Anonymous ID: 8c19eb June 13, 2019, 6:59 p.m. No.6746044   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>6058 >>6073 >>6076 >>6084



RUSH: I was perusing the Drudge page over the top of the hour break.


Man, the Drudge page. Depending on the time you look at it, I mean, it makes it look like this country’s finished, we’re done, it’s over. You may as well forget about it and just enjoy your life. Well, let me give an example. Let me just give you these headlines. Ready? “U.S. Cities Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” (Snort!) Do you know what Ebola is? If you’ve got it, you’re dead. There’s no cure for Ebola, particularly if it’s Ebola Zaire. You get that, and it’s, “Sayonara.” There isn’t any cure.


Now the U.S. is “Overwhelmed with Illegals from Ebola Countries.” Not that they have Ebola, but who’s gonna stop and make that distinction? Next headline: “Not Being Screened, Not Being Quarantined.” (laughing) “California Desert Town Sees Migrant Surge as Crisis Worsens.” “Nonstop Dumping: ‘New Phenomenon.'” “Crawling Out of Manholes in El Paso.” The illegals are in the sewer system and they’re popping up out of manhole covers in El Paso, folks — and there’s nothing anybody can do about it.