Now that Gen Flynn has hired Sidney Powell, anyone remember her article published on the Ides of March, 2019 … about snake Andrew Weissmann
POWELL: Andrew Weissmann — The Kingpin Of Prosecutorial Misconduct — Leaves Mueller’s Squad
9:00 AM 03/15/2019 | Opinion
Sidney Powell | Former Federal Prosecutor
Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s “pit bull” Andrew Weissmann is leaving the squad — a sure sign the “witch-hunt” is over — but there’s likely more to come.
Weissmann has a pattern of wrecking lives with his prosecutorial terrorist tactics, then slinking away when someone catches on to his tactics and before the reversals start rolling in. Now, President Trump has his first real attorney general who likely would not allow Weissmann’s abuses, and thanks to the good work of two lawyers — Margot Cleveland and “Techno_Fog” — a Houston court has finally unsealed old evidence proving Weissmann’s egregious threats against witnesses. The disclosure this week of Bruce Ohr’s testimony also implicates Weissmann in a world of problems.
Mueller wouldn’t want to sully his hands or perhaps even know how to run a prosecution as nasty as his has been without Weissmann to do the dirty work for him.
It takes a special someone to order a military-style pre-dawn assault against 69-year-old Paul Manafort in his home and have his wife searched at gun point while in her nightgown in their bed — all over a tax violation. There were predawn home raids of all the Hollywood celebrities, lawyers, corporate executives, and elites over their significant frauds, tax issues, lies and cheating, right?
And not just anyone would order the similarly dramatic, heavily-armed raid of 66-year-old Roger Stone — especially during a government shutdown when resources were scarce. Stone not only had counsel but certainly would have turned himself in to authorities. He had appeared many times. But hey, those 29 federal agents, 17 vehicles, a helicopter, a boat, and frogmen were all required — with CNN pre-positioned on site — because Stone was obviously dangerous. In fact, Stone’s so dangerous, the judge immediately released him on his own recognizance.
Weissmann’s modus operandi is to terrorize and humiliate his targets. That’s why Mueller brought him on the squad. If that’s what one thinks a federal prosecutor is supposed to be, then Weissmann is your man.
And he is obviously Mueller’s, as “Bob” has been protecting and promoting him for at least 20 years, despite the misconduct documented heavily in other Enron cases, my book, and in the grievance we filed with the New York Bar — which was swept under the rug by the DOJ’s “Office of Professional Responsibility” — while Weissmann was Mueller’s general counsel at the FBI.
While we don’t doubt that Weissmann has had some valid convictions and done some good work, we take serious issue with the irreparable damage his abusive, corrupt, unethical, and dishonest tactics have done to countless people over the last two decades.
The NPR article extolling his virtues and “effectiveness” notably quotes — without context — two of his most prominent co-conspirators in infamous abuses of law. Leslie Caldwell was the head of the Enron Task Force, who with Weissmann brought the bogus indictment against the venerable accounting firm Arthur Andersen LLP.