can they just ask for the money instead?
or does it mean 'follow the false path to the fakeness and have it reveal it self as such, and the be shamed into doing the right thing finally'.
or they already did this and can already verify so shut up Adam Shiffty.
you're the only one here who comes to the party riding a blind anime horse and dressed like a stage show drag queen call girl, a hoofer from a midnight casino rave spectacular rodeo dance clown operatic aria fame-cast at 3 A.M. (in a thunderous gale)
you all think you aren't under constant review.
even if you have no eyes, you still are not too blind to meme?
people who wrap things and then resell them claiming title to everything for 1000, Alex.
oh . . . it's the daily double.
headline five years from now:
police union lawyers sue for payout from facecancer caused by 'recognition' goggles for survivors and victims families
gee, I really hope that doesn't happen, but it does seem like a bad place to put high frequency snooping gear.
Officers: please don't put yourself at risk by using that kind of a device.
hey, saddle-tan, you aren't supposed to eat the whole bag of mushrooms at once, idiot!
When it wears off you won't have a saddle-tan anymore.
I see something funny in this with just a little bit of work but . . .
being directed to not use him for memeing, I just can't do it.
but there has to be a joke in it:
Angela staring in MEME
you are smart enough to come here.
we don't want to insult you by blatting on about stuff that you can decide for yourself.
think for yourself.
people get a sense of who to trust.
People asking dumb questions here, they get met with scorn. This is a war zone.
we try to make it fun, but it's often brutal.
we aren't here as part of a press corp to answer you nascent questions. If you have any real issues, if someone were doxing or threatening you, you'd be surprised how quickly eveyrone would be friendly to you, wanting for your safety, meanwhile calling your a fag and other mean mean things (oh boo hoo).
If you watch a fight video of training Marines you might get an idea of some of the personalities that often come through here.
other than that you're just spitting into a fan. With 13 posts you are now talking about yourself, anon.
what kind of evidence are you looking for? or are you just badgering the other anon, anon? Anon, now that you are one of us, try to be nice to us because some of these cats can be bitches and knarly if you're mean to them.
It's all done through the chan, so no physical anything. It will just be your psyche that suffers for a while until you get over yourself.
do you really have a question?