Yes BO is a shill, a hired gun, doing just what he was hired to do- shut QR down.
Mission accomplished, go home now.
Q & Q+ do not need anons anymore and there was no nice way of saying it so they got BO & his team to destroy the board by making it a joke so no serious researcher would bother with it any more,
Q is not the original Q, now its some clown that once in awhile throws retweets to the kids too stupid to move on. Dont want to alienate potential voters
If the board was not suppose to be this way, it wouldnt be. Q & Q+ have the power to make it what ever they wanted or even start a new board- they didnt. They just slowly faded away and hope you all will too.
There is nothing left to do, we won midterms, rallys are overflow and 2020 is in the bag, anons are just a burden that they dont want to have to explain a connection to now. Sure you can stay and jump thru BOs hoops, they dont care.
BO and his friends dont fill out Captchas,
only the lil people do- Thats (You) and someday youll get annoyed enough with the purposeful fuckery that you'll leave too just like real anons did.
Thats the PLAN & its working just fine.
Anons are the future & WWG1WGA, but if you arent awake to the fact you are being fucked here, you arent really awake
pic related
New Qs first Post
filled with newbie mistakes
posted at very end of bread, no tripcode, reposted next bread with tripcode after anons pointed it out to him/her
begin spelling mistakes because muh on the move
what a joke, wish it could have stayed top notch here because this is the only hope America has, but when kids who dont care take over, this is what ya get