All of us are in prison you stupid fuck
The goal is to be happy even in this shithole to spite the overlords
All of us are in prison you stupid fuck
The goal is to be happy even in this shithole to spite the overlords
Lol at all the fake arguments trying to,make it look like more than 100 people a day come here
B is less dead than this
Not b2
Take away the bots theres nobody here
Tfw the mossad actually took my suggestion and upgraded the bots
Because its not a larp
Its a psyop
Thats why msm constantly uses it as a boogeyman
Anyone stupid enough to believe them wont believe the things Q said that were true outside of all the neocon lies
And anyone who will come here will get tracked by Q and will be mk ultrad or worse
You should spend the time you spend mocking me and spying on me picking,which one of your children you want to live
Im not afraid of you