Anonymous ID: a93afc June 13, 2019, 11:41 p.m. No.6747651   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7656 >>7817

This was posted earlier…


But dem comments though:


>They forced the resignation of a good and decent man, Pope Benedict, to make way for the Latino Jesuit and Marxist-Leninist Bergoglio of Buenos Aires to sit in and defecate all over the Chair of Peter.

>They will stop at nothing to keep and retain power…much like the Establishment Swamp of both major political parties in D.C.


>The Argentinian hedgepriest needs the gay mafia as they are part of the support group keeping him in power. They include some of the Vatican's top people.

>And while some cardinals, bishops, and priests have been disciplined or expelled for sexual predation or coverup, they are the disposable ones. Those necessary to keep the current pope in power are virtually untouchable.


>This is true in the US where Bergoglio has promoted several very gay men to cardinals , Cupich of Chicago and Tobin of Newark , at the same time he refused to elevate the conservative Archbishop Chaput of Philadelphia to the College of Cardinals where the Philadelphia prelate is usually appointed. Chaput would have been the first Native American to have reached this position. Bergoglio has appointed dozen of openly homosexual men to be bishops. His favorite American priest is Rev Martin SJ who resides at the fabulously wealthy Fordham University a powerful Jesuit fortress and who is a publicist for the gay community. He has publicly declared that he is not interested in “below the belt sins” but would deal with the above the belt sins like global warming, migration control and capitalism. He has publicly and viciously attacked traditionalists both Catholic and Protestant . He has interfered with American politics backing Hilary Clinton and most likely jumping on the Joe Biden bandwagon. He is a de facto socialist and NWO partisan. He is definitely not a pope or a priest .

Anonymous ID: a93afc June 13, 2019, 11:44 p.m. No.6747656   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7670




>People tend to think of Georgetown U as the center of this Rainbow Coalition Socialist Liberation Theology Cabal.

>You are correct.It is Fordham. I am pretty sure this goes all the way back to Cardinal Dulles who interestingly was not born Catholic.

>Going back to the 60s and 70s people who now refer to themselves as Old School hippies were priest like the Berrigan Brothers protesting the War in Vietnam etc… It was a small faction that was tolerated but never mainstream. NOW? Focus on family has been subverted to the Communist cause.

>I do not know this Church. I live in the Philly area and am grateful to Charlie Chaput for his moral courage.

>A side note. Generally the church does not promote political agendas. During the last election however the local Catholic station did non stop coverage hitting various angles and proponents of abortion. Please recall we are home to this country's biggest mass murderer, abortion doctor Kermit Gosnell who put fetuses in the crab traps by his home for bait.

>Charlie Chaput is one sly tough cookie. I cannot be certain but I am pretty sure he was behind this to counter the awful abortionist agenda at NPR.

Anonymous ID: a93afc June 13, 2019, 11:49 p.m. No.6747670   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>7692



>They homosexual mafia eventually destroy every institution they infest. Look what they did to the Boy Scouts. Got them to abandon their moral center, people with traditional values could no longer trust BSA, and left. Now the institution "Boy Scouts of America" no longer even exists – but they don't care. They just move on to co-opt and undermine the next traditional institution.



Unfuckingbelievable. A gay mafia destroying western civ from within. Who could have though this up?