Anonymous ID: e5ffa8 June 14, 2019, 2:29 a.m. No.6747983   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Multikultistan: A house of horrors for ordinary Germans | Wikileaks


Date: 2016-02-21 00:51

Subject: Multikultistan: A house of horrors for ordinary Germans


Although Germany is now surrounded by smaller nations that are beginning to see the light (the Netherlands, Flanders, Denmark, Switzerland and Austria), Germany remains trapped in the PC Dark Ages. Why is this so? Under Hitler's looming shadow - which obliterates any well-informed and rational discussion of snowballing immigration problems - German Polite Society has long had an easy task of ruthlessly imposing its particular brand of PC Nastiness on the German masses. The frequent invocation of Hitler still serves as a nuclear weapon in the immigration debate, as infantile as that may sound to more mature and developed nations. German society is like a dog that has never outgrown its puppy phase, and the Left is hell-bent to keep it that way. Say anything deviating one syllable from Loopy Lefty orthodoxy, and you are accused of being a Nazi (quite often by folks with strong Leftwing Nazi credentials), put your career at risk, face ostracization and become an easy target for violence and intimidation from Muslim Supremacists and Black Blockers. The German national character also comes into play. Most Germans are docile, group-oriented and fearful of authority to a degree that their naturally rebellious and big-mouthed Dutch neighbors - the New Yorkers of Europe, if you will - would find side-splittingly hilarious. But as Johan Cruyff famously observed, "Every disadvantage has its advantage." The rapidly escalating immigration mess created by Germany's Multikulti-Narren has now become so horrendous that reality can no longer be hidden from view. Quite a few über-shocking media reports had slipped past the PC censors, before the Far-Right Murders put a halt to that blast of glasnost. In three years' time, a select group of German journalists with balls and brains will probably pick up where they left off and will once again tell the unvarnished truth on immigration. Equally important, more than half of Germans are now in revolt against the Leftwing Establishment, and their number will only increase in the face of the demographics-driven banlieue-ization of their country. Germany has also produced a dozen immigration critics of note, including those mentioned in my previous email. Even Angela Merkel, normally as cautious as a snail braking hard for a curve in the road, felt compelled to talk to the nation like a Dutch uncle What is further working against the Multikultis' still-iron grip on power is that Germany is becoming the odd man out in its own neck of the woods. Thankfully, the sort of PC Wackoism that is pretty much prevalent among Germany's Ruling Classes is getting rarer by the day in Western Europe and is being steadily pushed out to the fringes of Western Europe (Britain and Sweden/Norway).
