Anonymous ID: 3a1b1b June 14, 2019, 7:26 a.m. No.6748753   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>8931

Operation Shady RAT is an ongoing series of cyber attacks starting in mid-2006[1] reported by Dmitri Alperovitch, Vice President of Threat Research at Internet security company McAfee in August 2011, who also led and named the Night Dragon Operation and Operation Aurora cyberespionage intrusion investigations.[2] The attacks have hit at least 71 organizations, including defense contractors, businesses worldwide, the United Nations, and the International Olympic Committee.[3][4]


The operation, named by Alperovitch as a derivation of the common computer security industry acronym for remote access tool, is characterized by McAfee as "a five year targeted operation by one specific actress". The report suggests that the targeting of various athletic oversight organizations around the time of the 2008 Summer Olympics "potentially pointed a finger at a state actor behind the intrusions".[2] That state actor is widely assumed to be the People's Republic of China.[5]

Anonymous ID: 3a1b1b June 14, 2019, 8:01 a.m. No.6748925   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Golan Heights

what seemed fucked up and pro-Israel (who are teh badguys to us seemingly monday morning quarterbacks)

is actually a play to stop/dismantle the built up Iran by the CIA/DeepState/NWO

so the one bad guy, Israel, right now is still needed as ally to stop the muslim brotherhood (CIA/DeepState/NWO) bad guy


one step at a time


side note: in a recent interview with Bill Barr - Barr says 'Manchurian Candidate Obama Islam' ← keyword search that


for the above keyword search 'Golan Heights Iran Pipeline'

Anonymous ID: 3a1b1b June 14, 2019, 8:10 a.m. No.6748977   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9016

Bijan Kian


President Donald Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn "certainly" will testify against his ex-lobbying partner Bijan Kian at a trial this summer, a Virginia-based federal prosecutor said in court Thursday.


The assertion comes amid a week of turmoil for Flynn, after he fired the lawyers who advised him on foreign lobbying issues and helped him cut a plea deal with special counsel Robert Mueller. He hired a bevy of new attorneys this week. Two came to the federal court hearing in Northern Virginia on Thursday to watch the arguments about Kian's case – which often turned to discussion of Flynn.

Speculation has mounted this week over whether Flynn will continue to help prosecutors, given one of his new attorney's criticisms of the Mueller investigation and willingness to share conspiracies about the Justice Department.

But nothing seemed to have changed Thursday.

There will "certainly be testimony from Flynn" at the Kian trial in July, prosecutor James Gillis said in court, making clear that Flynn is still cooperating under the plea deal he agreed to in the Mueller investigation. Previously, court filings revealed that he started helping with the Kian prosecution in mid-2018, which helped to earn him a glowing sentencing recommendation for little to no jail time from Mueller's team.

Flynn asked to delay his sentencing before a federal judge in Washington last December after the judge still balked at his crime of lying to the FBI. Lawyers involved in the case told the court Flynn may be able to show the judge later this year how helpful he will be to the prosecutors in the case against Kian.

Kian, an Iranian-American lobbyist who also goes by Bijan Rafiekian, was charged with conspiracy for working for Turkey to influence American politicians. He did this, allegedly, while he and Flynn co-owned the Flynn Intel Group and relied on the company for financial transfers in the scheme. He pleaded not guilty, and the trial is set for July.

Another conspirator, Kamil Alptekin, who also uses the first name Ekim and lives in Turkey, was charged and has not entered a plea in federal court. He too had attorneys at the hearing on Thursday.

Flynn was not charged in the case, but admitted to making false statements on federal lobbying disclosures about the work for Turkey.



Anonymous ID: 3a1b1b June 14, 2019, 8:16 a.m. No.6749008   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>9018


ya right

backup baker

>shill bakers


we'd love to see another baker baker faggot


this current baker seems like WnB

available bakers to prob maybe take needed handoff

B2K, RGB, me (not me, cant bake)

SJB has been in the past during these times


thats it,

so if you want to bake fucking bake

there's not a group of shill bakers, there's a group of bakers and we need help


your other post with potus triggered is a tell of who you are

hopefully you bake

we need the help

Anonymous ID: 3a1b1b June 14, 2019, 8:26 a.m. No.6749075   🗄️.is 🔗kun


note "backup baker" is prob full of shit

i wouldnt wait


likely the usuals will have to take it because no one else ever bakes


i wouldnt wait around personally

let the anons put on the big boy pants