Satan of the Bible, a totally different personality from Lucifer, happening round about now, is clearly unfolding, if you know what's going on. Ahriman is the lord of materialism, fake news, artificial intelligence, a "spider web" that covers the Earth, Steiner predicted all of this.


I'm not prepared to argue with anyone, I'm just here to give a perspective, but this is the score. 5G really is the platform of the Antichrist, some of us are fighting for all we're worth. I've been fighting cellphone towers for over 20 years. I'm a real tinfoil hat case. So, really, save your attacks for a more worthwhile cause, nothing is going to have any impact here. I regularly trawl all the anti-Steiner sites, Waldorf Watch, for the best quotes.


Make no mistake, there are total assholes running Waldorf schools, as I said before, and cultists who use anthroposophy. There are lots of Jesuit infiltrators as well, one of them documented how many of the Steiner books are really written by Jesuits, and muddy the water. This is just the way it goes, look at this board, for a good example.

Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 4:29 p.m. No.6744851   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4862 >>4872 >>4888 >>4908 >>5054


There are two distinct faces of evil: Lucifer, the brightest spark in God's retinue, who tempts us to set ourselves up as God; and Ahriman, or Satan, the lord of the material world, who tries to deceive us into thinking that the physical, material world is the only existence.


You can see this playing out right now. All the atheist scientists are pure Ahrimanic influences. And check out what 5G and 6G will mean for this planet. It's happening right now, rolling out all around you. Are you fighting it? Or are you making snarky comments?


If you want to confront evil face-to-face, go and fight 5G, you'll hit the truth soon enough. I always warn people, don't underestimate the vast forces behind 5G. Telecoms is not just money, it's power, it's knowledge, it's control. And 5G is a planetary kill grid.

Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 4:33 p.m. No.6744884   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>4897


And while I'm here: you are Q anons, you Americans. You have some theoretical line to Donald J Trump. Why don't any of you ask him what the hell he's doing with 5G? Pushing it for all he's worth? Putting industry creeps like Ajit Pai in at the FCC – swamp monster de luxe. Draining the swamp? Please. I have to stretch my faith in The Plan to the limit, just to begin to comprehend what you people think is going on. You have to wake up.

Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 4:44 p.m. No.6744980   🗄️.is 🔗kun


I'm a real person who learned to touch-type at age 15, in 1972, to become a ship's radio officer. I never went to sea in the end, but I'm still your original morsefag. This war will be won by real people who are quick on their keyboards, I'm just warming up here.

Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 4:55 p.m. No.6745050   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5066


Ahriman has been around since the creation of the material universe. Ahrimanic forces are absolutely necessary to give form and coherence to the physical world.


Steiner predicted that there would be an actual physical incarnation of Ahriman, the true Satan of the Bible, in America in the second half of the 20th century. This most dread Antichrist in the universe (to be both accurate and flamboyant) would appear on the world stage in the first third of the 21 century. Everything we see confirms a worldwide surveillance state is being set up.


Zoroaster was a great prophet who foresaw the advent of Christ. Remember the three Magi came from Persia.


Zoroaster witnessed the immense spiritual battle between this force of light, and Ahriman, the force of darkness, lies, and evil. And now we are seeing it playing out right in front of our eyes.


So, yeah, Ahriman, 5G. We are fighting the final war of the human race here. They are rolling 5G out by 2020. This is the last full year of the human race. Alexandra Occasional-Cortex is wrong, we have no time at all. The rollout is happening as we speak, the satellites are being launched in squadrons, the Loons are crashing all over, the high-altitude pseudo-satellites or HAPs are preparing to hover the drones are out in force. The towers are everywhere. Is there anything that registers?

Anonymous ID: ae5100 June 13, 2019, 5:11 p.m. No.6745167   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Go read World Economy, where he says, every nation has so far balanced its trade against others, by regulating imports and exports. What's going to happen when the whole world becomes one huge trading bloc, seeing as we can't balance things by trading with Mars?


That is what I mean by the first proper economic treatment of globalisation, in 1922.


There was more than one Zoroaster, you are referring to Zoroaster II, but that's a story for another day.


Go find the warnings of Mr Barrie Trower, the UK government's former top intelligence agent in the field of microwave warfare. I met him and travelled with him for a week in 2010. He is the real deal, and does not say one thing he cannot justify from his thousands of scientific papers. He describes 5G repeatedly as "genocide". He does not use words like that lightly.


This is the score on this planet. If you cannot see what is happening right in front of your eyes, what can I say. Rotsa ruck, pal. You Americans are among the first to be fried.