Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:09 a.m. No.6750266   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Facebook's Secret 'Hate Agent' Formula Leaked By Insider


An internal Facebook document reveals that the social media giant monitors its users' offline behavior as part of how the company determines whether a person should be classified as a "Hate Agent," according to Breitbart's Allum Bokhari who has reviewed the document.


Titled "Hate Agent Policy Review," the document reveals that Facebook employs a series of "signals" which include a person's behavior both on and off the platform. Once determined to be a "hate agent," a person is banned from the platform.


If you praise the wrong individual, interview them, or appear at events alongside them, Facebook may categorize you as a “hate agent.”


Facebook may also categorize you as a hate agent if you self-identify with or advocate for a “Designated Hateful Ideology,” if you associate with a “Designated Hate Entity” (one of the examples cited by Facebook as a “hate entity” includes Islam critic Tommy Robinson), or if you have “tattoos of hate symbols or hate slogans.” (The document cites no examples of these, but the media and “anti-racism” advocacy groups increasingly label innocuous items as “hate symbols,” including a cartoon frog and the “OK” hand sign.)


Facebook will also categorize you as a hate agent for possession of “hate paraphernalia,” although the document provides no examples of what falls into this category. -Breitbart


Facebook may even brand someone a hate agent for "statements made in private but later made public," according to the report.

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:14 a.m. No.6750306   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0412 >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Texas governor signs bill forcing local governments to leave kids' lemonade stands alone


Kids will no longer have to fear having their summertime beverage operations shut down


Texas Gov. Greg Abbott (R) signed a bill into law this week that will allow children to operate lemonade stands in his state without fear of legal repercussions.

Wait…wasn't this always legal?


While lemonade stands may be seen as a staple of an American childhood, it turns out that they violate laws regarding the selling of food or beverages in many states. In 2013, a 10-year-old in Indiana had her stand shut down due to lack of a permit. Last May, two young boys in Colorado had their stand shut down for lack of a permit. In August, a 7-year-old boy had his stand shut down for operating without a permit. And these are just a few examples.


This Texas legislation was inspired by a 2015 incident where two young girls, ages 7 and 8, had tried to use a lemonade stand to raise money to take their dad to a waterpark for Father's Day. Police shut their operation down for violating the law by not having a "peddler's permit." Even when the city agreed to waive their permit fee, the health department said that they could not sell their lemonade without an inspection and another permit.

What happened now?


"Here's a commonsense law," Abbott said in a video on Twitter on Monday. "It allows kids to sell lemonade at lemonade stands. We had to pass it because police shut down a lemonade stand here in Texas. So kids," he said signing the document on his desk and holding up a glass of lemonade. "Cheers."

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:15 a.m. No.6750320   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0331 >>0335 >>0454 >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

College Student Went Undercover to Catch Pedophiles and Nabbed a Decorated Cop


San Francisco, CA — A 20-year-old college student named Ethan is making headlines this week after he used a Snapchat filter to go undercover and ensnare pedophiles trying to lure children. He was successful and his catch was a San Mateo cop.


Ethan — who is not using his last name out of fear that police may retaliate — told authorities he had a female friend who had been molested as a child. This was the apparent impetus behind his undercover scheme to go online and catch the predators.


Ethan used a Shapchat filter called gender-switch to make himself look like a female child and created a fake profile on Tinder under the name “Esther.” A single man messaged him. This man was San Mateo police officer Robert Davies.


“I believe he messaged me, ‘Are you down to have some fun tonight?’ and I decided to take advantage of it,” Ethan said, according to NBC Bay Area.


Ethan then used a different app to text Davies and told the officer that he was underage and asked if that bothered him. According to police, who were given screen shots of the texts, Davies responded he did not care Esther was a child.


“We started texting on there, and it got a lot more explicit,” Ethan said.


Ethan told reporters that he was simply looking to nab any predator he could and had no idea that he was going to catch a decorated cop.


“I was just looking to get someone,” Ethan said. “He just happened to be a cop.”


According to NBC Bay Area, Davies was recently given an award for his excellence in police leadership.


After Ethan exchanged multiple texts with the officer, he then sent all the screen shots into Crime Stoppers. The next week, San Jose police arrested Davies on suspicion of discussing sexual activity with a minor on social media.


The decorated cop has since been placed on paid administrative leave, according to the San Mateo Police Department. San Mateo police Chief Susan Manheimer released a statement about the arrest:


“This alleged conduct, if true, is in no way a reflection of all that we stand for as a Department, and is an affront to the tenets of our department and our profession as a whole. As San Mateo police officers, we have sworn an oath to serve and protect our communities. I can assure you that we remain steadfast to this commitment to serving our community with “Professionalism, Integrity, and Excellence.”


Davies now faces a charge of contacting a minor to commit a felony, police said.


According to Mercury News, Davies isn’t the first San Mateo officer to run afoul of the law in recent years. Noah Winchester, who is no longer employed by the police department, is scheduled to stand trial later this year on charges he sexually assaulted several women while on duty in 2015.

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:17 a.m. No.6750329   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0363 >>0396 >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Human Trafficking Investigation Leads To Four Raids On Businesses


Four Virginia Beach businesses were raided in connection with possible human trafficking Thursday, according to authorities.


One of the locations was a massage parlor that has been open for about seven or eight years, local outlet Wavy reported. People in the area were not surprised to hear of alleged human trafficking at this location, with one woman saying most business owners in the area had an idea something was up.


“Yeah, well I think most of the business owners they had a feeling that something was going on,” said Tiffany, who works near the parlor, according to Wavy. “It was pretty noticeable that there was just gentlemen going in and out. No women of any kind.”


“I mean it’s very apparent, you know, the girls will sometimes walk the gentlemen out as they leave the parking lot, you see only gentlemen going in and out,” Tiffany said. “You never see female. I know across, the business across the sidewalk here, one of her girls tried to go get a massage and they turned her down and told her they don’t. You know ‘we don’t service females.'”


Human trafficking is a world-wide, multi-billion dollar illegal industry and cases have become more frequent in the United States, according to Fortune. There were almost 9,000 cases of human trafficking in the U.S. that were reported in 2017, a 13% increase from 2016, according to the Polaris Project.


“This is not only a dominant issue, it’s an epidemic issue,” said Cindy McCain, chair of the McCain Institute’s Human Trafficking Advisory Council, according to Fortune. “It’s also something that is hiding in plain sight. It’s everywhere—it’s absolutely everywhere.”

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:20 a.m. No.6750349   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Eurocrat Admits There’s ‘Not Really a Court’ to Force UK to Pay £39bn ‘Divorce’ Bill


European Commission finance chief Günther Oettinger has admitted that there is “not really a court” that could force the UK to pay the EU the Brexit ‘divorce bill’.


The admission came after Conservative Party leadership candidate Boris Johnson said last week he would withhold the payment in exchange for a better exit deal from the EU.


Brussels maintains that the sum has already been agreed between its bureaucrats and London, and that the ÂŁ39 billion covers unspent commitments the UK made to the EU and any liabilities to the EU budget as well as covering the 21-month transition period. But the bloc also expects this money to be paid even in the case of a no-deal Brexit where there would be no transition.


While senior figures in Brussels have claimed that withholding the bill would be illegal, the European Commissioner for Budget and Human Resource admitted in comments reported by The Guardian: “If a future government would not be ready or willing to pay then the problem is there’s not really a court to settle the dispute, but we do have some arguments.”


Mr Oettinger then offered a veiled threat that to ensure the “relationship between the UK and the EU has a future” — such as “in terms of imports and exports”, the Galileo satellite programme, and academic partnerships — “we need to settle old debts fairly”.


In response to Mr Johnson’s threat last week, French president Emmanuel Macron claimed that “Not honouring your payment obligations is a failure of international commitments equivalent to a sovereign debt default, whose consequences are well known.”


However, Standard & Poor’s (S&P) does not hold that position, with the international credit rating’s primary analyst for the UK, Aarti Sakhuja, telling Reuters: “Our ratings speak to commercial debt obligations… The UK not paying the 39 billion pound bill would therefore not constitute a sovereign default under our methodology.”


Credit agencies Moody’s and Fitch took a similar position.


British lawyer Martin Howe QC, from the pro-Brexit group Lawyers for Britain, had written in a 2017 paper that the divorce bill is not legally binding, saying: “In law, we will owe no money at all to the EU when account is taken of what we are owed for the return of capital the UK has in the EIB [European Investment Bank].”

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:26 a.m. No.6750390   🗄️.is 🔗kun

Documentation of the crime of the century


On June 14, 2000, the CDC and representatives of the vaccine industry met to deal with a joint problem.


They had just discovered they’d poisoned a generation – and now they had to figure out how to cover their tracks.


Whether they get away with it or not depends on you. Share this film widely.


It is the most important and informative film on mercury poisoning – and this applies to you. NOT just autistic kids.


Mercury poisoning sets people up for diabetes, heart disease, depression and a host of other mental illnesses.


Everything you need to know:


  1. Thimerosal was known to be toxic as far back as the 1930s

  2. It’s an ineffective preservative

  3. Despite these two facts, the CDC used – and continues to use it – in vaccines


We recommend these books as a foundation for educating yourself about health in the 21st Century.




An MD tells the truth: A huge percentage of illnesses come from environmental and food factors…and you can do something about that.


Clean, Green, and Lean


A medical approach to treating the countless illnesses created by 21st century living.


Honest Health


Little-known treatments your doctor probably doesn’t know anything about – written by the daughter of a skeptical doctor.


Books by Sherry Rogers MD


How modern medicine is killing you and what you can do about it.


– Is Your Cardiologist Killing You?


– The Environmental Illness Syndrome


– Tired or Toxic?


– The Cholesterol Hoax

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:28 a.m. No.6750399   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0424 >>0484 >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Mayor Pete: Ban Voter ID Laws


Presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg (D) on Tuesday called for voter ID laws to be banned as part of his plan to “safeguard democracy” for black Americans.


In an op-ed for the Charleston Chronicle, Buttigieg called for a “21st Century Voting Rights Act” becuse “cynicism” about the political “is nowhere more warranted than in the Black community, where systematic efforts are taking away the right to vote.”


“This means banning practices like voter ID laws and ensuring that potentially discriminatory changes to voting laws first be reviewed by the Department of Justice,” Buttigieg wrote. “We are not a true democracy if certain Americans are restricted from voting because one party has decided they would be better off if fewer people vote.”


Buttigieg wrote his op-ed ahead of next week’s BET Black Economic Alliance Forum and called for a “Douglas Plan for Black America” that also includes “reducing sentencing disparities,” bridging the wealth gap between black and white Americans, and encouraging “greater economic security within the Black community.”


“A week from now, our nation will celebrate Juneteenth. It marks the day when enslaved Black people in Texas learned–almost two years after the fact–that the Emancipation Proclamation had rendered them free people. It is a fundamentally American occasion–a celebration of freedom, but also an acknowledgement of freedom delayed. As we observe this day, we must be honest that the hopes stirred almost 160 years ago have still not been fully realized,” Buttigieg said. “Replacing racist policies with neutral ones will not be enough to deliver equality. We must actively work to reverse these harms, which is why I propose that we invest in equity with a plan as bold as the Marshall Plan that rebuilt Europe after World War II. Let’s call it the Douglass Plan for Black America, in honor of Frederick Douglass, who called America to better live up to its promise. Such a plan could help heal the deep wounds of American’s original sin and supercharge economic growth for every American.”


Buttigieg argued that “Black Americans are not yet fully free when Black unemployment is still almost twice the national average, when the average Black eighth grader reads at a level far below their white peers, and when Black mothers are 3-4 times more likely to die from pregnancy-related complications than white women.”


“We lack true freedom when so many schools are almost as segregated as they were before Brown v. Board of Education. And, we cannot have freedom when identical resumes with stereotypically white or Black names lead to wildly different chances of being hired,” he continued. “These persistent inequalities have compounded over hundreds of years. They hold back our economy and corrode the American soul.”


After failed Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams recently indicated that she could enter the 2020 contest if Democrats do not speak about voter suppression “every day,” presidential candidates like Buttigieg have been more vocal about voting issues.


Last week, Buttigieg said Abrams “ought to be governor of Georgia” had it not been for the state’s “racially motivated” laws.


“When racially motivated voter suppression is permitted, when districts are drawn so that politicians get to choose their voters instead of the other way around, when money is allowed to outvote people in this country, we cannot truly say we live in a democracy,” Buttigieg said.

Though Buttigieg has made a concerted effort to reach out to black Americans, he has struggled to gain the support of Democrats of color.


A BlackPAC poll last month of registered black voters across the country found that respondents identified “racism and discrimination” (50%) as the top 2020 issue. In that poll, Buttigieg recieved only 2 percent support from registered black voters. Former Vice President Joe Biden led the Black PAC poll with 45 percent.

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:29 a.m. No.6750414   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Aircraft Parts Maker ASCO Severely Hit by Ransomware


Belgium-based aircraft parts maker ASCO Industries has been severely hit by a ransomware attack that started last week.


Founded in 1954, ASCO has four manufacturing plants in Belgium, the US, Canada and Germany, and it employs 1,500 people. The company’s products are used by most aircraft manufacturers, including Airbus, Boeing and Lockheed Martin. ASCO was taken over last year by US-based Spirit AeroSystems.


According to media reports, ASCO’s machines were infected with an unidentified piece of ransomware on Friday and the company has been having trouble restoring operations.


The incident has reportedly disrupted the company’s ability to supply products to customers and impacted roughly 1,000 employees, which have been placed on temporary leave.


SecurityWeek has reached out to ASCO for clarifications, but the firm has yet to respond. ASCO representatives said the attackers don’t appear to have stolen any information.


“The attack against ASCO has once again highlighted the dangerous power of ransomware. The attack has brought operations to a halt and resulted in over a thousand employees being sent home which will be having a significant impact on the organisation financially,” Andrea Carcano, CPO and co-founder of Nozomi Networks, told SecurityWeek.


“When it comes to ransomware, prevention is always better than cure as, if infected, it is never advisable to pay the ransom as it is not guaranteed that the criminals will honour the agreement and restore systems/data. Organisations should prepare for these types of events and have an incident response plan in place to help limit the damage caused, not only to production but also to customer trust and brand reputation,” Carcano added.


Several important organizations have been hit by ransomware over the past year, including Eurofins Scientific, COSCO, Norsk Hydro, the UK Police Federation, and Aebi Schmidt.

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:31 a.m. No.6750435   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0503 >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Amazon sued over Alexa child recordings in US


Amazon is being sued over its smart assistant's recordings of children.


Two US cases allege the firm lacks consent to create voiceprints that could let it keep track of a youngster's use of Alexa-enabled devices and thus build up a "vast level of detail about the child's life".


Amazon has said it only stores data once a device-owner has given it permission to do so.

And it says parents can delete a child's profile and recordings.


Lawyers involved in the cases are seeking damages for the two plaintiffs involved, as well as others who are being invited to join the class-action lawsuits in nine states where it's claimed Amazon is in breach of privacy laws.

Amazon said in January more than 100 million devices featuring Alexa had been sold worldwide, ranging from its own Echo speakers to third-party products including headphones, fridges and televisions.


"Amazon has a longstanding commitment to preserving the trust of our customers and their families, and we have strict measures and protocols in place to protect their security and privacy," a spokeswoman told the BBC.

How Alexa works


Software on enabled devices listens out for a wake word - which can be set to be Alexa, Amazon or computer. If it is detected, audio captured just prior to the wake word as well as what was said immediately afterwards, is transmitted to Amazon's computer servers for processing.


Because mistakes are sometimes made, recordings can be transmitted when the wake word is not actually used.


The recordings are stored, allowing Amazon to use them to create a model of a user's voice characteristics to help the service learn to adapt to quirks in the different ways different people make requests as well as to provide tailored responses to different users in the home.

Registered users can prevent this happening by withdrawing consent. They also have the option to actively train the system to better recognise their voice by repeating a series of phrases.

Human operators sometimes listen to the clips to tag them in order to help the machine-learning system involved become more accurate.


Users can delete stored utterances via an app or via Amazon's website. In addition, they can ask Alexa to delete the last recording or last day's worth of recordings via a voice command.

Two class action cases are being pursued, one filed in Los Angeles on behalf of an eight-year-old boy and the other in Seattle on behalf of a 10-year-old girl.


The children are said to have used Alexa to tell jokes, play music, recognise movie references, solve maths problems and answer trivia questions.

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:32 a.m. No.6750445   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

Medicaid to Begin Covering Sex Reassignment Surgeries


SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (WEEK) — Gov. J.B. Pritzker has ordered the state’s Medicaid program to begin covering the costs of sex reassignment surgeries for transgender people.


The Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family Services will develop administrative rules to offer coverage to people diagnosed with gender dysphoria to pay for genital and breast-related surgeries.


“Healthcare is a right, not a privilege, and I’m committed to ensuring our LGBTQ community and all Illinoisans have access to that right,” said Pritzker.


“Expanding Medicaid to cover gender affirming surgeries is cost effective, helps avoid long term health consequences, and most importantly is the right thing to do. With continued attacks coming from Washington, this administration will always stand with our transgender community and their right to lead safe and healthy lives.”


The department said paying for the surgeries will help stave off negative health effects, such as depression and suicide. The HFS said 17 states and Washington, D.C. offer coverage for the surgeries without a significant cost increase.


Read more articles about the Transgender Agenda here.


The ACLU of Illinois hailed the decision to cover sex reassignment surgeries.


“We welcome Governor Pritzker’s announcement that Illinois will cover gender affirming surgery under its Medicaid program. This is a crucial step to respond to the health care needs of all Illinois residents, including those who are transgender,” said John Knight, LGBTQ and HIV Advocacy Director for the ACLU of Illinois.


“By putting an end to this outdated exclusion on gender affirming surgery, Illinois now joins a long and growing list of states providing coverage for this critical, life-saving health care. We applaud the Governor for making this important step forward.”


The rule is likely to go into effect this summer.

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:34 a.m. No.6750462   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0533 >>0541 >>0610

550 Palestinians to be homeless after Israel demolishes entire Jerusalem neighbourhood


Israeli authorities are pressing ahead with plans to demolish an entire Palestinian neighbourhood in occupied East Jerusalem, human rights NGO B’Tselem reported, which will leave 550 homeless.


Wadi Yasul, located between the neighbourhoods of Abu Tur and Silwan, is home to 72 Palestinian families.


According to B’Tselem, the Jerusalem Municipality has “issued demolition orders for all the neighbourhood homes so all the families there are facing the threat of expulsion.”


In late April, “the city already demolished two of the orders and displaced two of the families.”


The NGO noted that Wadi Yasul built “is adjacent to a forest, also located on privately owned land that was expropriated from its Palestinian owners in 1970.”


In 1977, Israeli occupation authorities “zoned the forest and the area where Wadi Yasul was later established as a green space, where construction is prohibited,” B’Tselem added.


In 2004, the neighbourhood’s residents submitted a detailed plan for retroactive authorisation of their homes, but four years later, Israeli authorities rejected the plan.


However, at the same time, the Jerusalem municipality gave its approval to settler organisation El-Ad “to move forward with plans for group campgrounds, including building the longest recreational zipline in Israel”.


Summarising the context for the fate awaiting Wadi Yasul, B’Tselem stated that “ever since 1967, planning policy in Jerusalem has been geared toward establishing and maintaining a Jewish demographic majority in the city.”


“Under this policy, it is nearly impossible to obtain a building permit in Palestinian neighbourhoods,” B’Tselem continued. “The outline plans the city has prepared for these neighbourhoods are largely aimed at restricting and limiting building opportunities in Palestinian neighbourhoods.”

Anonymous ID: fa8434 June 14, 2019, 11:39 a.m. No.6750497   🗄️.is 🔗kun   >>0515 >>0596 >>0615

What Crops Are Sprayed with Glyphosate? Over 70 of Them To Be Exact


Ever since Dewayne Johnson won a landmark lawsuit against agricultural giant, Monsanto (now Bayer), people have been scrambling to find ways of avoiding the popular weedkiller, Roundup.


While this is a little easier said than done, finding out what crops are sprayed with glyphosate can be useful when deciding what foods should be bought organic. And while organic produce is still minimally tainted, it is still better than purchasing the conventional counterparts.


Glyphosate and Disease


Glyphosate, the main ingredient in Monsanto’s Roundup herbicide, is one of the world’s most popular weed killer. It isn’t only found in Roundup, though. It is registered to be used in hundreds of other products, including household products as well as non-Roundup herbicides.


Glyphosate was listed by the World Health Organization as “probably carcinogenic to humans” in 2015 (1). When the statement was released, Monsanto backfired and discredited cancer scientists by relying on partners like CropLife International, International Food Information Council, Sense about Science, and others to protect the reputation of Roundup (2).


Other studies have found links between Roundup and various health problems and diseases like Parkinson’s, infertility and cancers (3). The peer-reviewed study, authored by Stephanie Seneff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Anthony Samsel, a retired science consultant, found that glyphosate residues disrupt normal body functions and induce disease.


“Negative impact on the body is insidious and manifests slowly over time as inflammation damages cellular systems throughout the body,” the study said (4). Seneff further stated that they “have hit upon something very important that needs to be taken seriously and further investigated.”


While glyphosate doesn’t kill you on the spot, it’s the accumulative effects that matter. It isn’t until glyphosate starts building up in the body over months and years, when symptoms start to arise.


Over time, glyphosate slowly damages our delicate gut flora, leading to chronic diseases rooted in gut dysfunction. When the delicate lining of our gut gets damaged, it makes it more difficult to absorb vitamins and minerals from our food (5).


Another study published in JAMA tracked people over the age of 50 in Southern California from 1993-1996 to 2014-2016. Urine samples were collected over the time period to measure levels of glyphosate and its metabolite aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA). They found that the percentage of people who tested positive for glyphosate increased over 500% in that time period. Glyphosate usage also increased by 1208% during this time period, making it very unlikely that this was just a coincidence (6).