>...the London Whale lost at least $6.2 billion for JPMorgan Chase & Co. in 2012....
Did he really do that, or was he the fall guy?
>...the London Whale lost at least $6.2 billion for JPMorgan Chase & Co. in 2012....
Did he really do that, or was he the fall guy?
>Limited bitrate video encoding.
That only happens in the vid where the cartridges are supposed to be hitting the ground.
>…Waldorf schools…..
Waldorf schools are the next step up from home schooling. Same granola, only you make your own bowl in pottery class. I can imagine some would be coopted here and there. It's been a long time since I looked into them, the whole thing might be took over, you know how a certain crew works.
>That kid has a handful of tiddy too.
It's what kids used to do before they were forced to replace it with a binky.
>Is McAfee on board the Trump train?
>I say yes.
That's what I been thinking. Conveniently can represent himself as able to dox anyone, like he so hacker. No help from NSA or like that. Right? Right?
smH? Whad eye do? Please, ALL of my initials! I didn't think to screenshot the first time.
How many times you been told not to take magnesium oxide? What you got here, SFB, is a bunch of old farts and old biddies who've been digging for decades. You ever hear about the experiment with rats, where the old ones would kick the young ones off the rat playgound equipment?
Supplement. Lemme see if I can find that Amazon review. Found it:
BulkSupplements Pure Magnesium Hydroxide Powder (500 Grams)
Before you take this powder you must ask yourself very important question: Do I have to do anything today that involves me being far away from the crapper? If the answer no then take a teaspoon of this stuff in the morning. Be prepared. Drink lots lots of water because your a$$ is going to turn into a fire hydrant. This is worse than Indian food but not spicy. Billy needs a ride to a friend's house? Tell Billy to get lost because you are going to crap any second now. Make sure that you are playing a radio or something because it sounds nasty as hell. 1 teaspoon! That's all it takes to get rid of the remnants of the McDonald's cheeseburger that you ate in 1997. This 250 grams will last a lifetime.
>anybody else here all alone later in your life. no family to count on. sometimes it becomes unbearable. what do you do to get the energy to keep going.
The same affliction. I will ask again, how can we connect, like on the phone, conference call? If I dedicate a phone, I could connect with two people at a time, somebody else could maybe do the same, could we all hear each other?
>I would love to know if Seth Rich was possibly an undercover agent.
>He was supposedly alive and speaking at the hospital. My question is, why was Donna Brazille there? Who were the official looking dudes that showed up and threw everyone out? White hats? Black Hats? Could be either…
If you watch the interview of his purported family a few days after he supposedly died, there's all kinds of strangeness, brother with ongoing duping-delight smiles, family that should be in the throes of mourning and unable to talk, let alone what they did. It suggests he's not dead. I don't know how DB would fit into that. I trod through the Webb videos during that time, muck, muck everywhere.
Posting that bathroom picture suggests a kink in your wiring happened somewhere along the line, that you've fallen off the path for moral development, not even at Level One, you seem to like to symbolically stick your thumb in people's eyes.