Maybe I was not being very clear in my posting of the Dale Jr. pics. The point I was trying to make is that he posted 3 pics of a #17 car this morning. Also this morning, we have had quite a few angry posters telling us how wrong we are to still be here. I was merely postulating that maybe Dale Jr. pissed off some of his lefty fans, not that he would have that many, and they showed up here torches and pitchforks. Was not trying to make a red neck joke and sorry if it was taken in that vein. I'm a fan of Dale Jr. and his father. Also proud to be at least part redneck myself. And before you ask. Yes, I feel better now.
The color scheme of the plane that was NOT destroyed.
Do they still have to watch commercials?
Still out there flying around to this day. Owned by SKYDOGS LLC
I'm sorry to nit pick. Bit of an Av Geek here. There are called wheel pants.
kek, point taken fren
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