Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 12:13 a.m. No.6747722   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7747


Of course… How could I miss it.

Red cross. If thinking in terms of a negative, then the flag of switzerland is a red cross.


The swiss were neutral through World War 2 and ended up being a go-between for pretty much everyone. They played both sides of that war.

What was also interesting was the group of French who were "in prison"….


Reading the record of that battle through the lens of what we understand about how propaganda has been used in the past - it is convenient that all of the senior people who knew what the Nazis were up to were killed. The only survivors were the "prisoners" and a few others. Convenient the radio in the vehicle went out, too.


Anyway - Switzerland played some janky shit back in 2008. They basically sold a bunch of junk bonds off to everyone and then had them by the balls when everyone went in debt. There is a reason they are a sex trafficking hub - a lot of families are likely given few options but to sell off their children (or … Let them be bought…).

I am having trouble sourcing it - but I have spoken with several from overseas who have mentioned how their families are effectively in debt because of Swiss banking. …. Thinking back on it, I was probably not talking to small fries….


But I was able to find this in a short time.

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 1:04 a.m. No.6747830   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Someone suggested Alex Jones.

Could you imagine how that would go down? Alex Jones steps in as Press Sec just as FISA declass hits, Assange testimony begins coming out, and arrests in DC begin….


Yeah, I know AJ is disinfo… Which is why it would make it all the more hilarious, in my opinion.

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 1:17 a.m. No.6747850   🗄️.is 🔗kun



This was effectively replaced by Christian icons.


This was the man who reportedly baptized Constantine on his death bed…

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 1:55 a.m. No.6747928   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7976 >>7992 >>8010


Not disputing your point… But "fake sperg" is a rather uncommon term here. Shill, tard, kike, or clown are much more common terms for the type of behavior you describe.

I mean - I get how the term works. It's just one of the first times I've encountered it here, and I've lurked or posted in many of the time slots for quite some time.

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 1:58 a.m. No.6747935   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7970


They've been doing that for a long time, but it seems they believe some kind of video or picture is about to drop, soon, so they are all over the place with trying to stir up fake horror stories.

Get the jumpy and excited to share hoaxes so that in the event the real one drops, people have heard wolf too many times.

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 2:08 a.m. No.6747950   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7977


I'll run with that. Q picked my birthday to start the 10 days of darkness… Or to launch the shuttle… Or… Whatever ends up happening on that day and I can say it was a (you) for me from Q.



No, but there is a time, place, and context. Remember that the normalcy bias is strong in people. "Elites" going above and beyond for halloween just shows how like us they are - we love dressing up and pretending to do crazy stuff, too!


The pictures have already been floating around out there for some time. When the abuse cases start coming in, people will start putting two and two together…. These people aren't normal, and what they were doing wasn't part of our fun… But a mockery of it.

It's just a matter of when the normalcy bias becomes untenable for people and they must begin to consider a new paradigm.

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 2:45 a.m. No.6748007   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8103


I hesitate to go that far. We are anons and we do what we do. For me, personally, I have no real knowledge of "eating people" - so I am not going to play mind games with normies trying to get them to believe in that particular aspect, because I do not know where the boundary of truth lay with it.


I will push the boundary with some other stuff - a "true enough" story shared with words of caution or clever retro-speak (reads differently when you read it after finding out the story was 'fake') - but if I am not sure how much of the underlying point is true, then I usually leave it be.


It's up to each anon to decide what they are going to run with and how they are going to present it, but even when I am playing more manipulative and know a post will trigger emotions, I try to preserve logical thought.

Well… Except when dealing with shills… Then I just have fun.

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 2:51 a.m. No.6748017   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8103


I think it is probably closer to abortion in its nature.

Cabal rapes women. Aborts their babies - or mothers have their children aborted because the cabal has turned this into hell.

Cabal then has the troubled ones off themselves after they can't interface with normal society.

Tissue and research cadavers harvested at every juncture. Working society never has to encounter the horrors of their masters. So long as bread and circuses continue, no one will bother looking gift horses in the mouth.


Out of sight

Out of mind.

Anonymous ID: 40ce6d June 14, 2019, 2:58 a.m. No.6748030   🗄️.is 🔗kun


Since we are playing on the fast and loose side….

What if we are all living in an artificial world - let's say that maybe only the past 40 years of history is 'real' - and everything before that was so fake that even the people were androids… Or something… (Work with me, here).


We are actually the clones of humans long, long ago who wiped themselves out or something. Perhaps there was a world-ending war at the end of World War 2 or the Cold War, and some kind of weird technology to rebuild society and place people in it was devised.

You know … Kind of like in Horizon: Zero Dawn. Which… Was actually kind of a fun game if you were new to Monster Hunter and hadn't burned yourself out on Assassin's Creed/Shadow of Mordor.