Does anyone here actually know what a Q clearance is?
Do you believe in coincidences?
Do you think for yourself using critical analysis or are you just another sheep in the herd? Would you believe me if I told you all wasn’t as it seems? Let’s take a journey down the rabbit hole for good times sake.
Look up:
Q Group (NSA)
Admiral Mike Rogers (Secret meeting)
Q clearance
1017 Majestic Drive Lexington Kentucky
17th letter of the alphabet
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Unclassified and Classified Cyber Security Programs October 2017 (OUO)
IN Q TEL & Black Cube Creative Intelligence
Now look up
John G Trump + Julian Assange
John G Trump + Tesla
0010110 Tesla
The Majestic 12
Roswell incident
John Titor and the IBM5100
177th time brigade
Lighting strike trump tower 10:45
Trump tower gold room
PLVS ULTRA Trump (Mar a Lago)
Simpson’s predict future
Pleasure Paradise Trump
Biff Tannins Pleasure Paradise
Terminator series
Ashtar Command
Celestial phenomena 1561
Now look up
Cern + Mayan Calendar
Oct 28 2011 alt Mayan calendar
Dec 21 2012 main Mayan calendar
October 28 2017 Q anon appears
Dec 21 2017 executive order
Cern schedule for Dec 21 2012
Project Mayhem Code Tyler
Cern schedule 4/18/18
Voicemail 4/18/18
Fortnite 4/18/18
Southern tv broadcast 1977
YouTube user StopSwitchProxy
Project looking glass
Project Pegasus
Project Grill Flame
Project Gateway
For you religious folks:
John 1:7
Peter 1:7
Acts 1:7
Romans 1:7
Philippians 1:7
Ezekiel’s wheels
Job 9:9
Job 38:31
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Proverbs 25:21-2
Proverbs 8:1-36
The Baron Trump Omnibus
Q Source
Q (Startrek and James Bond)
Q (book)
Q the great winged serpent
How old was Donald Trump the day he took office? (to the day)
What lies ahead has been in our past, just misused. The future belongs to whoever ceases it.
Do you believe in coincidences?
Do you think for yourself using critical analysis or are you just another sheep in the herd? Would you believe me if I told you all wasn’t as it seems? Let’s take a journey down the rabbit hole for good times sake.
Look up:
Q Group (NSA)
Admiral Mike Rogers (Secret meeting)
Q clearance
1017 Majestic Drive Lexington Kentucky
17th letter of the alphabet
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Unclassified and Classified Cyber Security Programs October 2017 (OUO)
IN Q TEL & Black Cube Creative Intelligence
Now look up
John G Trump + Julian Assange
John G Trump + Tesla
0010110 Tesla
The Majestic 12
Roswell incident
John Titor and the IBM5100
177th time brigade
Lighting strike trump tower 10:45
Trump tower gold room
PLVS ULTRA Trump (Mar a Lago)
Simpson’s predict future
Pleasure Paradise Trump
Biff Tannins Pleasure Paradise
Terminator series
Ashtar Command
Celestial phenomena 1561
Now look up
Cern + Mayan Calendar
Oct 28 2011 alt Mayan calendar
Dec 21 2012 main Mayan calendar
October 28 2017 Q anon appears
Dec 21 2017 executive order
Cern schedule for Dec 21 2012
Project Mayhem Code Tyler
Cern schedule 4/18/18
Voicemail 4/18/18
Fortnite 4/18/18
Southern tv broadcast 1977
YouTube user StopSwitchProxy
Project looking glass
Project Pegasus
Project Grill Flame
Project Gateway
For you religious folks:
John 1:7
Peter 1:7
Acts 1:7
Romans 1:7
Philippians 1:7
Ezekiel’s wheels
Job 9:9
Job 38:31
Ecclesiastes 1:9
Proverbs 25:21-2
Proverbs 8:1-36
The Baron Trump Omnibus
Q Source
Q (Startrek and James Bond)
Q (book)
Q the great winged serpent
How old was Donald Trump the day he took office? (to the day)
What lies ahead has been in our past, just misused. The future belongs to whoever ceases it.
Coincidences > > reveal w/o violating NAT SEC
Coincidences > > mathematically impossible to be 'FALSE'
Coincidences > > bypass 'installed' restrictions to prevent future legal attachments
Comms understood? (Romans) 5:5?