Look at this stupid bitch right here.
They pose in these photos on benches and chairs because their secret retard god rises up and it looks like a guy taking a shit.
It's a star with a debris field around it.
So when the sun rises up all that crap rises up with it.
That comet ping pong pic is a good example. That's the throne of the king.
The red star. The lips on the chair. That's the secret sun.
The rolling Stones…rock and roll.
It's all a big satanic joke..
The devil is a red Rock.
In the other pic the dress would be the red queen (red sun) and the curtains are fagmason pillars. In the other pic those flowers are the devil aka red star
Roses and lotus flowers are used all the time.
Red bull gives you wings
It's mirror world. Making fun of God.
These people are drug addicts and child RApists they don't give a shit about dogs