Anonymous ID: 3dc78b June 13, 2019, 5:29 p.m. No.6745335   🗄️.is 🔗kun


The Waldorf school movement is the most prominent Steiner influence. I've never been part of any Steiner group or organisation, I've known several serious Waldorf cranks and some really great people. You have to be really careful.


One thing: the Waldorf schools are right at the front of the anti-vax story, and wow, is that a big one with the Left. They insist on herd immunity, it's the best sign of their real herd mentality.


Weleda pharmaceuticals and anthroposophical medicine are also very strong. Weleda was founded with Steiner by Rudolf Hauschka, famous for his pigments and cosmetics. If you ever meet a genuine supermodel, ask her, and she'll tell you she uses Hauschka cosmetics.


Biodynamic farming started when Steiner saw the use of chemical fertilisers. He said organic life can't come out of dead chemicals. This is a true crisis hitting the world, and Steiner put the solutions out, including natural pest control.


Steiner's big political concept was the Threefold Social Order, the separation of powers, political/military; educational/cultural; and economic. If you look carefully, this is what the whole world is pushing towards, without knowing it. You can see exactly how the Left gets it wrong, aiming for Equality in education, when it should be Freedom. And so on.


You just gotta be careful. I was there at the beginning of Pi**agate, and investigated the Waldorf school associated with Comet Ping Pong. I am not by any means saying all Steiner people are OK, there are creeps and charlatans and disinformation merchants. You need to filter the shit, just like this board.

Anonymous ID: 3dc78b June 13, 2019, 6:36 p.m. No.6745844   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>5874


Mr Barrie Trower, the UK government's former top intelligence agent in microwave warfare, became a whistleblower when he saw that the cellphone networks were an enormous weapon directed at the entire civilian population. He had provided Western governments with the exact frequencies that would affect body and brain, frequencies he extracted from captured Soviet "microwave spies". So he knows exactly what effects these governments are intending to create in the population.


Of all the warnings he gives, the most consistent is that where towers go up, teen suicides go up. And you can see this happening worldwide.


The psychologist Jean Twenge, who has been tracking youth data across the decades, says that in 2012, every social indicator for young people went off a cliff – suicide, depression, feelings of worthlessness. She had no doubt about the cause, writing an article titled: Have smartphones destroyed a generation?


We now have pandemics of ADD; Alzheimer's; autism; sleep disorders; fatigue disorders; cancers of all kinds, including steep rises in testicular cancers and glioblastomas (up 100% in the last 10 years, and maybe No Name didn't die of his glioblastoma, but … ), steep rises in infertility in males, steep rises in autoimmune conditions, in diabetes. Even hair loss.


Now, every single one of these conditions has been linked to cellphone radiation in scientific studies. Studies show that people living near masts have a higher disposition towards diabetes, for example.


There are very many factors behind all of these illnesses. But microwave radiation is a "tipping factor" in each case.


5G is going to see an explosion of suicides and illnesses of all kinds. Check out Bristol University in the UK. They started trialling 5G in 2017. Since then, at least ten students have committed suicide, it's a big scandal the university is covering up. They're trialling 5G in Harlem, NYC. Watch for a spate of suicides there.


Many studies on masts show mood swings, rages, depression. Check it out: "road rage" hit virtually every state in the US in 1997, there were "Road Rage Committees" set up in many states in that specific year. Why? That was the year cellphones were rolled out across the nation.


The radiation is invisible, so it can't have any effect, can it. Just look. Look at the incidence of cancer mortalities around towers in Belo Horizonte, Brazil. Thousands of excess deaths above the baseline, rising the closer you live to a tower.


The dead bodies are literally piling up around the cellphone towers; and no one is looking, no one is doing any studies (there has never been a single study on towers and health in the US), and Donald Trump is pushing 5G for all he's worth.


How many suicides have to happen before someone says: there's a problem here? Look at the plummeting fertility rate, plummeting sperm counts in men. This is open genocide.