Fuck all 3 of you twats. Enjoy your shill circle-jerk fellas.
You 3 people sound like people with personal guilt in your hearts. What did you do?
I never killed anyone.
I never raped anyone.
I never stole from anyone.
I never tried to get over on anyone for personal gain.
Lots of people never did any one of those things. Only people with personal guilt would try to lump every other human being into THEIR shit and say we ALL don't deserve a better world. People who generalize are mentally missing something very important.
Anons wasting their time wanting and fighting for positive change? Wanting corrupt people brought to justice, so good people can have a better chance at a good life?
Hmmm, wasting timeโฆ So if we're wasting time, what is it exactly that (((You))) are doing? One of you faggots has 20 posts and counting ffs.
Looks to me the only WASTE is (((You))). These hypocritical, low energy, low IQ shills are really dropping the ball today. Getting shit on left and right.
Happy Bday POTUS. ;)
You're a fucking idiot, you know that, right?
You tell me. I'm telling you, your way of thinking causes suspicion.