Anonymous ID: 7f6478 June 14, 2019, 2:20 a.m. No.6747970   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7977



>This one came back again yesterday with a description of it being a feast for the elites:


See below, but also…Isn't it sickening that in order to not spread fake/gay bullshit, we must now know the difference between all of these grotesque photos? Some fake, some from old gore movies, and some real. What a fucking world.



>So we just throw the symbolic meaning behind them all down the drain?


Nobody said that.


That pic you commented on is from the darkweb and it is probably real; taken from one of those sites where people volunteer to be eaten. So yeah…thats-a-thing. Civilization has come so far…



>They've been doing that for a long time, but it seems they believe some kind of video or picture is about to drop, soon, so they are all over the place with trying to stir up fake horror stories.


Yep. And deep fakes will be blamed for the real shit.

Anonymous ID: 7f6478 June 14, 2019, 3:43 a.m. No.6748103   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8117


>I hesitate to go that far. For me, personally, I have no real knowledge of "eating people" - so I am not going to play mind games with normies trying to get them to believe in that particular aspect, because I do not know where the boundary of truth lay with it.


Saying that you "hesitate to go that far" implies a warning that we have crossed some imaginary line of yours…Yet the rest of your statement is self-cancelling, because you admittedly choose to remain ignorant on the subject, and therefore cannot draw the line in the sand. And yet you call other people "normies".


Look, there is all kind of fucked up things on the darkweb, and plenty of pics of people performing cannibalism…These are not people in the jungle. They are people wearing normal clothes and sitting at their table eating a baby or a small child's head.


But your lack of knowledge doesn't keep you from offering your opinion, as we see below.



>Cabal rapes women. Aborts their babies - or mothers have their children aborted because the cabal has turned this into hell.


Politicians have their whores get abortions.


The Cabal/Cult makes their ritual abuse victims eat their own babies.


And to think all of these comments came from me pointing out that an anon posted a picture/meme of a child victim of a dog-mauling, and it was supposedly related to Hillary and frazzledrip. It was not.


I will say it again: It is terrible that some of us have had to do our due diligence, so that we can point out the fake or real cannibalism, etc., pics…

Anonymous ID: 7f6478 June 14, 2019, 4:06 a.m. No.6748144   🗄️.is 🔗kun


>Because for all the shit we know they're doing, they're behind closed doors doing 100x worse.


Yep. Preaching to the choir. I was helping SRA victims in the 90's. Just like all of the YT videos you will come up with by typing in "satanic abuse victim speaks", they too, testified of very similar and horrific treatment. Look at all the similar pictures the daycare children had drawn during the summer of "Satanic Panic", so labeled by the MockingbirdMedia traitors, who ignored all of the children's drawings which clearly depicted rituals that included nudity and blood. And when you see kids, (now grown up), recounting the same ritual treatment from several different countries, you know how deeply infested the problem is.