KEK Q Is older than Pizza gate.. this is bigger than you can see.
HEY EVERYONE this anon has all the answers we better listen up.
If there is something you think is not true show evidence. Rebut it but your blanket bleeting about this is a cult, confirmation bias wa wa wa… it just smacks of projection tbh.
The thing is no one here is pushing it down your throat if you dont want to listen turn it off close the browser and go about your day.. Why waste your time here trying to bait people.
Why does it matter to you how I or anyone else, sees how things are playing out. The audacity to think you can come here and make demands like a child banging on their door to be let out to play.. like what the fuck why imprison your self like that??? its silly and people see it as that, your a joke here.
waa waaa waaaaa Nothing you say has any effect. We see the truth unfolding live on TV. Russia was a lie all along just like we all already knew.
WTF do you want evidence of precisely? No claims have been made you just keep saying its cult its lies, what is specificity is your problem?
Still nothing to say though what do you want to know?
you haven't asked anything just make assertions that your massive amount of grey matter is superior to ours because you know .. what do you know that everyone is missing?