my thoughts all along that pelosi, feinstein, schiff, etc., are all receiving huge kickbacks fr the cartels to keep border open and free flowing
and all ties back to eric holder, obummer, fast & furious
all the weapons holder and obummer supplied the cartels with
wonder how many have been murdered with those guns
she got away with so many crimes for so many years
she has blackmail info on almost everyone who could and might prosecute and punish her, President Trump one big exception to this
the ones she cannot blackmail she has suicided
unfortuantely, it is a monumental task to bring someone like hillary to justice, and she and the cabal/deep state know this
that all said, agree that if she allowed to walk scott-free, then that will prove there is no justice in the United States, and as such, the country and it's original values loses all meaning