Anonymous ID: 712143 June 14, 2019, 10:56 a.m. No.6750163   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Only ones who would complain about exposing jewish subversion and supremacy is an establishment stooge.

ADL - Hasbara - CAMERA - JDL - AIPAC - JIDF - MOS - C_A - FBI - NSA - take your pick, there's just so many for (((them))).

Anonymous ID: 712143 June 14, 2019, 11:16 a.m. No.6750321   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515 >>0596 >>0615 >>0627 >>0630



Good place to start.

From March 4, 2019


Republicans seek first-ever convention in Jerusalem ahead of 2020 election

“The proposed conference will present the unshakeable alliance between the U.S. and Israel,” says Marc Zell, chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel.


By Yori Yalon, Israel Hayom via JNS


For the first time, representatives of the Republican Party living outside the United States plan on convening an international conference in Jerusalem.


Marc Zell, an Israeli-American lawyer and the chairman of Republicans Overseas Israel, sent Jerusalem Mayor Moshe Lion a letter saying that, among other things, the conference is expected to focus on diplomatic issues and that organizers intend to invite representatives of the Trump administration.


“This is expected to be the first international conference of its sort, and we can’t think of a better place to hold it than Jerusalem,” Zell wrote in the letter. “The proposed conference will present the unshakeable alliance between the U.S. and Israel.”


Speaking to Israel Hayom, Zell said: “The decision to convene the conference in Jerusalem is a direct continuation of U.S. President Donald Trump’s declaration of recognition of Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and moving the U.S. Embassy to [the city], decisions which were greatly appreciated among millions in the United States.


“The date chosen for the conference, in October of 2019, falls near the onset of the U.S. presidential campaign,” for which elections will be held in 2020.


“We’ve received positive initial indicators. We are very hopeful about holding this conference, but it also depends on other factors,” said Zell.


Zell met earlier this week with Lion and Deputy Mayor Haim Cohen, in which Lion expressed a desire to host the conference in the capital.


The international convention comprises representatives of the Republican Party living in 62 countries outside the United States.


“The city of Jerusalem and I would be honored to host the international Republican convention in Jerusalem, the unified capital of Israel,” said Lion. “The United States is an old and true friend and holding the conference for the first time in history within the borders of the State of Israel is truly good tiding.”

Anonymous ID: 712143 June 14, 2019, 11:36 a.m. No.6750482   🗄️.is 🔗kun


And this is how they play on your feels. Always using the kids so you keep putting them in power to rip us off. Smart.


God, Gas, and Cash: How Texas Fell in Love With Israel — and Then Trampled on the Constitution


June 1 2019, 8:00 a.m.


On the afternoon of April 19, 2018, a group of Texas Republicans received an email confirming their upcoming all-expenses-paid trips to Israel. An orientation packet filled with background on their destination “for reading on the flight,” the message said, was forthcoming.


The May 2018 trip to Israel would not be Texas politicians’ first — Gov. Greg Abbott, for one, flew to Israel on casino magnate Sheldon Adelson’s private jet in 2016.


But it was unique in at least one crucial way: The trip was organized by the American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, according to records obtained by the Center for Media and Democracy and reviewed by The Intercept. The right-wing group of over 2,000 state legislators, lobbyists, and corporate backers writes legislation to be exported to statehouses around the country and has largely focused on issues like “stand your ground” gun laws and voter suppression efforts. By leading a delegation to Israel, ALEC was opening up a new front, demonstrating the extent to which support for Israel has become a central part of the GOP’s policy agenda, especially in Texas.


The delegation, which included eight elected Texas officials, was a reflection of Texas Republicans’ deep ties to Israel: rooted in a combination of economic interests, an Israel-loving evangelical base, and pro-Israel advocates whose campaign contributions have helped the state’s GOP maintain its 16-year governing trifecta. Those ties have grown stronger in recent years, even as Israel lurches to the extremist right, entrenches its military occupation of Palestinian land, and continues to build settlements, considered by most of the world illegal under international law.


As the Trump administration maintains the friendliest U.S. relationship with the Israeli right in history, Texas has become one of the most pro-Israel states in the country. It has forged ties with Israeli settlements and aggressively enforced a law targeting advocates of boycotting Israel. Its exports to Israel last year topped $900 million, and its imports from Israel are valued at $1.5 billion, according to the Texas Economic Development Corporation, making Texas the fourth biggest Israeli trade partner in the U.S. (Florida, however, is now competing with Texas over supporting Israel: The state’s Trump-backed governor, Ron DeSantis, who campaigned on a promise to be America’s most pro-Israel governor, traveled to Israel on a “business development mission” with members of his cabinet in late May and was on hand to applaud the announcement of a student exchange program between Ariel University, an institution located in an Israeli settlement deep in the occupied West Bank, and Florida Atlantic University.)


Won't post complete article - too long, but you get the point now.

Seriously, you all need to wake the fuck up.