Anonymous ID: b84df9 June 14, 2019, 5:44 a.m. No.6748339   🗄️.is 🔗kun



Great dig on NRA. Hasn't been posted.


"It wasn’t until 1871 that the Second Amendment met its first true domestic enemy…the National Rifle Association."


“The National Rifle Association has been in support of workable, enforceable gun control legislation since its very inception in 1871.”


— NRA Executive Vice President Franklin L. Orth

NRA’s The American Rifleman magazine, March 1968, P. 22


"Franklin Orth, the CEO of the NRA at the time, admitted that since its inception, the organization had been finding ways to incrementally destroy the Second Amendment using unconstitutional legislation. This was a hard pill to swallow as I grew up believing the NRA was committed to gun rights.


The first sellout of gun owners began in the early 1920’s with the US Revolver Association (let’s call it the NRA²). The NRA² was a subsidiary of the National Rifle Association dedicated to handguntraining.


Like Orth, the USRA had an issue with the Second Amendment. The NRA² was very busy from about 1918 and into the late 1920’s crafting ways to infringe in the manner in which arms were born by Americans. The NRA² led many efforts in several states to require concealed weapon licensing, a new idea in America at the time.


Or was it a business model?"


"Have you ever asked yourself why the NRA pushes so hard for concealed carry permits? I’m not talking reciprocity, I am talking about why they want Americans to obtain government permission to exercise a constitutional right?


The NRA established itself as a training business, and most industries use the power of lobbying, pulling the levers of government for some sort of financial gain for themselves, at the expense of We The People.


In most states, to obtain a carry license you have to attend a training class in order to get a concealed carry permit. Good idea, right?


In my research, I found that most states, by law, only accept training classes conducted by certified NRA instructors. You would think military, police, gunsmiths, and others highly skilled in the use of firearms could conduct a state-recognized course and train people to carry a gun. Nope. In most states, only NRA certified instructors can administer the training gun owners are required to have in order to carry a concealed firearm."


Much moar history at the link:


https: //