This world will burn because of those who allowed this to take place.
It had already been written.
This world will burn because of those who allowed this to take place.
It had already been written.
Fun fact: POTUS was a mad shit talker in his youth. Would make some of his stuff today seem tame in comparison.
Sick people.
Exactly what occurs when people are "all loving, all inclusive, tolerate everything, stand for nothing".
Sodom and Gomorrah all over again.
Like our founders said…tree of Liberty needs to be refreshed…just like a house needs to be cleaned.
Nah, we'll start with the soft faggots like you who keep our hands tied with your twisting of words and facts that the jewish agenda aka Kalergi plan was to flood the western civilizations aka white worlds with the less evolved mudd mutts who turn your children into literal tranny fags who are being preached to in schools and media that it's okay to have anal sex at 5 fucking years old then we can clean up the jews after that.
You think your empty bullshit scare tactics of an "all seeing eye" makes me give to shits about defending my Country from foreign invader scumbags who owe their loyalty to another nation? Might want to go look up the definition of what patriot is. Then go look up what Lincoln said about us being destroyed from within. If you aren't a kike then you must be the useful idiot who allows them to corrupt our Country but chances are you're just a kike with your plebbit spacing. Don't need a permit to defend my nation against domestic enemies like you. We're building the army which is why you're so desperate to push your "not da jews" shit. Fuck you.
two fuck*
You're right. Not wasting my time on the obvious enemy. Just think, if [[[they]]] didn't kill Tesla and steal his work we would already have pic related.